From easy to brisk and short to long, the walks are open to everyone, whatever, age, ability and aims. Is there something to suit you?

Mondays at 10.30am along Riverside Walk. Meeting at the corner of Riverdale Road and Bridgen Road for a brisk 2¼ mile/40 minute walk following a path along River Shuttle, stopping briefly for refreshments at The Oval and then returning with a further 40 minute brisk walk. Predominantly on the flat, can be muddy when wet.

Mondays at 10.30am Around Franks Park, Belvedere. The group meet in Fox House Road (off Erith Road, near the fire station) for a 30/60 minute walk around the park on grass, gravel and trodden mud paths. It can be slippery in the winter and when wet. The walk in a lovely space has a steep incline up and down.

Tuesdays at 9.00am Leaving from Lyndhurst Road Surgery, Barnehurst. Meet by the front entrance at 9.00am. Each week the walk takes in one of four different routes including, Bursted Woods, Marten’s Grove, Russell Park and around the Golf Course. The walk is mainly on the flat and takes 30-40 minutes. Finishing in the Chapel Hall after for tea/coffee and a chat.

Tuesdays at 10.30am Around Bostall Woods. Meet by Bostall Heath Car park /Bowling Green, Longleigh Lane. The walk is through ancient woodland, taking a number of different routes. Walks mainly along gradient woodland trails, lasting 45-60 minutes. Sturdy footwear recommended.

Wednesdays at 10.30am. Walking at a reasonable pace across Cray Meadows for approximately 2¼ miles (taking c50 minutes). Walking boots or welling boots are recommendedin winter and when wet as can be muddy underfoot. Meeting and leaving promptly at 10.30am from near Five Arches, by the Parsonage Lane Bus stop, Leafield Lane/North Cray Road junction. Finishing up at the White Cross for tea/coffee and a chat.

Fridays at 10.30am. Walk around Danson Park. This walk lasts about 30-40 minutes and takes a circular route around the lake. On paths throughout, can be a little muddy in the winter and involvesmild inclines on the route. Leaving from The Stables car park at 10.30am.

Saturdays at 10:00am. Leads from Welling Medical Practice into Danson Park. The walk takes in the English Gardens, Danson House and the lake. The walk is approximately 2 miles and takes 30-40 minutes and is suited to new and experienced walkers alike.

Walk leader training opportunities

This is a one day course which will give you the skills and knowledge to confidently lead walks. A variety of topics are covered over the day, including the health benefits of walking, the role of a Walk Leader and safety issues. The day is fun and interactive and will involve taking part in a group walk. All courses must be pre-booked and we strongly advise that delegates have attended a health walk prior to the training.

For more information on walk leader training opportunities or developing a walk for community groups or health centres please call Sharon Gosal on 07752467158 or email:

Join in and walk your way to health, no need to book, no charge. Everyone welcome.