Overview of Chapters 6-9: Atomic Structure, Periodic Trends, Bonding

AP Chemistry/1213

Chapter 7 Electronic Structure of Atoms


•  EMR Waves: l, n and E relationships

•  Older theories of the atom

•  Basics of Bohr’s theory

•  Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

•  Erwin Schrödinger’s idea about the wave function/probabilities of finding an electron, quantum numbers

•  Use of orbital names – s, p, d, f – in quantum numbers

•  Electron configuration and orbital diagrams, including the application of Aufbau, Hund’s and Pauli’s rules/principles

•  s, p, d, f blocks in the periodic table

•  Anomalous electron configurations

New Material:

•  Use of numbers for quantum numbers

•  The presence of nodes in relation to orbitals

•  Degenerate orbitals vs energy levels in multi-electron atoms

Chapter 7 - Periodic Trends


•  Predict and explain:

•  Periodic trends in atomic radius

•  Trends in ionic radius, especially comparing neutral atom with its respective ion

•  Isoelectronic series

•  Ionization energy – both periodic trends in first ionization energy and successive IEs

New Material:

•  Use effective nuclear charge to explain trends in atomic radius and ionization energy

•  Predict and explain periodic trends in electron affinity

•  Describe and compare properties of metals, nonmetals and metalloids

•  Apply group trends in terms of reactions

Chapter 8 – Basics of Chemical Bonding


•  types of chemical bonds – ionic, covalent, metallic

•  relate bond polarity and the type of bond to differences in electronegativity

•  Lewis structures of covalently-bonded molecules and polyatomic ions, including exceptions to the octet rule

•  predict formation of single, double and triple bonds

•  name molecules

New Material:

•  lattice energy

•  quantify bond polarity using dipole moments

•  relate bond lengths, electronegativity differences and dipole moments to each other in molecules

•  use of formal charge to determine most likely Lewis structure

•  resonance structures

•  bond energies (enthalpies) and their use in determining DHrxn and their relation to bond length

Chapter 9 – Molecular Geometry


•  the basics of VSEPR theory – the reasoning (valence electrons repel one another)

•  shapes based on VSEPR - linear (two electron domains), trigonal planar (three domains), tetrahedral (four domains), trigonal bipyramidal (five domains) and octahedral (six domains)

•  use Lewis Structures to predict molecular geometry

•  predict polarity of simple molecules, knowing their shapes, presence of lone pairs and differences in electronegativity

New Material:

•  the use of electron domains, and especially nonbonding pairs of electrons (lone pairs) to determine a molecule’s shape, including shapes based on trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral

•  the effect of lone pairs on bond angles due to their greater repulsion than bonded pairs of electrons

•  application of VSEPR to larger molecules

•  express molecular polarity in terms of dipole moments

•  valence bond theory

•  hybrid orbitals

•  sigma and pi bonds in multiple bonds and resonance structures