CFAOC Society Board Meeting
January 24, 2013
Attendees (listed in alphabetical order by last name)
Bruce / Emken / Director (Board member)Dave / Hutchison / Public Relations Chairperson (Board Member)
Fadel / Lawandy / VP/Sponsorship Committee Chairperson (Board Member)
Amy / Jones / Membership Committee Chairperson
Ramin / Modiri / Education Committee Co-Chairperson (Board Member)
Chad / Neault / President (Board member) *
Chad / Noorani / Education Committee Co-Chairperson (Board Member)
Nancy / Novak / Administrative Director
Tina / Schackman / Past President (Board Member)
Todd / Richey / Director (Board member)
Josh / Schwab / Treasurer (Board member) *
David / Young / Director (Board member)
* indicates Foundation Board member
CFAOC Society Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2013
Commencement: The Board meeting commenced at 7:47am at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach, CA.
Attendees: See list attached. It was noted a quorum was present.
Chad Neault opened the meeting and handed out the board packet.
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes from December 13, 2012 meeting
MOTION: David Youngmotioned to approve the consent agenda and it was seconded by Tina Schackman. The motion was unanimously passed.
Reports, Comments, and Discussions:
- Topic: MembershipCommittee Update(Amy Jones)
- 4 new members, 70 prospective new members.
- Welcome message was sent to new members, and lapsed members were emailed according to usual process.
- Society membership disclosure timeline has been set; will be effective starting next CFAI billing cycle. We need to continue to push the value of Society membership. Ideas discussed included: raise non-member rate for events, limit the number of events that can be attended as a non-member.
- ACTION ITEM: MENTOR PROGRAM; we need to update “Volunteer” status. Stella Mao is the only subcommittee volunteer so far. Program to kick-off around April.
- Topic: Education Committee Update
- Networking/Live CFA Review Course kick-off event at UCI will take place 1/25/13.
- University Visits
- Visit to CSU Long Beach planned for March 6, 2013.
- Fadel Lawandy invited Committee to visit Chapman University.
- Access Scholarship Program: New program opens 3/1/13; deadline to apply is 9/15/13, for ALL of 2014.
- CFAI Research Challenge; main event 2/22/13 (main contact Chad Noorani)
- Planning update: Agenda being finalized, Judges will be Ray Goldblatt, Tim Davidson and Bruce Emken.
- Graders will be Tina Schackman, Dhawal Nagpal and Anne Fantuzzi.
- Student reports are due 2/1/13; graders will have 2 weeks to grade.
- Topic: PR & Awareness Committee Update (Dave Hutchison)
- Employer Outreach letter (hand signed by President) and brochure sent to approximately 120 OC public companies.
- Next focus: Ad(s) for Orange County Business Journal.
- Newsletter: working on it. Email from Bhakti Pavani will be going to Board members for input.
- ACTION ITEM: Brochure; send to PIHRA list.
- ACTION ITEM: Employer Outreach Letter; send contact list to Board and see if anyone has inroads with the companies/contacts to solicit feedback.
- Topic: Career Development Committee Update (Tina Schackman)
- “Art of Networking” event:
- Proposed the event and received positive feedback from Board. Anticipate it being an evening event, 1 main sponsor. Working with Michael Schulman.
- David Young: UCI, Paul Merage School has a program; they may be willing to share it with us.
- Topic: Programs Committee Update (Eric Henrickson)
- Feedback about events:
- Discussion ensued about the use of Feedback forms at eventson tables. It was noted this idea was captured at May/June’12 board meetings. The Board wants to enact this process.
- Other methods for soliciting feedback were discussed: 123sign up, survey monkey.
- ACTION ITEM: Nancy Novak to create a feedback form/comment card for distribution at events.
- Board members are encouraged to send an email to Eric for announcements at all events.
- Bruce Emken presented two suggestions and the Board agreed:
- Membership “value proposition” should be reinforced at every event; the President is the preferred voice of this message.
- “Volunteer Spotlight” or “Volunteer of the Month/Quarter/etc” should be recognized at any combination of events/newsletter/email/website. Also, we should give an award at the Annual Member Meeting.
- David Young offered a suggestion and the Board agreed: at each event, pick one committee Chair to speak about their committee.
- Eric Henrickson’s update on events:
- 2/27/13 next event is the “Regulatory Landscape Panel Discussion”.
- 3/14/13 America’s Regional Reception
- Chad Neault proposed an option to the Board and the Board agreed:
- Co-sponsor with CFAI, but we must pay for our participants, $100 per person. Board will commit to 25 members for now.
- We can have 2 sponsor tables/event sponsors and CFAI would keep $2,000 per sponsors. Anything additional could be kept by CFAOC.
- Chad Neault: We will go ahead with 25.
- April Event: Eric Henrickson is planning on a happy hour at Landmark like we held during the fourth quarter ’12.
- May Event: planning on a Real Estate theme and Chad Neault is working on a speaker.
- 6/20/13: Mid Year Forecasting Dinner.
- Other suggestions
- Fadel Lawandy recommended Nobel laureate Vernon Smith is available for a major event; e.g. 6/20/13 Economic Forecast dinner
- ACTION ITEM: Nancy Novak to confirm 6/20 date with The Pacific Club.
- Topic: President’s Update
- CFAOC Nominating Committee update
- will be meeting in the next few months to work on the next Board and Committee constituents. The Committee will be comprised of the President, Past President and Secretary.
- All Board members are encouraged to funnel suggestions/preferences/feedback to any member of the Nominating Committee.
- Chad Neault is working on a “Gap Analysis” to see where help is needed on Board positions or Committee chair positions.
- ACTION ITEM: Thomas Harter put out a call for Volunteers, especially highlighting upcoming Committee opportunities.
- Foundation update: Chad updated on Tony’s behalf regarding the Growth Funding initiative – the Foundation is working to find help other than the current consultant, as they are having difficulty making progress with the current consultant.
- PCR Nominations: Jason Bell is ending his term as our PCR, please think of possible Nominations. Contact Chad Neault with questions, as his is the PCR Nominating Committee Chairperson.
Closing: With no further agenda Items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at9:01am.
See Action Items on followings pages
CFAOC Board Meeting – Action ItemsNote: Foundation items in maroon.
Item / Responsible Party (s) / Target Date / Status
Committee (Individual)
Update on status of sponsors 1) year-long sponsors 2) event-specific sponsors (i.e., table sponsors). / Fadel Lawandy / February Meeting
Two PR items: 1) Employer Outreach Letter; send contact list to Board and see if anyone has inroads with the companies/contacts to solicit feedback 2) Brochure; send to PIHRA list. / David Hutchison / TBD
Detail the Foundation's areas of focus on the CFAOC website. For each initiative show: description of initiative, owner and key dates. Website needs Foundation content regarding RFP, Host-a-Student, key initiatives and public disclosures (ex: scholarship key dates, requirements, types of scholarship, etc.). / Tony Relvas / February Meeting
Develop budget as needed for CFA California and CFAOC advocacy / Todd Richey / TBD
Delegate volunteer to focus on sponsors at our events (ex: table tents, name recognition, and possibly give a few minutes to speak at the event). / Eric Henrickson / February Meeting
Nancy Novak suggested Melanie Hoops to possibly volunteer and be managed by Fadel Lawandy. Such a volunteer can call on potential event sponsors. / Nancy Novak and Fadel Lawandy / February Meeting
A redline version of the by-laws are to be emailed to the Board then ultimately posted to the website. / Chad Neault and Nancy Novak / February Meeting
Ensure there is a process for membership brochure distribution / John Roper / TBD
Programs: update on process for including CE credit worthiness in event invites and post CE info to website to help members understand the CE concept / Eric Henrickson / February Meeting
Inform our members about David Young's and Michael Schulman's publications in CIWM newsletter (website, newsletter and/or email) / Chad Neault / Next Newsletter
Abbreviated RFP presentation at the Forecast Dinner / Tony Relvas / 6/20/13
Master calendar for the Societyusing various Gmail addresses for the Committees. / Nancy Novak / February Meeting
Foundation full-color tri-fold brochure and donation cards on tables during meetings. Quality digital artwork copyrights were purchased for the brochure. / Tony Relvas / TBD
A generic CFAOC Foundation PowerPoint slide to be included (in the rotation) at all Society meetings to help build awareness. / Tony Relvas/Nancy Novak/Eric Henrickson / 2/27/13
Within a day or so a volunteer will summarize each event to include 1) number attended, and 2) a brief summary so it can be updated on the website. / Eric Henrickson / ongoing
Nancy will email absentees regarding action items of Board meetings. / Nancy Novak / ongoing
Nancy Novak to create a feedback form/comment card for distribution at events / Nancy Novak / ongoing
Put out a call for Volunteers, especially highlighting upcoming Committee opportunities / Thomas Harter / February
End of Action Items