Information on call for proposals no. POWR.04.03.00-IP.07-00-001/15 for projects
with a transnational component realized outside the Common Framework under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development (OP KED), Priority Axis IV Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Measure 4.3 Transnational cooperation.

The regulations of this call for proposals are available on the websites:

1.general information

1.1Basic information about the call for proposals

The Center of European Projects (CPE), acting as the Intermediate Body (IB) of OP KED, launches the call for proposals number POWR.04.03.00-IP.07/001/15 for projects with a transnational component realized outside the Common Framework under Priority Axis IV Social Innovation and transnational cooperation, Measure 4.3 Transnational cooperation OP KED.

Applications for funding may be submitted under seven themes:

  1. Increasing employment opportunities for young people not in employment, including in particular those who do not participate in education and training (socalled NEET youth).
  2. Increasing access to employment for people not in employment for the following groups: people with low qualifications, people over 50 years old, women, long-term unemployed and people with disabilities.
  3. Increasing the number or range of social services provided by social economy entities or increasing the level of using these services by the entities of the public administration.
  4. Reconciliation of professional roles and family life.
  5. Methods of maintaining professional activity of people over 50 years old in the sector of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (including age management).
  6. Increasing access of adults to various forms of learning throughout life.
  7. Increasing employability of pupils of schools and vocational educational institutions.

Applications for funding will be accepted from 01.09. to 11.09. 2015.

Clarifications in matters relating to the call for proposals are provided by the Institution Organizing the Call for proposals (IOC) in response to inquiries addressed to the e-mail address: , ph.: + 48 22378 31 00.

1.3Amount allocated for the call for proposals

The amount allocated for the call for proposals amounts to 77,637,335.00 PLN (including the maximum amount of funding – 75,308,214.95 PLN).

1.4Objective and subject of the call for proposals

The objective of the call for proposals isto develop and implement new solutions, created through cooperation with foreign partners in the thematic areas in which the call for proposals is organized.

The subject of the call for proposals is projects with a transnational component realized outside the Common Framework[1].

A project with a transnational component realized outside the Common Framework is a project which objectives, products and results are connected to transnational cooperation and demonstrate the added value and effects of such cooperation. The project is realized obligatorily under transnational partnership – partners sign a letter of intent and transnational cooperation agreement, and its effect is to develop[2] and implement a new solution. This type of project is realized within the framework of a call for proposalslaunched at the national level, regardless of the call for proposals coordinated at the European level (Common Framework).

Projects submitted in response to the call for proposals should contribute to the realization of the objectives of OP KED. In particular, they must form part of the realization of the detailed objective of Measure 4.3"Implementation of new solutions, in particular in the field of professional activation, lifelong learning and the formation and realization of public policies, through cooperation with foreign partners".

In addition, projects with a transnational component realized outside the Common Framework, submitted in response to the call for proposals, must meet the criteria for selecting projects set out later in this document. The document presents only the selection criteria that may be relevant from the point of view of the specifics of this call for proposals and concern transnational partners. All project selection criteria are available
in the Regulations of the call for proposals.

2.Call for proposals’ requirements

2.1Entities eligible to apply for funding of the project

  1. Within the framework of the call for proposals for funding the realization of the project, entities that can apply are listed in the Detailed Description of the Priority Axes (DDPA) of OP KED, i.e.:

entities responsible for the creation, realization and monitoring of public policies and the control and supervision of these policies,

public administration,

local government units,

national associations and unions of local government units,

labour market institutions,

welfare and social integration institutions,

schools and institutions of the educational system,



non-governmental organizations,

social economy entities,

social partners in accordance with the definition adopted in the OP KED,

federations or associations of non-governmental organizations and social economy entities.

  1. Within the framework of the call for proposals it is required that the applicant or domestic partner(s) on the day of submitting the application for funding have at least 3 years of experience in activities in the substantial field of the project.
  2. The applicant shall submit no more than 1 application for funding of the project within the specified topic of the call for proposals, assuming that it can submit applications in a maximum of 2 topics of the call for proposals.

The criterion refers only to a particular entity acting as a beneficiary, not a partner. This means that the beneficiary may act as a partner in other applications submitted in the same call for proposals.

2.2.Duration of the project

  1. The duration of the project indicated in the application for funding is provided for a maximum of 30 calendar months. To calculate the duration of the project, the rules for calculating the time limits set out in the Code of Administrative Procedure are applied. The applicant may provide a shorter duration of the project in the application, but not more than 30 calendar months.
  2. In the project only expenditure incurred starting from 01.01.2015 may be eligible, including the costs of establishing transnational partnership, in accordance with the principles set out in these regulations. Expenditure incurred prior to the signing of the funding agreement may be considered eligible only if they meet the eligibility conditions set out in the Guidelines on the eligibility of expenditure under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020 and the funding agreement. This means that before signing the funding agreement, the applicant shall incur expenditure at his own risk.

2.3.Scope of the project

2.3.1.Substantial scope of the project

  1. In the call for proposals is required to use in the project at least two types of measures of transnational cooperation, and one of them should be the exchange of information and experiences.

2. The call for proposals requires that the submitted project is realized under only one topic of transnational cooperation among those identified in the call for proposals.

Presented below are the expected solutions and target groups in relation to specific topics of the call for proposals:

Topic 1: Increasing employment opportunities for young people not in employment, in particular people who do not participate in education and training (socalled NEET youth).

Expected solutions:

The project assumes the development and implementation of complex solutions aimed at the educational and vocational activation (in justified cases with elements of social integration) of young people aged 15-29 years old, who meet all three conditions, i.e.: they do not work (i.e. they are unemployed or professionally inactive), they do not educate themselves (i.e. they do not participate in full-time formal education), and they do not train themselves (i.e. they do not participate in activities outside of school aiming to achieve, complement or improve professional or general skills, required to perform work)according to the following detailed scope of solutions.

According to the report Youth in 2011 among the major problems in undertaking employment by young people is the lack of professional experience and the mismatch of qualifications required for the needs of the labour market. Additional obstacles include the insufficient number of job offers, as well as insufficient cooperation of the education system and employment, but also the lack of skills in searching for work and soft skills required on the market. Hence, to help mitigate the identified problems, it is important to use foreign experience and create new or adapt existing solutions in other countries, which contribute to increasing the employability of young people.

Educational and vocational activation is a complex process involving interaction in various spheres of human functioning, and demanding a sustainable, integrated approach within the framework of the project. It also assumes that, in some cases - to improve the effectiveness of vocational activation - it is advisable to apply elements of social integration. Therefore, it is justified to use the broadest possible range of services/activities using international experience which enables young people to enter and remain on the labour market.

Comprehensive support means to use in the project at least two instruments/methods of educational and vocational activation (in justified cases with elements of social integration) of the group of young people without employment.

Detailed scope of solutions:

Taking into account the internal differentiation of the group, for which solutions are to be developed and implemented aiming at their educational and vocational activation (in justified cases with elements of social integration), instruments of activation must be used, which are appropriate for their age and identified needs. Therefore, the scope of applying particular educational or vocational instruments may vary depending on the needs.

Target groups:

The target group for support include:

  • as users of the developed solution: entities operating for educational and vocational activation and in justified cases entities operating for social integration of youth people aged 15-29 years old, not in employment, not participating in education and training, which will implement and use the developed/adapted solutions;
  • people/entities necessary for the implementation of transnational cooperation and/or implementation of solutions into practice;
  • beneficiaries and domestic partners of the project acting for the educational and vocational activation of young people are also treated as users, indicated above in the first indent, who after developing/adapting a solution will implement them into practice in their institutions, in accordance with the provisions of the application for funding.

Unemployment in the indicated group of young people in Poland is higher than the EU average. This group is indicated as requiring special support, both in documents at the European level (including Europe 2020 Initiative for youth), and at the national level (among others, in the Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan in Poland, Medium-Term National Development Strategy, Human Capital Development Strategy).

According to the provisions of the Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan in Poland, in order to solve/mitigate the problems that affect young people on the labour market, it is necessary not only to use the instruments already known on the labour market, but also search for new solutions that will improve the situation of young people in the scope of increasing their employment, and which will be applied by the entities involved in educational and vocational activation of young people. It also assumes that, in justified cases - to improve the effectiveness of vocational activation - it is reasonable to apply elements of social integration.

Inclusion in the target group of people/entities necessary for the implementation of transnational cooperation aims to increase the quality of solutions developed in the project and the scope of their implementation.

It is assumed that projects of transnational cooperation should contribute to increasing the efficiency of ESF interventions. The choice of the indicated target group, the problems of which are to be mitigated/solved thanks to solutions developed in transnational cooperation will be complementary for measures planned in Priority Axis I Young people on the labour market OP KED, and as a result should contribute to increasing the efficiency of ESF interventions in this field.

Topic 2: Increasing access to employment for people not in employment for the following groups: people with low qualifications, people over 50 years old, women, long-term unemployed and people with disabilities.

Expected solutions:

The project assumes the development and implementation of complex solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of actions for vocational activation (in justified cases with elements of social integration) of adults who are not in employment:

•people with disabilities and/or

•long-term unemployed people and/or

•people with low professional qualifications and/or

•people over 50 years old and/or


Among the major problems in undertaking employment by these people is the lack of or insufficient experience and professional qualifications or their obsolescence, mismatch of qualifications for the needs of the labour market, insufficient cooperation of institutions acting for the professional activation and employers. They are accompanied by problems arising from the nature of the given group and the lack of a comprehensive and personalized approach of institutions dealing with professional activation corresponding to the identified needs of each person, as well as insufficient effectiveness of activation applied so far. It is assumed that in some cases - in order to improve the effectiveness of professional activation - it is reasonable to apply elements of social integration. Hence also, to help mitigate the identified problems, it is important to use foreign experience and create new or adapt solutions already used in other countries, which contribute to increasing the employability of the aforementioned groups of people.

Professional activation is a complex process involving interaction in various spheres of human functioning, and demanding a sustainable, integrated approach within the framework of the project. Therefore, it is justified to use the broadest possible range of services using international experience, involving instruments/methods of action which enable to enter and remain on the labour market.

Comprehensive support means to use in the project at least 2 instruments/methods of professional activation (in justified cases with elements of social integration) of the group of adults without employment.

Target groups:

The target group for support include:

  • as users of the developed solution: entities operating for professional activation and in justified cases, entities operating for social integration of unemployed: disabled and/or long-term unemployed people and/or people with low qualifications and/or those over 50 years old and/or women, which will implement and apply the developed/adapted solutions.
  • people/entities necessary for the implementation of transnational cooperation and/or implementation of solutions into practice,
  • beneficiaries and domestic partners of the project acting for the professional activation of people without employment are also treated as users, indicated above in the first indent, who after developing/adapting a solution will implement them into practice in their institutions, in accordance with the provisions of the application for funding.

The groups of people who are disabled and unemployed for a long period, with low qualifications, older people and women have been identified as requiring special support in terms of professional activation in strategic documents, including, among others, in the Long-term National Development Strategy Poland 2030, Human Capital Development Strategy, Solidarity of generations Programme. Measures to increase the professional activity of people aged 50+.

The problems faced by these groups of people include insufficient effectiveness of previously used activation instruments, as well as an insufficient level of cooperation between entities of the labour market, including in particular between labour market institutions and employers. Therefore, it is important to find new solutions that will improve the situation of people in a particularly difficult situation on the labour market in the scope of increasing their employment, which will be used by entities engaged in the professional activation of these people. It also assumes that, in justified cases - to improve the effectiveness of professional activation - it is advisable to apply elements of social integration.

Inclusion in the target group of people/entities necessary for the implementation of transnational cooperation and/or the implementation of solutions in practice aims to increase the quality of solutions developed in the project and the scope of their implementation.

It is assumed that projects of transnational cooperation should contribute to increasing the efficiency of ESF interventions. The choice of the indicated target group, which problems are to be mitigated/solved thanks to the solutions developed in transnational cooperation, will be complementary to the activities planned in Investment Priority 8i Access to employment for job seekers and inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people far from the labour market, also through local employment initiativesand support for labour mobility, as well as indirectly to Investment Priority 8vii Modernization of labour market institutions, such as public and private employment services, and better adaptation to the needs of the labour market, including through actions that enhance transnationallabour mobility as well as through mobility schemes and bettercooperation between institutions and relevant stakeholders, and as a result should contribute to increasing the efficiency of ESF interventions in this field.

Topic 3: Increasing the number or range of social services provided by social economy entities or increasing the level of using these services by the entities of the public administration.

Expected solutions:

The project assumes the development and implementation of solutions aimed at creating models of cooperation of local government units with social economy entities in the provision of public services, the provision of which is within the framework of own tasks of local government units.

One of the key problems hampering the development of social economy is the treatment of social economy entities as a place of social and professional reintegration of people threatened with social exclusion and omitting their other functions, such as service functions and local or economic development. This negatively affects the development of social economy entities as economically independent units and permanently makes them dependent on public subsidies.