River Ridge Knights Football
Rising 6th 7th 8th
Website - www.riverridgejrknights.com
Email - / Date: / / / /
Please check appropriate box(s): 6th 7th 8th
Official Use OnlySpring pmnt / Fall pmnt / Equipment deposit check number
IMPORTANT: Please attach a copy of the player’s birth certificate if not on file. *** Physicals required for Fall Season
Last Name / First Name / Birth Date / Weight / Fall School / Fall Grade/ /
Address / City / Zip Code
Parent/Guardian First and Last Name / Relationship
Home Phone / Work Phone / Cell
( ) - / ( ) - / ( ) -
Email Address
Parent/Guardian First and Last Name / Relationship
Home Phone / Work Phone / Cell
( ) - / ( ) - / ( ) -
Email Address
We use Email for group communications, Please specify the best email to reach you. Messages will consist of practice changes, game information and other information. Parent certifies that participant lives in the River Ridge High School District.
PAYMENT INFORMATION: Football Registration: $350 (Spring registration is $150 and this payment is credited towards Fall registration. Fall registration is $350 for all players who did not participate in Spring.)
Summer Camp: $100 (Summer Camp price is discounted to $75 if paid online with registration.)
Equipment and Volunteer Deposit Fee: Deposit: $300 (separate check required)
PAYMENT OPTIONS: Spring Registration Only: $150 Full Registration: $350
Spring Registration Only & Camp: $225 Full Registration & Camp: $425
Parent / Guardian Code of Conduct, Liability Release and Medical Release: See Back of Form
Refunds:No Refunds. All participants who request, in writing, a refund of their registration fee prior to the first practice for their team, and return all issued equipment, will receive a full refund less $50.00 for handling costs. After the start of the first practice there will be no refunds. All refunds are contingent upon the return, in good condition, of all equipment. Refunds will be mailed no less than 3 weeks after the request for a refund has been received.
Equipment and Volunteer Deposit: Each participant will provide a separate check payable to RRTC in the amount of $300 for the Equipment and Volunteer Deposit. This check will be held by RRTC and returned to the participant when all equipment is turned in at the end of the season and all volunteer hours are met. In the event equipment is damaged beyond normal wear and tear, equipment is not returned or volunteer hours are incomplete, the check will be cashed by RRTC. Remaining funds, if any after appropriate deductions are made from the deposit, will be mailed to the participant within 3 weeks.
Football Equipment: Each player will be given a mouthpiece that is not to be returned. Players should provide their own shoes, which should be all-purpose football/soccer shoes with molded sole rubber cleats. Metal cleats are not permitted. Each player is expected to clean the equipment on a regular basis and return all loaned equipment at the end of the season. Players should notify their coach immediately if any equipment is damaged or lost during the season, so it may be replaced.
Parent/Guardian Involvement: Each Parent or Guardian will be asked to contribute their time to support the football program and their child. Parent/Guardian involvement includes, but is not limited to, fundraisers, field duty, concessions, gate duty, promotion, equipment maintenance and other opportunities as they arise.
Parent/Guardian signature: / Date:THE PARENT/GUARDIAN CODE OF CONDUCT
The support of parents/guardians is essential to the success of any Middle School program. This support, however, should be of the off-field variety in such activities as fund-raising, promotion, equipment maintenance, team sponsorship and other volunteer activities.
RRTC (River Ridge Touchdown Club) and the GMSAA (Georgia Middle School Athletic Assoc) are comprised entirely of volunteers. Coaches, administrators and other volunteers spend hundreds of hours of their time in the off-season as well as during the season to provide a football program for your children.
Well-meaning parents can cause unwarranted problems if they are not familiar with the policies and philosophies of the youth football association. The RRTC has rules concerning the conduct of parents. Below is the code of conduct for RRTC parents/guardians to follow.
1) Parents/guardians should clearly understand that the aim of youth sports is to teach their children teamwork, good sportsmanship, fair play and a love for the sport.
2) Parents/guardians should understand that alcohol and the use of drugs at practices or games are strictly prohibited.
3) Parents/guardians should insist on a safe and healthy environment for their children to practice and compete.
a) Parents must stay in the areas designated by the local association during all practice sessions. Parents (except parent-coaches) are never allowed on the practice field during practice unless authorized by the coaching staff.
b) Parents are not allowed on the sidelines or playing field at the games. All spectators must remain in the stands. Only players, coaches, and appointed association officials may be on the sidelines or track in the front of the stands during the games, unless authorized by the coaching or administration staff.
4) Parents/guardians should encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or other youth sports event.
a) Youth football is not professional football. Parents should cheer hard and loud for their team, but your fan support must be kept in the proper perspective and always in good taste.
b) Unsportsmanlike conduct in the stands during games is prohibited and can result in penalties to the team / head coach on the field as well as possible expulsion from future events.
c) Derogatory statements towards RRTC Coaches, Directors and volunteers will not be tolerated. Any verbal or physical abuse may result in expulsion from all RRTC events at the discretion of the RRTC Board.
d) Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc…) Parents and players agree not to directly or indirectly send, reply with, issue, or post any negative or derogatory statement, opinion or observation regarding the RRTC program. This includes, but is not limited to, any coach, player, official, board member, administrator, or volunteer of the RRTC program, as well as the high school program. Anyone violating this policy is subject to disciplinary action including up to removal from the program. Anyone removed from the program under this policy will not receive a refund.
e) A football game is a highly complex event requiring many different roles. Since RRTC is a volunteer organization, parents/guardians must meet the required number of volunteer hours to provide a successful middle school program.
Parent / Guardian Permission: I, the parent/guardian of the above named participant, give my approval for participation in any and all of the activities of the River Ridge Touchdown Club during the season and acknowledge the risk associated with cheerleading and Football. I assume all risks and hazards, incidental to the conduct of any of the activities, including transportation to and from such activities. I further release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the River Ridge Touchdown Club, its organizers, sponsors, directors, coaches and supervisors, any or all of them, in the case of injury to my child and waive all claims against the organizers, sponsors, directors, coaches and supervisors. I likewise waive, to the extent not covered by liability insurance, any claim against any person transporting my child to and from the activities.
Emergency Medical Authorization:I give the directors or parent in charge permission to seek medical attention for my child in case of an emergency. I grant emergency medical staff members permission to administer immediate treatment to my child should he/she be injured. I understand insurance coverage is a prerequisite for participation as a football player/cheerleader and affirm that my child is so covered. I understand that in the event of a life threatening emergency, my child will be taken to the nearest emergency facility.
Parent / ParentPrint Name: / Print Name:
Signature: / Signature: