Amybeth Gregory

RE 5730

Strategy Name: Repeated Reading

Source (Use APA or MLA style)

Rasinski, T. (2003). The Fluent Reader. New York, NY: Scholastic.

Identify the North Carolina Curriculum Competency Goal(s) that your lesson addresses (you can copy and paste the goals from the NCDPI Website).

1.01 Use word identification strategies appropriately and automatically when encountering unknown words (graphophonic, syntactic, semantic).

1.04 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through:

·  wide reading.

·  word study.

·  knowledge of homophones, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.

·  knowledge of multiple meanings of words.

·  writing process elements.

·  writing as a tool for learning.

·  seminars.

·  book clubs.

·  discussions.

·  examining the author's craft.

1.06 Read independently daily from self-selected materials (consistent with the student's independent reading level) to:

·  increase fluency.

·  build background knowledge.

·  expand vocabulary.

4.04 Share self-selected texts from a variety of genres (e.g., poetry, letters,
narratives, essays, presentations).

Give a thorough description of the strategy as it is described in the original source.

Rasinski uses repeated reading to increase fluency in students. The process involves the teacher choosing a grade-level appropriate passage about 100 words long. The student reads the passage in one minute and charts the words read correctly. This charting goes on until the student reaches a sufficient accuracy/fluency rate and then the passage changes to something slightly more difficult.

Describe in detail how it will be implemented. Attach any necessary materials.

I chose a 3.0 level passage for two of my struggling readers. The passage is one of high interest, about whales (see appendix.) I will have each student read the passage once with no practice. Then I will chart how well they did and allow them time to practice. After practice, I will call them up again and have them read it again. We’ll do this until I feel they are fluent with this passage.

Describe how you implemented the strategy. Did you deviate from your original plan?

I deviated from my plan a little by changing my time constraints, and by reading the passage to the students to help with words they did not know. Other than that, the plan stayed the same.

Both students responded positively to my request for help on a project. The second student however, was extremely nervous and often unable to complete the assignment.

Student 1 started at about 30 words per minute, compared to Student 2’s 6. Obviously student 2 is above his frustration level, and the 3rd grade reading material is too difficult. I will respond to this by changing his reading passage to a lower level.

Assess the effectiveness of the strategy. What would you change if you teach it again?

I am skeptical but intrigued about the effectiveness of this strategy. From the reading, I was led to believe that success would be instant and long –lasting. Both of my students did succeed, but the next day, their fluency rates dropped back to the initial rate. I believe this activity needs to be used as a year long process to increase and stabilize fluency. When I use this again, I will also spend more time with the readers, practicing the passage.