Minutes of the Malvern Joggers Committee Meeting 2 November 2015

Present Lynda Broadway, Julie Caseley, Steve Roode,Peter Cowling, Jerry Greer, Annie Robson, Carl Flint.

Apologies CharlyLowndes, Denis Holly

Matters arising from the 21 September 2015

Herefordshire X-country league –a change from the last minutes we will be entering the winter events, starting at Croft Castle. Julie will find out about affiliation fee. Julie C to action

Christmas party now organised tickets are on sale soon for the 16th December at the Mount Pleasant Hotel. Club to subsidise members tickets £7 MJ’s and £12 non members. MP Hotel requires a deposit.

Malvern Community Hospital have come back to us for funding a special bed/mattress and have organised a hand over /press release for Monday 30th November at 7pm. Hospital entrance-Joggers welcomein club colours please

Following a decision over the design the Car stickers, they have now been printed and will be given out with next year’s membership.

Steve Roode said he would donate some yellow high-viz jackets for future events such as the Gloucestershire X country race

Julie fed back on a successful Gloucestershire X country race on the 31st of October. Thanks to Julie for organising and the marshals helping out.

Further discussion took place over attempting to keep the unique features of theMJ’s 10k to be held next June.


Meeting with a representative from the Community Sports Partnership.Carl fed back on this brief meeting. The Park Run was raised again and it was communicated that the committee were at a loss as to where it could be held with sufficient car parking. The weekly commitment to organising a Park Run was also felt to be too onerous. The group that runs the Junior Joggers also communicated via Carl that they could not take additional commitments to organise a Junior Park Run.

It was suggested that the club look at running a ‘Couch Run’ for the new-year. But it was stressed that if this was held in the evening the course should be floodlit and none of the run could be organised crossing a public highway. The Committee felt this was unworkable. Steve came up with the idea that we organise our own version of the Couch Run, charge £20 and provide a year’s MJ’s membership this will increase our EA numbers. All thought this was a splendid idea. Steve suggested Megz and Lynda offered to help with organising it for the New Year. Annie also said she would check out how Ledbury Harriers are organising their Couch Run.

The other item discussed at the meeting with the representative from the Community Sports Partnership was one of liability and risk on club nights and MJ events. Carl will update the website with a disclaimer. The committee also agreed to fund more LIRF training places.

Finance. Jerry informed the committee that EA had put up its fees by £1 to £13 for 2016. Given the financial health of the club, it was suggested the club could absorb the cost. The following year if EA continued to increase its fees the club would review the £20 membership.

Christmas Party Raffle. Lynda and Mike are raising funds for St Richards Hospice and asked if the MJ’s party Christmas raffle could be included in their fund raising activity. Members agreed. Lynda said she would this known to folk attending the MJ’s party

Christmas Party nominations were sought by Steve i.e. Joggers Jogger of the year, most improved etc. Pleas email Steve with your nominations

Joggers on Tour. Lynda described that on the 23-24 July there was the Cotswold Relay in Cirencester Park. Teams are being sought to run 9k laps. Camping etc with a cost and entry of £45. See Lynda for more details.

The AGM will be held in February 2016. The usual items will be discussed and votes taken where appropriate, the draft agenda is:-

Minutes of the last AGM, Chairmans Report, Election of Officers, MJ sponsored charity 2016 decision, Accounts, AOB. It has also been proposed the committee is extended to include a Vice Chair. This was agreed and formal notice is given of this intention. As previously postal / email votes will be taken to ensure a quorum.

AOBVLM placesWhen Denis made the clubs application to theVLM he found that the club were now only entitled to just two places. VLM had changed the criteria. The membership required for three places is now 200. The committee agreed to attempt to achieve this in 2016. Discussion arose over whether we should change our original decision (two places for those who had applied in 2015 but never had run the LM and one place for a MJ who has applied and had run it before). The committee felt that the spirit of the club was to encourage new runners and support those entering the marathon for the first time. Thus keeping to the present criteria of the first two places being for new London marathon applicants.It was agreed to review the criteria for the 2017 VLM.

The committee thanked Jerry for his kind hospitality in hosting the meeting.

The next meeting is the AGM ON Wednesday 3 February following the club run at Manor Park Sports Club.