SFX:Music then fade under….

Narration:People living with HIV are sometimes put on Anti Retroviral Drugs commonly known as ARV’S to stop the virus from multiplying. Good nutrition is important for the efficiency of ARV’S.I spoke to Cecilia Munala and Bethwell Nyangweso who are living positively with HIV about their nutritional needs when they are on ARV’S.

INSERT:(what Cecilia eats …)(00:00:000) I opted for small little oil like Elianto, that’s what I use the liquid oil that’s the one I use, I avoid a lot of red meat I eat only white meat lot of fish ,chicken and even silver fish that I didn’t want to eat ,the small fish that’s called omena. I never wanted to eat but I was told it is the best so an I take a lot of water like eight glasses because am taking a lot of drugs which have sulphur like the septrin has a lot of sulphur so I need a lot of water to purify my system, and also when am using nutrition I avoid things like junk food, I don’t go for the juices that are from the counter at least I prefer making my own juices and I eat a lot of fruits.

SFXmusic then fades under

INSERT ( Bethwell eats…)I eat what is fresh ,what is affordable and what is available then the quantity again I want to say that one has to increase now the demands of my body are now more because of the HIV aspect of it and I say I don’t like going to peoples houses because I will always ask for a second plate one for myself and the other one for the virus.

Narration: Ivisited a hospital in kibera which caters for people living withHIV and spoke to Dorcas Kerubo a nutritionist from the ministry of health on the importance of good nutrition while one is on ARV’S.

SFX..Moslem music …./General hospital ambience… then fade under

Insert :( NUTRICIAN’S ADVICE…) Ok the patients, when the patients who are on

ARV’S they also, they it is a must for them to have good nutrition one to be able to

For growth and development, two to maintain a good nutritional status to fight the

The infections and, three to improve the quality of life even to prolong life

Because just with ARV’S alone without good nutrition then we are going to have

Another gap that is not taken care of that is nutrition, so your immunity system still

it is at stake ,so if you take your ARV’S and you take good nutrition then you

improve your quality of life and you prolong your life.

SFX:General hospital ambience

Narration:I spoke to Dr. John Andugosi an expert on HIV with Family Health International,-about the importance of good nutrition while one is on ARV’S and what DIET one needs.

INSERT: (DAKTARI’S DIET …) a balanced diet that a balanced diet is one that

Meets eee adequately the nutritional requirements in terms of providing for energy

Eeee giving foods those foods that provide enough proteins which is used to build

Our bodies and to build the aaa eeee immunity and protection that we require eee

A balanced diet and other micro nutrients that is required for our bodies to function

Properly. In our country we have enough sources of these foods and provide a balanced diet.

Narration:Bethwell Nyangweso and Cecilia Munala suggested a breakdown of the affordable meals they take to someone on ARV’S…

INSERT :(Bethwell’s cheap diet…)Yaa if the person can afford to buy milk and

Make a cup o tea which should be accomplished by maybe cassava or sweet

Potatos that is a fine meal that for breakfast and if he cant afford milk he can

Make porridge ,porridge is good is good (5:35:587)For lunch we can say ugali

With greens and also with eee fruits that I still alright that is still fine and eee

In the evening’s suggest just carbohydrates whatever whatever whether it is rice

Whether it is again ugali the African one that is fine with maybe again greens,

The emphasis is that your food should at leastcontrail three colors white green and

Brown yaa that is the simplest wa to tell people how to have a balanced diet on their

Plate so that’s what one needs to do.

SFX: Music then fades under

For a person with ARV’S eee for breakfast I’d rather they take something cheap

Like tea ,a cup of tea with some arrow roots which is better for their health, then

For lunch I’d rather ok if they cant afford tea, power porridge is good ,power

Porridge is a mixture of some cereals which you go and just grind them from the

Posho mill and is affordable to anyone who is HIV positive ,but for lunch I’d

Rather go for the cheap food like githeri which is available everywhere even

Somebody who stays in the rural areas or in the slums can be able to get githeri

From somebody who sells the githeri that is already cooked with mbogas that is

Full vitamins and its balanced diet (7:09.181)Then for supper I ‘d go for

Something like ugali with some greens and maybe if I don’t have a lot of money

I go for silver fish it’s very cheap in the market ,one tin goes for everyone who

Is HIV positive and is on ARV’S .Please Cecilia ,tell that person in the house

Right now what silver fish