ORIO Project Plan Template
Facility for Infrastructure Development

Version: February 2013


Table of Contents

General Information

1Contact information

2Main Project Details

3Parties involved

3.1Role of the Applicant (Central Government)

3.2Structure and Main Activities of the Competent Authority

3.3Interest of the Competent Authority

3.4Role of the Competent Authority

3.5Knowledge, Experience and Financial Strength of the Competent Authority

3.6Supplier / Contractor Involved in the Project

3.7Knowledge, Experience and Financial Strength of the Supplier / Contractor

3.8Other Parties

4Project Context, Background, Problem Definition, Proposed Solution

4.1Development Policies and General Context of the Country/ Region of the Project

4.2Sector Context

4.3Problem Analysis, Lessons Learned and Solutions


5The Project

5.1Definition of the Project

5.2Objective of the Project

5.3Expected Results of the Project


6Implementation Plan

6.1Project Management in the Implementation Phase

6.2Graphical Presentation of the Project Organisation

6.3Main Components of the Implementation Phase

6.4Planning for the Implementation Phase

6.5Budget of the Implementation Phase

6.6Equipment and Technology

6.7Training in the Implementation Phase

7Operation & Maintenance Plan

7.1Project Management in the Operation and Maintenance Phase

7.2Graphical presentation of the project organisation

7.3Performance Indicators, Activities and Budget of the Operation and Maintenance Phase

7.4Training in the Operation and Maintenance Phase

8Procurement Plan (Implementation and Operation and Maintenance)

8.1Lots, Method and Planning of Procurement

8.2Tender Documents

8.3Qualification and Pre-selection of Bidders

8.4Transparency of Proceedings

8.5Procurement Specialist

9Financial Plan

10Financing plan for the Implementation Phase and Operation and Maintenance Phase

11Development Relevance

11.1Social and Environmental Impact

11.2Economic Returns


11.4Pro-Poor Impact

11.5Relevance for SMEs

12Monitoring and Evaluation


General Information

This Project Plan template concerns an application for a grant for the implementation and O&M phasefunded by ORIO. The Policy Rules for the ORIO Grant Facility, including its definitions and abbreviations, apply to this application.

Where applicable, information given in cursive red writing should be used to complete this ORIO Project Plan as it explains which issues should be addressed. Please remove all red writing before submitting the completed Project Plan.

Only fully completed Project Plans will be taken into consideration. The full plan must be submitted in Englishand must contain:

  • Onehard copy of the Project Plan, including the following appendices:
  • Map of the project area
  • A bill of quantities of investment costs
  • List of documentation consulted
  • CVs
  • Documents confirming financing from co-financiers (see chapter 10)
  • An electronic copy of:

1. the Project Plan, including the appendices(in PDF or Word format). The contents of the electronic copy should be the same as the hard copy.

2. the financial plan (chapter 9) and the financing plan (chapter 10) (in Excel, please use the cash flow analysis tool available at

Please submit the electronic documents in Office 2003 format only (.doc and .xls format).

Both documents (max. 5 MB in total) must be delivered either on CD-ROM or sent via e-mail. The name of the Applicant, the Project title and the country for which the plan is submitted must be mentioned clearly.

Delivery address
NL Agency
NL EVD International
Prinses Beatrixlaan 2
2595 ALThe Hague
The Netherlands

1Contact Information

Please supply the contact details for all parties involved in the drafting of the project plan. If these parties are already known to ORIO and the contact person has not changed, the contact details are not required.

Name of the organisation
Visiting address
Postal code and city
P.O. Box
Postal code and city
Name of contact person / Mr
Job title
Telephone number
E-mail address

2Main Project Details

Project title
Project objective
Project region and country
Sector(please delete the sectors that are not applicable) / Water/ Environment/ Energy/ Transport/ Communication/ Social Services/ Civil Works
Project duration for the Implementation Phase (in months)
Project duration for the Operation & Maintenance Phase (in years)
Total project costs (EUR)* / Eligible costs (EUR)** / Grant %*** / Grant amount (EUR)
Development phase
Implementation phase
Operation and Maintenance phase
Total (EUR):

*Include all the project costs (up to year 10 of the Operation and Maintenance Phase).

** In case you do not apply for a grant for the Operation and Maintenance Phase you can fill in "Not Applicable" (or NA) in the column eligible costs in the respective row. For a list of eligible costs please go to (Publications page, application related documents).

**You can find the grant percentage per country on the country pages of the ORIO website. To calculate the grant amount take the grant percentage over the eligible costs per phase.

Project documents / List of available documents about the project
Major changes / Summarise major project changes when compared to the project application for the development phase.

Parties Involved

3.1Role of the Applicant (Central Government)

Describe the role and involvement of the Applicant in the project in the Implementation phase and the Operation & Maintenance phase separately.

Is the Applicant actively involved in the project? At which stage(s) must the Applicant give approval?

3.2Structure and Main Activities of the Competent Authority[1]

Describe the Competent Authority here. Please answer the following questions:


  • What are themain activities of the Competent Authority?
  • To which government body does the Competent Authority belong? Who hasultimate control?
  • If the Competent Authority is a government company or a special purpose company, who are the shareholders and what are their respective shares? Who ultimately has control?
  • Attach a summary of how the organisation is structured and how it fits in the government structure in the case of a government institution;
  • Describe the legal structure of the company involved, what is the legal status?
  • Who are the members of the management team andwhat are their individual responsibilities? Please provide background information on these people.
  • If in place, please describe the members of the Board of Directors and their individual responsibilities and please provide background information on these people.
  • Please include an overview of the organisational structure.
  • Please describe the experiences and capacity of the competent authority to execute the project (investment, production, purchase, marketing, personnel etc).
  • Please describe the financial management capability of the competent authority.

  • Interest of the Competent Authority[2]

Describe the Competent Authority’s strategic interest in participating in the project. Also explain how the project fits in with the Competent Authority’s current core activities and strategic objectives.

3.4Role of the competent authority

Describe the role and involvement of the Competent Authority in the project in the Implementation phase and the Operation & Maintenance phase separately.

3.5Knowledge, Experience and Financial Strength of the Competent Authority

Describe the knowledge, experience and the financial strength that are needed for the project to succeed and the extent to which the Competent Authority has such knowledge, experience and financial strength.

Knowledge and experience

Please elaborate on the following:

  • Experience with and knowledge of similar projects in the past;
  • Experience with similar technology;
  • Experience with working with foreign companies.
  • Project References, refer to appendix II.

Financial strength

Please elaborate on the following:

  • Does the competent authority generate revenues other than from the national budget? Please elaborate.
  • How is fundingobtained from the national budget?
  • Discuss the financial situation of the institution, including a financial ratio analysis.
  • How autonomous is the competent authority with respect to decision making, setting tariffs etc?
  • Technical, management, financial and market knowledge, as well as international experience, are all relevantin this description. If the Competent Authority does not have this knowledge, explain how it plans to acquire it.

Please provide:

  • Annual reports for the past three years.
  • If the above financial information is not available please provide the budgets for the past three years.
  • Guarantees of the applicant to secure financial sustainability of the project (if applicable)

3.6Supplier / Contractor Involved in the Project

For all (potential) suppliers, contractors and consultants mentioned in the project provide:

  • Contact information, including a contact person;

Also please answer the following questions:

  • What is the legal structure of the supplier / contractor and/or consultant?
  • What are its activities? What products/services does it supply?

3.7Knowledge, Experience and Financial Strength of the Supplier / Contractor

The (potential) suppliers / contractors mentioned in the proposal must have the knowledge, experience and financial strength to develop the project successfully. Describe the knowledge, experience and financial strength needed for the project to succeed and the extent to which the Private Initiator and / or consultant has such knowledge, experience and financial strength.

Please elaborate on the following:

  • Experience with similar projects in the past;
  • Experience with similar technology;
  • Experience with working with foreign companies.
  • Project References, refer to appendix II.
  • Technical, management, financial and market knowledge, as well as international experience, are all relevant in this description. If the suppliers / contractors / consultantsdo not have this knowledge, explain how they plan to acquire it.

Please provide:

  • An audited balance sheet / Profit & Loss accounts for the past 3 years;
  • In case of parent - subsidiary relationship, please provide parent guarantee for the financial sustainability of the subsidiary for the duration of the project

In case suppliers / contractors and a consultant are involved in the project, please make clear which party is the main contact.

3.8Other Parties

Please mention any parties that do not fit the previous categories but which will have a substantial role in the project. In case these "Other parties" are subsidiaries give the name of the parent company.

4Project Context, Background, Problem Definition, Proposed Solution

4.1Development Policies andGeneral Context of the Country/Region of the Project

  • Provide a brief description of the political, institutional, economic, environmental and social situation of the country.In your description,include basic, sex disaggregated data (demographic, economic, financial and production statistics)with references to the sources.
  • Describe in detail how the project fits in with the policy objectives of local and central government? If the country has a Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), please describe how the project is consistent with the PRSP.
  • Sector Context
  • If the country has a sector strategy, describe the key features of the sector and the relation between the proposed project andthe Government's sector policies and expenditure plans with current/ongoing initiatives and/or priorities of national ministries and agencies in the sector concerned.
  • Provide information on how the sector has been consulted/involved in the project.
  • Mention the most relevant donors in the project's sector and describe how the donors work together; for example, mention if there is a SWAP, who is the sector lead etc.
  • Provide information on the relation between the proposed project and those of other donors. Elaborate on how this project complements projects of other donors and the synergy between these.
  • Problem Analysis, Lessons Learned and Solutions
  • Describe the key problems in the sector, the causal relationships between these problems, the inter-sector linkages and the relevance of the proposed project to address the problems identified in the sector.
  • Refer to lessons learned from previous similar projects and programmes. Describe past difficulties encountered in project and programme implementation.

  • Stakeholders
  • Describe and quantify the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project and other stakeholders (responsible ministries, implementing partners, SMEs, NGOs, etc).
  • Give an overview of the stakeholders that have been consulted and involved in the development of the project proposal.
  • Describe the stakeholders analysis, including gender aspects as well issues related to institutional resources and capacity and degree of local ownership and absorption capacity.

5The Project

5.1Definition of the Project

  • Define the project conform the OECD consensus as: “the smallest complete productive entity, physically and technically integrated, that fully utilises the proposed investment and captures all financial benefits that can be attributed to the investment.” For example: "the project is defined as the development,construction, equipping and subsequent use and maintenance of a regional hospital in city X, country Y".
  • Take the time horizon into account: although the part of the project that is co-financed by ORIO could be completed within a few years, the project has an economic lifetime that is much longer and the project definition should be based on this time horizon.
  • The project definition should include all elements necessary to ensure that the goods and services produced are delivered to the end-user. For example, a project may be defined as the development and implementation of a new water treatment plant. However, this plant may need an existing water distribution network to deliver water to its end-users. If this is the case - even if a (good quality) network is already in place and is therefore not part of the application itself - the networkshould be included in the project definition.
  • The description of the project costs and revenues under the financial (cash flow) analyses (chapter 9) must be based on this project definition. If there are several productive entities, describe each productive entity as a separate project and describe the coherence between the projects regarding planning and implementation.
  • Finally, give a brief summary of the main project elements and their dimensions in the table below. For example, in case of a water supply project:
  • Water treatment plant with a capacity of xx m3 per day
  • Distribution main (xx km)
  • Distribution network (xx km)
  • XX connections, including xx households, xx public users and xx businesses.
  • Training of staff

Please use the description under bullet3 in this section to determine whether or not the elements are part of the application.

Main Project Elements in Project Definition / Part of ORIO Application
Element 1 / Yes / No
Element 2 / Yes / No
Etc. / Yes / No

Objective of the Project

State the short- and long-term objectives of the project. Describe the project's objectives inthe most Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time-Bound (SMART) possibleway.

5.3Expected Results of the Project

Describe the expected results.

  • What are the expected outputs and outcomes? Who will benefit from these results?
  • Risks

Type of risk / Description / Chance of risk / Impact / Mitigation
Implementation phase
O&M phase

State the risks that may influence the feasibility of the project (technical, financial, organisational, institutional, legal, etc). Use low, medium or high to describe chance of risk and magnitude. Distinguish between risks relating to the implementation and risks relating to operation and maintenance of the project. How will the identified risks be mitigated?

6Implementation Plan

6.1Project Management in the Implementation Phase

Outline the project organisation, the team members (if they have already been identified), their roles and responsibilities and the decision-making structure. Describe the proposed management/coordination and logistics arrangements.

6.2Graphical presentation of the Project Organisation

Include a graphical presentation of the project organisation of this project for the implementation phase. Include all the parties involved (applicant, competent authority, steering committees, Ministry of Finance, etc.).

6.3Main components of the Implementation Phase

Main Components / Type of Investment / Description, including activities involved

Indicate the components required to carry out the project;

  • In the'Main Components' column, please name the component.
  • In the 'Type of Investment' column, please choose between goods, services or works.
  • In the 'Description' column, please give a description of the components (output) needed to complete the Implementation Phasesuccessfully. Indicate the average life cycle of the goods and works. Indicate theinvestments that are needed to achieve eachcomponent.
  • Planning for the Implementation Phase

Provide a detailed time planning for the implementation phase. Include key go/no-go moments such as financing, land acquisition, permits etc.

Budget of the Implementation Phase

Provide two different overviews of the budget of the Implementation Phase:

Main Components / Party/ies responsible / Planned time / Means of Verification / Budget
Component 1
Component 2
Total Budget

In this first table, please indicate per component:

  • the party responsible for delivering the component (Is the (sub) contractor lump sum, turn-key responsible for the construction)
  • the planned time(in days) for delivering the component;
  • the means of verification through which the components can be measured (deliverables);
  • the budget needed to achieve this component.

NB Please note that not all costs are eligible for ORIO. Please refer to page) to see which costs are eligible. NL EVD International may request proof from relevant parties to substantiate items in the budget.

In the second table (next page):

  • give a detailed specification of the project costs for the implementation phase (please fill out the "Cost Estimates Implementation" on the Excel sheet "Cash Flow Analysis Tool Second Appraisal", which can be found at Financial and Project Administration.

Indicate whether the project and the goods and services purchased for it are exempt from all taxes, import duties and levies in the recipient country by the competent authority, the central government and any other authorities that may be involved.


[insert the completed table"Cost Estimates Implementation" from the excel file"Cash Flow Analysis Tool Second Appraisal" here.]


6.6Equipment and technology

Equipment, technical details and compliance to standards

  • Indicate the nature of the equipment investment. Does it involve expansion, replacement or new equipment?
  • What is the average anticipated economic lifetime of the new equipment and (if applicable) of the existing equipment or structures?
  • What production method or technology will be used?
  • Please describe the proposed technology in appropriate detail. E.g. provide specific technical details, specifications, dimensioning, volumes, capacity needed and capacity used, input and guarantees.
  • Describe the standards of the equipment. Comment on international and local standards regarding safety, environment and health.

Choice of technology