Name: Ms. Campbell

Reading Log

Read for 15 minutes each day and complete the boxes. You must write in complete sentences with appropriate punctuation.

Date / Reading Log
Book Title: Chrysanthemum
List the characters and write about the setting.(when and where the story takes place) / The characters are Chrysanthemum, her parents, Victoria, Jo, Rita, Ms. Chud and Ms. Twinkle.
The setting of the story is Chrysanthemum’s house and school. It happens at the beginning of the school year.
Book Title: Chrysanthemum
Write 2 wonderings about your story. (Questions you had while reading) / I wonder if the girls in her class were nicer to other new students.
I wonder how the story would be different if Chrysanthemum’s name was shorter.
How did your questions help you understand this book?
My questions helped me focus because I was looking for the answers. I also had to use my schema and the text to infer the answers to my questions. My brain was awake because I was questioning before, during, and after reading!
Book Title: Chrysanthemum
Write about your schema and tell me what kind of connection you made. (T-T,T-S,
T-W) / When I heard “first day of school” it reminded me of how I felt on the first day of school and how I felt when I moved to a new school in junior high. I was very nervous and scared about making friends. This is a text-to-self connection.
How does your experience help you understand the book?
I can understand how Chrysanthemum is feeling and can predict what might happen next.
Book Title: Chrysanthemum
Describe in detail your vivid mental images. / My visual image is of the play at the end. I imagine Chrysanthemum looking beautiful in her daisy costume. I can feel the butterflies in her stomach because she is a little nervous under the heat of the lights. I can hear the audience laughing and clapping and smell the freshly popped popcorn that they are eating. I also imagine Victoria looking very embarrassed when she forgot her lines. Her face is red, her eyes are huge, and she runs off the stage.
How does this image help you understand the story better?
I am using all of my senses and my emotions to understand what Chrysanthemum is going through. I am making a movie in my mind so that I can see what is happening as I am reading.

Write a retelling of your book. Make sure your sentences start with a capital letter and end with punctuation.

First Chrysanthemum is very excited about he first day of school. She loves her name very much.

Next At school the girls in Chrysanthemum’s class make fun of her name. The talk about how long it is, how it barely fits on her nametag, and that she is named after a flower. Chrysanthemum goes home very sad. Her parents try to cheer her up, but it happens every day. She doesn’t like school and she doesn’t like her name anymore.

Then All of the girls love their music teacher, Mrs. Twinkle. When they make fun of Chrysanthemum’s name, Mrs. Twinkle tells them that she is named after a flower. She also says that if her baby is a girl, she is thinking of naming her Chrysanthemum. The girls want to be called flower names too.

Last Chrysanthemum is a wonderful daisy in the school musical. Victoria forgets her lines. Mrs. Twinkle names her baby Chrysanthemum.