@Participants:CHI child 2Target_Child, MOT Mother
@Activities:Session begins with child 2 and mother sitting on floor infamily's play area Village mat is lying on the floor with alarge sack of toys lying nearby. Activities include playwith train, vehicles and roadsigns on playmat
*MOT:look what mummie found today.%act:sets two vehicles on mat
- *CHI:0 .
%act:picks up vehicles
*MOT:one was yours and one was +...%act:looks at vehicles in child’s hand
- *CHI:Christopher .%act:looks down at vehicle in hand
*MOT:that was yours wasn't it ?%act:points to vehicle
- *CHI:yeah .%act:looks down at vehicle
*MOT:yeah .%act:looks in box
- *CHI:one for Christopher .%act:pushes vehicles along mat
*MOT:right what other cars do you want ?%act:looks at box contents
*MOT:&mm, do you want a little one or not ?%act:puts little car on mat
- *CHI:little .%act:pushes little car along mat
*MOT:do you want your Weetabix tanker ?
- *CHI:oh, me saw tanker coming home .
*MOT:you saw one when you were coming home did you ?
- *CHI:yeah .
*MOT:from school ?%act:looks in box
- *CHI:yeah .
*MOT:there you are .%act:sets tanker on village mat
- *CHI:that's a big tanker .%act:pushes tanker along mat
*MOT:and what was your tanker like coming home from school ?
- *CHI:it's green like that .%act:takes vehicle out of box
*MOT:it was green like that was it ?
- *CHI:and a red cab .
*MOT:and a red cab ?
- *CHI:yeah (.) where's the top of it ?%act:takes something out of box
*MOT:that's the top of it .
*MOT:here's some more of your road signs.%act:sets road signs on mat
- *CHI:this one no beep the horn .%com:Colin is reading the road sign
*MOT:no beep the horn .
*MOT:right here's the A_A man coming to mend the cars .%act:pushes A_A vehicle
- *CHI:0 .%act:pushes A_A van
*MOT:okay ?
- *CHI:me [?] up the stairs .%com:stairs = ramp
- *CHI:yes .
- *CHI:oh me mend the railway lines .%act:moves A_A van towards railway
*MOT:he's at the railway lines is he (.) right .
*MOT:okay where's he going ?
- *CHI:mend the points .%act:looks down at railway line
*MOT:mending the points is he ?
*MOT:what's this one ?
- *CHI:a lorry .%act:reaches out to lorry
*MOT:a lorry .
*MOT:right .
- *CHI:oh and a big xxx .%act:plays with lorry
*MOT:okay what else do you want ?
*MOT:the bus ?%act:takes bus out of sack
- *CHI:yeah .%act:picks up bus
*MOT:lotsof people getting on the bus ?%act:looks down at mat
- *CHI:that's the mini bus .
*MOT:oh no it's not a mini bus .
*MOT:whose bus is that like ?
- *CHI:a double decker bus .%act:looks at bus in hand
*MOT:it's a double decker bus yes .
*MOT:and who has double decker bus ?
- *CHI:like Billy's .
*MOT:like Billy's .
*MOT:yes that's right .
- *CHI:Billy's new [?] on my bus .%act:holds bus out towards mother
*MOT:yeah .%act:looks at bus
- *CHI:0 .%act:sets bus on mat behind other vehicles
*MOT:okay ?%act:looks in sack
*CHI:mm .%act:looks excitedly at vehicles on mat
*MOT:right, what else do you want ?
- *CHI:transporter .
- *CHI:this [?] transporter .%act:takes transporter out of sack
*MOT:what have you tied them together for? %com:transporters are joined with string
- *CHI:0 .%act:looks at transporter in mother's hand
*MOT:there you are .%act:sets vehicle on mat
- *CHI:together .%act:holds up vehicle with string attached
*MOT:there .%act:takes vehicle from Colin, fixes it
- *CHI:that's the petrol tanker .%act:picks up tanker
- *CHI:that's the blue tanker .%act:picks up tanker
- *CHI:all dirty springs .%act:holds tanker out to mother
*MOT:I think that red one there belongs to the transporter really
- *CHI:oh that's old [?] .%act:points to another vehicle on mat
*MOT:oh what's this one ?%act:holds up petrol pumps on base
- *CHI:that's a petrol tanker .%act:plays with tanker
%com:ignores mother
*MOT:where's the petrol station ?
- *CHI:there .%act:plays with tanker
*MOT:so do you want that there ?%act:sets pumps close to tanker
- *CHI:yeah on there on the river .%act:looks down at pumps
*MOT:well that look he's got BP, so that means petrol .
*MOT:so all those tanks there are full of petrol .
- *CHI:why ?%act:looks at mother
*MOT:why ?
*MOT:so that they can go to the petrol station over there .
*MOT:have you got enough things out ?%act:looks in box, picks up road sign
- *CHI:no (.) park .%act:takes sign from mother
- *CHI:park .%act:sets sign on mat
*MOT:no .
- *CHI:hospital .
*MOT:parking .
- *CHI:parking .%com:name of the sign
*MOT:what's that one ?%act:sets road sign on floor, close to child
- *CHI:roundabout .%act:picks up sign, sets it on mat
*MOT:roundabout .
*MOT:and that one says .%act:sets road sign on floor
- *CHI:sss there [?] stop .%act:sets sign on mat
*MOT:where's stop .
*MOT:and what's that one ?
*MOT:children crossing the road .%act:holds sign out towards Child
- *CHI:yeah .%act:takes sign from mother
- *CHI:children crossing the (.) there .%act:sets road sign on mat
%com:repeats MOT's word sign name
*MOT:children crossing the road ?
- *CHI:mm .
*MOT:and there's what's that one ?%act:holds up road sign
- *CHI:0 .%act:takes sign from mother
*MOT:no entry .
- *CHI:no entry .%act:picks up road signs from mat
*MOT:near the hospital .
*MOT:isn't it ?
- *CHI:cross [?] give way .
- *CHI:give way .%act:sets road signs on mat
*MOT:have we got another one ?
- *CHI:on the hotel .%act:sets road sign on mat
*MOT:at the hotel .
*MOT:right .
*MOT:where are all these cars going ?
- *CHI:to Manchester .
- *CHI:to toto the to the to mine house .
*MOT:is there none of them going to the station ?
*MOT:do you want some little cars to be parked at the station ?
- *CHI:park at the station .%act:places cars at station
- *CHI:where's the cross+roadsign ?%act:picks up cars and signs
*MOT:all right yes put it there if you want .
- *CHI:that's fifty .
- *CHI:little car at the car park .
- *CHI:and, oh put oil .%act:puts car on mat, picks up oil tanker close to mat
*MOT:there's your green and white one for your green truck .
- *CHI:one two two, two petrol .%act:looks excitedly at petrol tankers
*MOT:there you are where's some oh there you are there's another little car
- *CHI:0 .%act:picks up car, parks it at station
*MOT:any more space left in the car park ?
- *CHI:yeah .%act:looks down at carpark
*MOT:right here you are here's a nice posh one like daddy's .%act:holds up car
- *CHI:0 .%act:takes car from mother
*MOT:are you going to park that one in the station then as well ?
- *CHI:yeah .
- *CHI:and the postman .%act:parks vehicles
*MOT:and the postman .
*MOT:oh is he picking all his letters up from the station ?
- *CHI:yeah .
*MOT:and what, what does he do then ?
- *CHI:oh what's that ?%act:holds up vehicle
*MOT:that's like a Range Rover thing, isn't it ?
- *CHI:Range Rover .%act:sets vehicle on mat
*MOT:that should be at the farm then should it like Uncle Ted's ?
- *CHI:at the farm .%act:moves vehicle to farm
*MOT:right now then you tell me what all these people are doing on this
- *CHI:him .
- *CHI:he's on that .
- *CHI:oh &um, that's a racing car .
- *CHI:oh that's the lollipop .
*MOT:where's the stick gone off the lollipop ?%act:looks in box
- *CHI:me the lollipop man .%act:looks down at mat, then in box
*MOT:you're the lollipop man are you ?%act:takes road sign out of box
- *CHI:yeah .
*MOT:0 .%act:sets road sign on mat
- *CHI:that's road .
*MOT:what's that one ?
- *CHI:road+works .%act:looks at sign in mother's hand
*MOT:we haven't got a school have we ?%act:looks around
- *CHI:oh, &um, this .%act:touches mat close to mother
*MOT:no that's a shop .
*MOT:look at all the fruit outside the shop .
- *CHI:that's the school .%act:points to school on mat
*MOT:we'll have that as a school will we then .%act:points to school
- *CHI:yes that's road [?] .%act:sets something on mat
*MOT:well where's the sign that's got children crossing the road ?
- *CHI:there .%act:points to mat
*MOT:put it there to say children crossing the road from school .
- *CHI:0. %act:moves vehicle
*MOT:what'll happen if they go near the river ?
- *CHI:fall in .
- @End