Macbeth Soundtrack Project


Imagine you are in charge of creating the soundtrack for a modern film version of Macbeth. What songs would you choose? Why?

Assemble a 6-song soundtrack for the play. There are no limitations on the types of songs you may want to use, but you will create an album jacket to justify the reasons you selected them. Each song should include a paragraph of justification as to why you chose it. Does it follow one of the play's themes? Does it address a symbol or motif? Does it work particularly well for what is going through the mind of a character? Choose at least three songs that could be used during certain scenes (identify the song and scene). The remainder of the songs may be songs that follow the general theme(s), address a symbol or motif, or otherwise relate to the play in a justifiable way. You will present two songs from your soundtrack to the class. Your presentation will include 1) the lyrics next to each justification (using PowerPoint) and 2) the audio recording for two songs. One song must be scene specific, and one must relate to a symbol, theme, or motif in the play.

If you do not have access to music, you may print out the song lyrics for your album jacket and read the lyrics for songs during your presentation. Please exercise good taste in selecting your songs. If your soundtrack contains a song that is inappropriate for the class, do not play the song during your presentation.


Your project is due by the end of class next Wednesday, 3/25. You will have some time in the lab next week to work on your project, but DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Begin listening and selecting songs today.

TARGET (will count twice as a project grade)

Content – 10

Student included well-justified reasons for including particular songs on his/her soundtrack. He/she makes references to specific scenes, characters, themes and language in the text to support his/her justifications. All of the songs selected have clear connections to Macbeth.

Organization – 5

The justifications are written in paragraph form and are listed in the order of the songs on the soundtrack.

Grammar – 5

The justifications conform to Mr. Ferrebee’s picky writing rules sheet. (HINT: Read your justifications aloud to yourself before turning your project in.)

Presentation – 5

The presentation made clear connections between the play and the two songs on the soundtrack.


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