My Anecdotal Record Part III
Writing Record Form
Common Core Standards Assessed: W4, W5, W6, W10, L1, L2, L3, L6
For every piece of writing (paragraphs, essays, literary analysis, lengthy journal reflections, etc.) complete a Writing Record Form. Every 4 to 6 weeks, monitor your writing progress by looking at information in your record.
Writing Record FormDate: / Name/Description of Writing Task: / Purpose for Writing:
Intended Audience: / Amount of Time Spent in Writing: / Estimated Total Number of Words:
Circle the Step(s) of the Writing Process You Used:
Planning, Reviewing, Revising, Editing, Publishing, Trying a New Approach
Rate your ability to effectively use standard English and its conventions in the written piece.
4 = Fantastic/Advanced 3 = Satisfactory/Proficient 2 = Getting There/Progressing 1 = Long way to go/Basic
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
I had proper grammar.
I had proper usage.
I had correct capitalization.
I had correct punctuation.
I had correct spelling.
I used a variety of sentence structures.
I used consistent style and tone throughout the piece.
I accurately used grade-appropriate general vocabulary and domain-specific words.
Explain how you used technology, including the Internet, to produce and/or publish this piece of writing.
Explain how you interacted and collaborated with others to produce and/or publish this piece of writing.
Writing Record Form
Date: / Name/Description of Writing Task: / Purpose for Writing:
Intended Audience: / Amount of Time Spent in Writing: / Estimated Total Number of Words:
Circle the Step(s) of the Writing Process You Used:
Planning, Reviewing, Revising, Editing, Publishing, Trying a New Approach
Rate your ability to effectively use standard English and its conventions in the written piece.
4 = Fantastic/Advanced 3 = Satisfactory/Proficient 2 = Getting There/Progressing 1 = Long way to go/Basic
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
I had proper grammar.
I had proper usage.
I had correct capitalization.
I had correct punctuation.
I had correct spelling.
I used a variety of sentence structures.
I used consistent style and tone throughout the piece.
I accurately used grade-appropriate general vocabulary and domain-specific words.
Explain how you used technology, including the Internet, to produce and/or publish this piece of writing.
Explain how you interacted and collaborated with others to produce and/or publish this piece of writing.