IEEE CTS PES Austin ChapComm Meeting 2008 Feb 19 2
Central Texas Section
Chapter Committee
Regular Monthly Meeting
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDot), Austin, Texas
2008 May 13, 11:30 AM – 1 PM
Name: / Organization / Title / PresentStacy Smith, P.E. / IEEE / Chair / Yes
Rheuben Hair / IEEE / Vice Chair / Yes
Stan Friend / IEEE / Secretary / No
Bobby Speer / IEEE / Treasurer / No
Catalina Martinez, E.I.T. / IEEE / Webmaster / No
Don Drumtra / IEEE / Member at Large / Yes
Ron Brown, P. E. / IEEE / Past Chair / No
Steve L. Kanetzky, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / No
Roy Matthews, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / Yes
Walter May, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / Yes
James Mercier, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / No
Mike Noth, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / Yes
If this differs from your understanding, please notify Stacy Smith.
Agenda Item and Completed Action / Action before Next Meeting1. NEC Code Class Results
Bobby, Stan, Mike, and Stacy worked with Hill Country, IBEW, and Grayboy to make final payments.
Bobby worked with the CTS Treasurer, Kenny Rice to update CTS accounts and draft the financial results of the event. Preliminary figures indicate a profit to the section of around $1100. / Bobby to finalize the financial report and send to ChapComm members before the next meeting.
2. 2008 General Meeting Schedule
Stacy has tentative and confirmed programs lined up through January 2009. / Stacy to finalize the 2008 meeting information and forward to Catalina to post on Website schedules.
Stacy to provide speaker topic and bio information on remaining 2008 and 2009 confirmed speakers to Catalina for the announcements and home page.
Agenda Item and Completed Action / Action Before Next Meeting
3. Website
/ Catalina to post a photo of and herself and update other pages of the Website. Don to provide help.
4. Future education events
ChapComm Members began consideration of having an education program each year perhaps in April or early May. / Mike and Stacy to explore education program possibilities for 2009 or 2010 before the next NEC update class in 2011.
5. Local cash box
Bobby received an email form Kenny offering to help us set up an official petty cash box of $200 or less with PES Austin ChapComm and CTS ExComm approval. The ChapComm approved the concept. / Stacy and Bobby to work with Kenny to get CTS ExComm approval and necessary accounting procedures in place.
6. Attendance at the PES general meeting.
The ChapComm approved Rheuben to represent the Chapter at the next PES in Pittsburgh, 20-24 November 2008. / Bobby to work with Kenny in identifying funds and paperwork needed to support the trip.
7. Name tags
Don provided all ChapComm members a copy of the new menu to facilitate identifying meals on nametags. / Stan to develop a way to identify the meal selected on the face of the nametag.
James to print a large menu for the meeting entrance poster.
Catalina to post the new menu on the Website.
8. Next meetings
The next regular meeting is scheduled for June and the second Tuesday of each month at TxDot for the rest of 2008 unless the chapter membership is notified otherwise.
Recorded by Don Drumtra