Potenziamento: Speaking
Student A
1Read the factfile on the film Sunrise on Mars.
2Ask Student B questions to complete the information about the film: The Rocky Mountains.
3Now answer Student B’s questions about your film.
4You and Student B are film producers. You want to make a summer film for teenagers. You can only produce one film. Talk to Student B and decide which film to produce and why.
Student B
1Read the factfile on the film The Rocky Mountains.
2Now answer Student A’s questions about the film.
3Now ask Student A questions to complete the information about Sunrise on Mars.
4You and Student A are film producers. You want to make a summer film for teenagers. You can only produce one film. Talk to Student A and decide which film to produce and why.
Student A
1In pairs. Find out what kind of party-goer Student B is. Ask Student B the questions below (1–5) and make a note of their answers.
2Check Student B’s score and read the appropriate score to him/her from the text below.
3Find out what kind of party-goer you are. Answer Student B’s questions. Give reasons for your answers.
4Listen to what your answers say about you. Do you agree?
Student B
1In pairs. Find out what kind of party-goer you are. Answer Student A’s questions. Give reasons for your answers.
2Listen to what your answers say about you. Do you agree?
3Find out what kind of party-goer Student A is. Ask Student A the questions below (1–5) and make a note of their answers.
4Check Student A’s score and read the appropriate score to him/her from the text below.