Property Contract Number

The owner’s analysis of the Utility Allowance (UA) should be based on an average of the previous 12-month’s actual costs incurred by a median sample of energy conscious residents. As a result, you must request 12-month cost histories from your local utility provider. To determine the minimum required number of histories by bedroom type (1 BR, 2 BR, 3BR) please refer to the grid below.

Number of subsidized units

/ Minimum Number of units to be Included in U.A. Analysis
for each bedroom type
100 or fewer / 5 unit samples plus 1 each 10 units over 50. (If you have less than 9 units of one bedroom type, you only need to provide samples for half of the units for that bedroom type)
101 – 600 / 10 unit sample plus 1 for each 50 units or part of 50 over 100

E .g, if you have 62 1BR units you would be required to submit 6 12-month cost histories for the 1 BR units. If you have 8 2BR units you would be required to submit 4 12-month cost histories for the 2 BR units.

Please complete the following information each time you submit a Utility Allowance Analysis:

I certify to the following:

·  The type of utilities covered by the UA are

·  The following utility rate increases/decreases were implemented by the utility company during the past 12 months. (if no change occurred, please enter N/A):

·  The following energy conservation initiatives will impact or have impacted consumption:

(if no change occurred, please enter N/A):

Based on this information and the attached supporting documentation, I recommend that the Utility Allowance be adjusted as follows:

Bedroom Type Current UA Increase/Decrease Adjusted UA

o I certify that the amounts submitted for the analysis do not include any discounts, subsidies, disconnect fees, late fees or any previously billed amounts.

Owner’s Signature Date