Abstract Form

(The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Lung Cancer Society)

First Author (Required) :

Phone, Fax

Authors & Institution (Required) :

Please input the presenting author's and other authors' names and institutions.
Maximum allowable number of authors:19 authors.
Maximum allowable number of institutions:19 institutions.
(ex.) Akihiko Gemma 1), Jitsuo Usuda 2)…/
1) Dean of Medical School, Nippon Medical School, Department of pulmonary medicine and Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, 2) Dean of Medical School, Nippon Medical School, Department of Respiratory Surgery

Category (Required) :

Category: Choose one category from the list below.
01. Epidemiology, Carcinogenesis, Risk-Factor
02. Mass Screening
03. Image Diagnosis
04. Nuclear Medicine
05. Biomarker
06. Prognostic Factor
07. Pathology
08. Oncogene
09. Molecular Biology
10. Cancer Immunology, Cytokine
11. Translational research
12. Airway Constriction/Stent
13. Bronchoscope (diagnosis and treatment)
14. Thoracoscope (diagnosis and treatment)
15. Metastasis (diagnosis and treatment)
16. Extended Surgery
17. Shrinking Surgery
18. Lymph Node Dissection
19. Cytodiagnosis, Thorax Lavage Cytodiagnosis
20. TNM classification, Stage classification
21. Adjuvant Therapy
22. Neoadjuvant Therapy
23. Radiotherapy
24. Chemoradiation
25. First-line Chemotherapy
26. Chemotherapy (Maintenance)
27. Chemotherapy (Relapse Treatment)
28. Chemotherapy (Novel Drug)
29. Molecular Targeting Drug: EGFR-TKI
30. Molecular Targeting Drug: ALK Inhibitor
31. Molecular Targeting Drug: Angiogenesis Inhibitor
32. Molecular Targeting Drug: Novel Drug
33. Antibody, Vaccine Therapy
34. Genetic Treatment
35. Immunotherapy / 36. Thermotherapy/Radio Wave Treatment/PDT
37. Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment
38. Relapsed Lung Cancer Treatment
39. Brain Metastasis Treatment
40. Multimodality
41. Palliative Care
42. Susceptibility and Resistance of Anti-Cancer Drug
43. Anti-Cancer Drug, PK
44. Side-effects Control
45. Lung Cancer Treatment and QOL
46. Lung Cancer and Infection
47. Carcinomatous Pleurisy, Carcinomatous Pericarditis
48. Juvenile Lung Cancer
49. Lung Cancer in the Elderly
50. Complication
51. Asbestos
52. Early Stage Small Lung Cancer
53. Multicentric Cancer, Multiple Primary Cancer
54. Neuroendocrine Tumor
55. Metastatic Tumor
56. Mediastinal Tumor
57. Pleural Mesothelioma
58. Multidisciplinary Care
59. Community Cooperation
60. Home Health Care
61. Chemotherapy for Outpatients
62. Supporting Patients for Decision Making
63. Employment Support for Cancer Patients
64. Care for Patients Family
65. Patient Saloon
66. Survivorship
67. Cooperation of Hospital and Pharmacy
68. Grief Care
69. Case Report
70. Others

Title of Abstract (Required) :

The number of restriction characters becomes 100 characters. It cannot register, if this number of letters is exceeded.
(ex.) Individualized afatinib dose adjustments facilitate continuous treatment

Abstract Body (Required) :

Enter the body of your abstract. Do not include the title, authors, or institutions. Place the first letter on the left end without a space.
* within 1600 characters