Guidelines for Bay District Progress-monitoring Writing Assessment 2.2 November 10th-21st, 2014

The following are guidelines concerning the second of three district progress-monitoring writing assessments for the 2014-15 school year.

  • Each school will schedule the writing assessment and scoring during the November 10th-21st time window.
  • Texts and tasks will be distributed to schools through the courier. Student copies of texts and directions will be provided at all grades. Please notify Tracy Rogers or Margo Anderson if your school does not have your materials by November 5th.
  • Score(s) should be whole numbers and identified in the correct box on the student paper.
  • Submit only 5 sample papers per grade level.

Kindergarten - 2nd grade administration and scoring

·  Students receive 30 minutes to complete the task immediately after text is read.

·  Use writing paper that is appropriate to your students. Kindergarten may substitute writing paper for the copy provided. Please record school, student name and formative assessment score (0-4) on the top right corner.

·  Teachers will display and read the directions and text to students. Reread the directions as needed.

·  As students respond, provide encouragement, restate the directions and read words from the text or directions at the request of each student. Illustrations may be added but should only be considered while scoring kindergarten responses.

·  Score writing using the appropriate, attached, formative progress-monitoring scale (0-4 points).

3rd – 5th grade administration and scoring

·  All students read independently. 3rd grade uses 60 minutes; 4th - 5th grade uses 90 minutes in one sitting. In 3rd grade if ALL responses are complete at 45 minutes, the assessment may be stopped.

·  Review directions with students. Time and space limits are addressed on each task.

·  The FSA will be computer-based for grades 5-11; therefore, your school may choose to have students TYPE the progress-monitoring assessments. If you choose this option, the spell-check and grammar check should be disabled on programs/computers used. The length of typed responses is limited only by the time allowed.

·  Score 3rd-5th grade responses using writing rubrics for the Florida Standards Assessments. Each paper will be given three holistic scores, one for each domain on the rubric (Purpose, Focus, and Organization- 0-4 points, Evidence and Elaboration- 0-4 points, and Conventions of Standard English- 0-2 points). Consider grade-appropriate Language Arts Florida Standards while scoring. Finalized rubrics can be found at .

Submission of data and samples for calibration purposes

·  Submit copies of 5 sample papers from each grade level K-5. Sample papers should include examples from a variety of score points. Please identify each sample as A, B, C, D, or E. Submit only 5 samples per grade level.

·  Writing samples and data recorded on the attached form will be picked up from schools on Friday, November 21st before the end of the day or before this time if notified by the school.

·  School-level data recorded on the attached form may also be submitted electronically to Tracy Rogers.

The District scoring team will score sample papers and will provide feedback concerning the calibration of the papers to schools. Schools will receive this information from Tracy Rogers and/or Margo Anderson, Staff Training Specialists for ELA or their literacy coach.

The intent of this progress monitoring is that these writings be used for guiding instruction, providing feedback to students, and possibly for revision and editing of the writing by students.

If you have questions, or if I can be of assistance in any way regarding instructions for this progress monitoring assessment, please contact me or your school’s literacy coach. Tracy Rogers: