March 7, 2013

The Pierce County Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on March 7, 2013.

Chairman Christenson called the meeting to order at 8:00 A.M. with members Johnston, Bohl, Migler and Larson present. Also present was Chris Bieri, Pierce County Tribune.

Chairman Christenson led the Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion was made by Bohl and seconded by Larson, to accept the February minutes as mailed. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Johnston, to approve the bills previously paid and those yet unpaid where ordered paid. Motion carried.

Board reviewed Officer fee reports and hourly workers time sheets.

Josh Siegler, Deputy Sheirff, met with the board. A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Johnston, to accept the resignation from Josh Siegler. The board thanked him for his years of service with the county.

Judge John McClintock met with the commission briefly.

A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Larson, to accept the financial report for the month of February. Motion carried.

Kelsey Siegler, Tax Director, went over the different soil types and values for Pierce County. She also shared with the board that she would be using the detailed soil maps, instead of general soils maps.

A motion was made by Bohl and seconded by Migler, that payment be made from the 2011 Disaster Fund to the following township for road repair: White Township $10,086.20. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Johnston and seconded by Bohl, to call for bids for graveling and machine hire, for the 2013 construction season. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Bohl and seconded by Migler, that annual payment be made from Road Districts to Road & Bridge Fund, for blading and snow removal, for townships roads with motorgrader. Motion carried.

Yolanda Goodman, County Agent, introduced Heidi Hjelmstad, support staff for her department, to the board.

A motion was made by Bohl and seconded by Johnston, granting North Dakota Telephone Company, permission to install fiber optic cable in road right of way in Rural Knox exchange, which includes Wolford. Motion carried.

Mike Erb, Deputy Sheriff, met with the board with a request to purchase a new computer for dispatch. He also asked if they could purchase tasers for the sheriff’s department. The board said that they would like a policy in place on tasers and that this item was not included in the 2013 budget.

Kelsey Siegler, Emergency Manager, discussed briefly with the board, on a grant that she is applying for with homeland security monies. Deadline for submitting requests was March 6, 2013. Request submitted by Sheriff’s Department did not meet the deadline and did not pertain to the requested information. A motion was made by Migler and seconded by Johnston, to deny the request submitted by the Sheriff’s department . Motion carried.

Board reviewed abatement application filed by Luella Miller, E 60’ of Lots 10-11-012, Block 13, R. O., located in the City of Rugby. A motion was made by Bohl and seconded by Migler, to approve the abatement application from Luella Miller, for the tax year 2012, in accordance with homestead credit filed. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Larson and seconded by Bohl, to approve Treasurer’s checks #5035-5059 for the months of January and February. Motion carried.

Galen J. Mack, States Attorney, joined the meeting. Discussed was the LEC Agreement. A motion was made by Johnston and seconded by Bohl, to suspend all housing fees for city prisoners that go through district court. Motion carried.

Don Jelsing, representing the fair board, presented the financial report. Don also said that the fair board would like to purchase 60 -70 corral panels, that would be used for the fair and other events . He asked if the county had any funds available that could go towards purchasing the panels.

Matt Lunde, Sheriff, and Ann Gibson, Dispatcher, met with the board. Matt asked if it would be possible to purchase a new vest for his department and answered any questions the board had pertaining to his department. Board gave permission for Matt Lunde, Sheriff, to purchase one vest.

County Government is the month of April. A county breakfast will be held on Friday, April 5, 2013 from 7:00 A.M.- 10:00 A.M. at the Memorial Hall.

There being no further business, Christenson moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 A.M.


Karin Fursather, Auditor-TreasurerMike Christenson, Chairman

Pierce County, North DakotaBoard of County Commisisoners