Morgan County Commission Meeting

November 21, 2013

Members present:

Commissioner Bradley Close, President

Commissioner Stacy Dugan

Commissioner Robert Ford

Also present:

Kevin Sites; Barb Wolfe; Greg Wolfe; Jazz Clark, Morgan Messenger; Glorious Sagle; Trish Strader, Journal; Zach Caldwell, 911 Director; Dave Michael, OES Director; Kevin Duckwall, Morgan County EMS; Vernon Brinegar, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance; Laura Breeden, Sheriff Tax Office; Laura Smith; Kris Willard; Megan Scott; Charles Willard; Wendy Baracka and Shamus Cleveland representing the Morgan County Partnership; and Jack Soronen

Administrative Items

Dave Michael, Office of Emergency Services- Emergency Performance Grant Agreement- $52,016

Dave Michael, OES Director, approached the Commission and presented a contract to apply for a WV Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Performance Grant. On a Stacy Dugan/Bob Ford motion, the County Commission approves the EMPG grant agreement. President Close voted yea, Commissioner Dugan voted yea and Commissioner Ford voted yea. Motion carried.

Discussion regarding Region 9 appointment

Commissioner Dugan stated that Bill Clark, EDA Director was hired as Region 9 Director, he has resigned from the Region 9 board and there is currently an opening. Commissioner Dugan stated that the Commission has received one application for the vacancy on the board and requested that the Commission move forward and interview the individual. The Commission agreed. The interview will take place during a future Commission meeting.

Re-appointment of Louis Herrell & Joe D. Michael to the Civil Service Commission Board

The County Commission stated that Louis Herrell is represented from the County Commission but Joe D. Michael is represented from the Bar Association. On a Stacy Dugan/Brad Close motion, the County Commission re-appoints Louis Herrell for a two year term. President Close voted yea, Commissioner Dugan voted yea and Commissioner Ford voted present. Motion carried.

The County Commission cannot re-appoint Mr. Michael until they receive a letter of recommendation from the Bar Association.

Application for Exoneration

On a Brad Close/Stacy Dugan motion, the County Commission approved the application for exoneration for Justin Spielman, for a motorhome that was added to his assessment form that does not belong to him. President Close voted yea, Commissioner Dugan voted yea and Commissioner Ford voted yea. Motion carried.

President Close recused himself and left the Commission meeting.


Vernon Brinegar- Blue Cross Blue Shield- Discuss Affortable Healthcare Act

Vernon Brinegar, Blue Cross Blue Shield, approached the Commission to discuss the Affordable Healthcare Act. Mr. Brinegar agreed to come back and have a work session with the Commission at the next Commission meeting regarding the Affortable Healthcare Act.

Kris Willard, Morgan County Partnership- Funds Request- $10,000

Kris Willard, along with Megan Scott, Charles Willard, Wendy Baracka, Angela Lawrence and Shamus Cleveland, representing the Morgan County Partnership, approached the Commission with a funds request in the amount of $10,000 for the Morgan County Partnership. Ms. Willard presented the Commission with a budget handout and reviewed the programs the partnership offers to the community.

The Commission thanked them for the presentation and explained that they will review the funds request in December.

President Close returned to the Commission meeting.

Dave Michael, Office of Emergency Services Director- Discussion on regionalizing 911 Center

President Close stated that there was an article in the newspaper stating the possibility of regionalizing the Morgan County 911 dispatch center with neighboring counties. Commissioner Dugan stated that there is no commitment at this time. Commissioner Ford stated that the article was in the paper without anyone even speaking to the 911 Director first and this topic was discussed back in 1998 and it was voted down immediately. The Commission will speak to a representative from Berkeley County at the next County Commission meeting.

Discussion regarding Office of Emergency Services- Budget & Office Space

Dave Michael, OES Director, approached the Commission to discuss the budget and office space needed to move his office from the 911 Dispatch building to the EMS building. Mr. Michael presented a budget to the Commission and requested funds in the amount of $8000 for a one time start up cost to get the office ready. President Close requested Mr. Michael prepare an itemized list of what is needed with the prices and follow up with the Commission. The Commission agreed.

Action Items

Annexation of Williams Street into the Town of Bath

Attorney Richard Gay approached the Commission with an Order for Publication for the annexation of Williams Street into the Town of Bath. Mr. Gay requested permission from the Commission to sign the order of publication to have a public hearing. On a Bob Ford/Stacy Dugan motion, the County Commission approved the order of publication and set a public hearing for December 19, 2013 at 10:00 am during the County Commission meeting.

Review & Discuss amendments to Ambulance Authority ordinance

Commissioner Ford explained that he and Kevin Duckwall, Morgan County Emergency Medical Services, has reviewed the Ambulance Authority ordinance and there are a few minor language changes needed. Commissioner Ford and Mr. Duckwall agreed to submit the changes to the Commission for their review at the December 5, 2013 County Commission meeting.

Consent Agenda

On a Stacy Dugan/Bob Ford motion, the Count y Commission approves the consent agenda. President Close voted yea, Commissioner Dugan voted yea and Commissioner Ford voted yea. Motion carried.

Administrator’s Report

Jody McClintock, County Administrator, approached the Commission with a request for increase of salary for Randy Poffinberger for assuming the position and additional responsibilities associated with the Animal Control Supervisor. On a Stacy Dugan/Bob Ford motion, the County Commission approved the salary increase request for Animal Control Officer Randy Poffinbeger. President Close voted yea, Commissioner Dugan voted yea and Commissioner Ford voted yea. Motion carried.


Morgan County Commission

Meeting Minutes 11/21/2013