© 2017 State of NSW and Environment Protection Authority
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The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has compiled this guideline and application form in good faith, exercising all due care and attention. No representation is made about the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information in this publication for any particular purpose. The EPA shall not be liable for any damage which may occur to any person or organisation taking action or not on the basis of this publication. Readers should seek appropriate advice when applying the information to their specific needs
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EPA 2017/0179
April 2017
Grant round overview
Purpose of the L-RIP enhancement round
Application process
What will be funded?
What won’t be funded?
How much funding is available?
Funding conditions
Selection criteria
Attachment 1
Litter – Regional Implementation Program Enhancement Grant Round Guidelines and application form
Grant round overview
Purpose of the L-RIP enhancement round
$250,000 of contestable grant funding is available to support Regional Waste Groups (RWG) to deliver on their Regional Litter Plans (RLP). Funding will support RWGs to extend existing Litter – Regional Implementation Program (L-RIP)projects and to bring forward, or prepare for, future grant projects currently identified in Regional Litter Plans.
Application process
Interested RWGs will need to complete an application and submit to using template atAttachment 1.
Applications for funding will be assessed by a review panel.
Funding will be provided to successful applicants in June 2017.
7 May 2017Applications due
19 May 2017Grants announced
25 May 2017Contracts signed and invoices submitted
19 June 2017Funding provided and projects commence
31October 2017Finalreport due
18 May 2018Final report for extended projects (see funding conditions).
What will be funded?
Funded projects must fall into one of the following categories:
- Projects identified in Regional Litter Plans; specifically projects that:
- extend current Stage 2 projects– Stage 2 milestones must continue to be met in accordance with already existing funding agreements; and/or
- bring forward Stage 3 projects – as preparatory work separate to the Stage 3 project.
- Litter governance improvements, including:
- updating the Regional Litter Plan
- setting up litter working groups across councils
- setting up litter networks, e.g. enforcement networks.
- Litter research, including:
- developing baseline data
- undertaking community based research
- cost of litter study.
- Capacity building to deliver litter reduction projects:
- behaviour change training
- council consultation (i.e. for next grant round)
- improving litter data collection processes
- setting up data collection frameworks.
What won’t be funded?
Projects that do not support the Regional Litter Plan will not be funded.
Funding will not be used for public place recycling bays; maintenance and services of new or existing bins; play equipment, new paths, public amenity upgrades such as BBQs or shelters – (excludinglitter and butt bins), or landscaping, unless the project can demonstrate that it directlyprevents litter or engages the community in litter prevention.
How much funding is available?
$250,000 of funding is available. 100% will be contestable.
A maximum amount of $50,000 per Regional Waste Group applies. The amount provided will depend on the project category applied for (see below).
Funding will be provided to successful applicants in two instalments, with 90% of funding provided upfront in June 2017 and the remaining 10% provided on receipt of the final report and completion of the project to an acceptable standard.
Funding will be available for the following categories:
- Category 1: Up to $50,000
- on-the-ground projects.
- Category 2: Up to $40,000
- research projects.
- Category 3: Up to $10,000
- governance improvements
- capacity building.
Funding conditions
On-the-ground litter projects need to apply an integrated approachacross some, or all of the pillars:
- community education and engagement
- regulation and enforcement
- infrastructure and clean sites
- measuring and evaluation.
Where education is part of the approach, the use of the EPA’s Hey Tosser! littercampaign materials (where appropriate), must be used to educate and guide the community on thesocial, environmental and economic impacts of litter.
Projects should be completed by 31 October 2017, prior to commencement of the L-RIP Stage 3 grant round. In special circumstances, projects may extend beyond this date where the plan provides a suitable justification. These extended projects will provide a milestone report on 31 October 2017, while the deadline for final reports on extended projects can be no later than 18 May 2018.
Total staffing costs for project management will not be greater than 50%. Staff costs are to relate directly to on-the-ground delivery of project outputs, e.g. ranger enforcement, counting litter, delivering training, administering surveys. No more than 10% of the grant funds can be spent on staff costs that relate to more general oversight of the project – a suitable justification must be provided for this part of the cost.
On-the-ground litter prevention projects must use the Local Litter Check methodology for planning and reporting on outcomes. See Understanding your litter problem page on the EPA websitefor further information.
Funding will not be used for public place recycling bays; maintenance and services of new or existing bins; play equipment, new paths, public amenity upgrades such as BBQs or shelters – (excludinglitter and butt bins), or landscaping, unless the project can demonstrate that it directlyprevents litter or engages the community in litter prevention.
Selection criteria
The L-RIP Enhancement Project supports and is identified in the Regional Litter Plan (RLP) –if the project is not in the current RLP then a case must be made on how it supports the RLP.
The project supports some or all of the integrated approach as outlined in the L-RIP guidelines (contact r a copy of the guidelines if you do not have already).
The project either extends a Stage 2 grant project or brings forward a Stage 3 grant project – representing an additional step or deliverable that supports the outcomes of either the Stage 2 or Stage 3 project.
The project representsvalue for money.
The project builds capacity to act – providing council employees, land managers and/or community organisations with the knowledge and skills to implement effective solutions.
The project makes an effective contribution to reducing litter and littering behaviour in NSW.
Attachment 1
L-RIP Enhancement Grant Round: Application form
1Project summary
Project nameProject description
(150 words max) / Click here to enter text.
Project Outcomes:
(e.g. deliver a cost of litter study) / Click here to enter text.
How does this project support delivery of your Regional Litter Plan?
(150 words max) / Click here to enter text.
Partners or stakeholders / Click here to enter text.
2Project category
Is this project:
☐ A new LRIP project☐ Enhancement of existing LRIP project
☐ A research project
☐ A capacity building project
☐ A governance project
3Is this project identified in your current Regional Litter Plan?
If yes, the name of the Regional Litter Plan
Click here to enter text.4Is this project identified in your current regional Litter Implementation Plan?
If yes, the name of the Litter Implementation Plan
Click here to enter text.5Will you deliver on-the-ground litter prevention as part of this project?
☐Yes☐No (if no, skip to question 6)
What will the litter prevention target?
Litter type / Click here to enter text. / Litter Site / Click here to enter text. / Litterer / Click here to enter text. /Which pillars of litter prevention will you use in this project?
Education and awareness / ☐ / Infrastructure (including clean up) / ☐ / Regulation and Enforcement /☐ / Evaluation and monitoring /
Will you complete a local litter check before commencing the project?
If no, why not?
Click here to enter text.Will you complete a local litter check on completion of the project?
☐Yes ☐No
If no, why not?
Click here to enter text.6Project manager
Name of primary contact for delivery of the L-RIP Enhancement Grant Round
Project manager name / Click here to enter text.Name of council, Regional Organisation of Councils, or local government controlled entity:
Click here to enter text.
Position title / Click here to enter text.
Phone number / Click here to enter text. / Mobile Click here to enter text.
Email / Click here to enter text.
Postal address / Click here to enter text.
Suburb / Click here to enter text. / Postcode Click here to enter text.
7Administrator (if applicable)
If same as project manager, leave blank
Administrator name / Click here to enter text.Position title / Click here to enter text.
Phone number / Click here to enter text. / Mobile Click here to enter text.
Email / Click here to enter text.
Postal address / Click here to enter text.
Suburb / Click here to enter text. / Postcode Click here to enter text.
8Total L-RIP grant requested (ex GST)
Category 1 (maximum of $50,000) / Click here to enter text. /Category 2 (maximum of $40,000) / Click here to enter text. /
Category 3 (maximum of $10,000) / Click here to enter text. /
Total Grant amount requested (ex GST) / $Click to add amount
9Who will be responsible for evaluating the project?
Name:Click here to enter text.______
How will the project be evaluated?
How: Click here to enter text. / When: Click here to enter text.10Project Timeline
Project start date / Click here to enter text. /Project end date / Click here to enter text. /
11Project Plan
Detail of action / Who is responsible? / Timescale for delivery / Key Performance Indicator1Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
2Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
3Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
4Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
5Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
6Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
12Project budget
Amount requested from the EPA / $Click to add amountOther (please specify)
$Click to add amount
$Click to add amount
Total income / $Click to add amount
In-kind contributions (please specify)
$Click to add amount
Description / Cash (ex GST) / In-kindProject staff costs (maximum 50% of funds requested from the EPA))
- Salariesproject management (maximum 10%)
- Salaries project delivery
- Salary on-costs
Communication and education costs
- Printing
- Media placement
- Additional creative material development (e.g. additional photos)
- Other (please specify)
Enforcement and regulation costs
- Training
- Materials
- Other (please specify)
Infrastructure and clean-up costs
- Materials and equipment
- Clean-up and disposal
- Other (please specify)
Travel/accommodation costs / $Click to add amount / $Click to add amount
Venue/meeting costs / $Click to add amount / $Click to add amount
Monitoring and evaluation / $Click to add amount / $Click to add amount
Other costs (please specify)eg Research / $Click to add amount / $Click to add amount
Total expenses: / $Click to add amount / $Click to add amount
Total expenses including in-kind / $Click to add amount
Signatures are required from the applicant organisation. In addition, for any project that is seeking EPA funding and requires a council contribution (cash or in-kind) will require signatures from each council at the appropriate delegation level.
Conflict of interest
Please declare any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest that you are aware of. This can relate to land ownership, salary and/or contractor payments. Failure to declare a conflict of interest may be a breach of the Grant Agreement and may affect the EPA’s grant funding for the project.
Click here to enter text.Signature of applicant
Signature of the organisation who is making the application for L-RIP Grant funding.
General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
Organisation / Click here to enter text.Name / Click here to enter text.
Position / Click here to enter text.
Date / Click here to enter text.
Signature / Click here to insert signature block
Program Director (or equivalent)
Organisation / Click here to enter text.Name / Click here to enter text.
Position / Click here to enter text.
Date / Click here to enter text.
Signature / Click here to insert signature block
Signature of participating councils or contributing organisations
Signature of all participating councils and/or contributing organisations for projects that have in-kind or cash contributions.
General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
Organisation / Click here to enter text.Name / Click here to enter text.
Position / Click here to enter text.
Date / Click here to enter text.
Signature / Click here to insert signature block
General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
Organisation / Click here to enter text.Name / Click here to enter text.
Position / Click here to enter text.
Date / Click here to enter text.
Signature / Click here to insert signature block