INSTRUCTOR: Gary Bergstrom
PHONE: 776-7421
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to provide extensive study and practice of basic reading skills including vocabulary development, comprehension improvement, fluency and critical thinking. Credit/no credit grading option is available.
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of main idea, details, relationships between ideas, and patterns of organization in reading and writing.
2. Demonstrate an improved level of vocabulary development.
3. Demonstrate an ability to think critically about what she reads.
4. Demonstrate an improved level of oral reading fluency (which should translate into better silent reading fluency).
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Available at the bookstore.
· Handout Packet – Just ask for Bergstrom’s Reading 50 Handout packet
LAB REQUIREMENT: There is a lab requirement for this course. Students will receive points based upon how well they complete specific assignments in the “Skills Tutor” and the “Read On” programs. You will not receive points for the following:
· Doing homework in the lab.
· Working on class assignments in the lab.
· Working on any other program besides “Skills Tutor.”
You will receive points by:
· Completing each of the assignments in Skills Tutor and Read On with a minimum score of 80%.
o Each assignment has multiple parts and different point opportunities. Lab points will equal approximately 1/3 of your total grade.
o Each assignment will have a specific due date. If you miss the due date even by one day, the most you will receive for that assignment is half credit.
o You must complete a form for each lab assignment showing which assignment you have completed. You must have a person who works in the lab verify that you have completed the assignment correctly and stamp the form before you turn it in to the teacher.
NOTE! The Skills Tutor program is available online and can be done from home.
IMPORTANT!! Students who do zero lab hours will automatically fail the course.
ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is crucial to your success in any class. Because of this, the following rules apply: You are allowed two absences for any reason. Upon the 3rd absence, your final grade will drop by one grade. Upon the 4th absence, your final grade will drop by two grades. Upon the 5th absence, you will automatically fail the class. Students who arrive late or leave early may be penalized.
No shows on the second day of class will be dropped unless they contact the teacher.
Their can be exceptions to these rules. For example, if you call to let me know you are late, I will excuse you. If you tell me in advance you must leave early, I will excuse you. Absences may be excused depending on the circumstances. Work is not considered an excuse for missing class.
LATE WORK: Late work will lose one grade for each day it is turned in late.
STUDENT CONDUCT STANDARDS: When a student enters College of the Desert, it is assumed that the student will act in an honest, responsible, and mature manner. The penalties for student misconduct can be severe and may include removal from class, failure of the class, suspension or expulsion of a student. (See pp. 39-40 of the college catalogue for complete listing of misbehaviors and consequences.) Note: Do not share or work together on any assignments unless specifically told to do so.
Cell phones must be turned off in class. Using cell phones during exams is grounds for expulsion from the class and disciplinary action by the school.
FINAL GRADE: Your final grade will be determined by the total points earned from class and lab assignments. It will be based on a straight 90, 80, 70, 60 percent basis.
TESTS: Tests will occur approximately once every two weeks. There is no midterm. There will be a final. Students who miss the final automatically will fail the class.
READ-ALOUDS: In order to build your fluency and confidence in reading, you will do five read-alouds in private, by appointment with the instructor. You will be assigned the article to read aloud in advance. You will also pronounce 25 words from articles in the book at each read aloud. You will be graded on correct pronunciation, intonation, and the fluency of your reading. A tape is available of all read-alouds and vocabulary.
EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit is a privilege, not a right. If it is offered, it will be offered to the whole class. Do not ask the instructor if you may do extra credit.
REWARD: Students with “A’s” on the last week before finals may skip the final.
The instructor reserves the right to change the terms of this syllabus if necessary.