Course Information

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English II Syllabus

MonroeCountyHigh School
T. Deckard/ J. Dickinson

In this course you will read short stories and novels, autobiographies and other types of nonfiction, poems, and plays. The works come from a broad range of time periods and cultures.As you read and analyze the literature, you will become more skilled interpreters of literatureand the world in which we live.

In addition to reading, you will be writing expository, narrative, and persuasive essays as well asstories and poems. In journals, you will also have opportunity to express yourself informally;your journals will serve as a record of your growth and development as writers and thinkersduring your sophomore year. We will not, of course, neglect grammar study and vocabularydevelopment.


Academic Expectations

  • Actively participate in class by reading all assignments.
  • Think and reflect on reading assignments.
  • Complete All writings at a proficient level.

Arrival to class

  • Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
  • Class begins promptly each day.
  • You will not be admitted to class after the tardy bell without a tardy pass.


  • It is imperative to your academic success to complete all assignments.

Be prepared.

  • Bring your binder/composition book, blue or black ink pen and pencil, and textbook, novel, etc., to class every day.


  • Pen and pencil
  • The book and/or essays we’re reading
  • Class notebook: You’ll need a three-ring binder or folder to organize all of your class materials. Divide your binder into the following sections:

Class notes


Journal/ Writing (rubrics, writer’s log)




  • Please raise your hand for permission if you have a question or if you need to leave your seat.
  • Be respectful of your classmates and teachers even if you do not like someone, keep your negative comments to yourself. .
  • No cell phones. No phone calls sent or received, no checking for phone voice or text message, no “vibrate,” no text messages, and no photo or video. If you have a cell phone, it must be turned OFF and put in the cell phone holder.


  • Do not do it on homework assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, or any other assignment for this class.
  • If you are caught, it means an automatic zero and a call to your home.
  • Talking is not allowed during an exam/quiz until all test materials are collected from all students. Any talking during this time will result in a zero on the exam/quiz.

End of class

  • You must remain seated until the teacher dismisses class.
  • Please pick up any trash you may have inadvertently placed on the floor.
  • Make all restroom stops and phone calls between classes. You may not use the telephone in the classroom.


  • You need to be here. Period.
  • Class begins promptly at the tardy bell.
  • It is your responsibility to find out what you missed.

General rules

  • Be respectful
  • Come with a willingness to learn
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Follow ALL classroom and school procedures


  • 90-100A
  • 80-89B
  • 70-79C
  • 60-69D
  • Below 60F
  1. At the end of every 9-weeks, you will be given a comprehensive learning check which will be 20% of your grade.
  2. At the end of the year, you will be given an end-of-course comprehensive exam which will be 20% of your final grade.
  3. As part of our state testing, you will take the On-demand Test in the spring.

Course Content


Reading Across the Curriculum

Reading Strategies

Knowledge of Literary and Nonliterary Forms

Influences on Texts

Author’s Voice and Method

Persuasive Language and Logic

Literary Criticism

Words and Their History

Listening, Viewing, and Speaking

Comprehension and Analysis



Writing Process

Modes of Writing for Different Purposes and Audiences

Organization, Unity, and Coherence

Sentence-Level Constructions

Conventions of Usage

Conventions of Punctuation

Study Skills and Test Taking


All information included on this syllabus is subject to change at teacher’s discretion.

Please feel free to ask questions, discuss grades or problems, or request extra help. I am available before and after school and during my planning to talk or meet with you and your parents. I want to be in communication with you both to ensure success. We will have a great year, but it will take all of us working together!

Tracy Deckard

Jefferson Dickinson

School Phone # (270) 487-6217

Signature(s): Discuss this course syllabus with your parent(s) or guardian(s). One copy is for you to keep. Please sign and return the second copy to me by next Friday. I am looking forward to working with you this year.

I, ______(Student Name), have read and understand the English II course syllabus and expectations.

I, ______(Parent/Guardian Name), have read and understand the English II course syllabus and expectations.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______


Signature(s): Discuss this course syllabus with your parent(s) or guardian(s). One copy is for you to keep. Please sign and return the second copy to me by next Friday. I am looking forward to working with you this year.

I, ______(Student Name), have read and understand the English III course syllabus and expectations.

I, ______(Parent/Guardian Name), have read and understand the English III course syllabus and expectations.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______