1008 Augustine Street
Kaukauna, WI 54130
Tele. 920-759-9833

Summary of Proceedings

Fox River Navigational System Authority Meeting

3:00 P.M. Tuesday, July 26, 2016

FRNSA Office

1008 Augustine Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130

Authority Members in Attendance:

Tim Rose, Outagamie County

Kathryn Curren, Brown County

Bruce Enke, Brown County

Jeff Feldt, Outagamie County

Jean Romback-Bartels, Wisconsin DNR

Will Dorsey, Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Daina Penkiunas, Wisconsin Historical Society

Authority Members Absent:

Bill Raaths, Winnebago County

John Vette, Winnebago County

Guests and Staff in Attendance:

Robert Stark, FRNSA CEO

Jessica Akstulewicz, FRNSA Administrative Assistant

Phil Ramlet, OMNNI Associates

Scott Vanevenhoven, FRNSA Assistant COO

Randy Stadtmueller, Stadtmueller Associates-Eagle Flats

Ellen Balthazor, FOF

Vice Chairman Jeff Feldt called the meeting to order at 3:02 P.M.

1.  Introductions

Vice Chairman Jeff Feldt asked everyone attending to introduce themselves to the meeting.

Agenda Changes

Vice Chairman Jeff Feldt noted Agenda changes as follows: #4 Capital Projects c, d, e, all included under c, f is on a separate sheet not included in the board packet, #5 Other is Encroachment Letter and Park Bench approvals, #6 Visitor Center, a, real estate attorney search was approved at previous meeting.

2.  Approval of Minutes of the June 2016 Authority Meeting

Vice Chairman Jeff Feldt asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes of the June 28, 2016, Board Meeting.

Bruce Enke made a motion to accept the June 28, 2016, Minutes. Kathy Curren seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

3.  Financial Status Reports, J. Vette

a. Operational Budget

Robert Stark reviewed the Operations Budget with the Board. Board approved financial reports along with explanation of budget overages which were not in the budget but approved during board meetings throughout the year.

b. Capital Budget

Robert Stark reviewed the Capital Budget with the Board. Board approved financial reports

c. Unlock the Fox Fund

Robert Stark reviewed the Unlock the Fox Fund managed by the Community Foundations and Associated.

Daina Penkiunas made a motion to approve the Financial Reports. Bruce Enke seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

d. Approve FY 2017 FRNSA Budget Draft

Robert Stark reviewed the FY 2017 FRNSA Budget Draft with the board. Robert Stark reported on two questions raised last month. The first question concerned the Draft Budget lines: Property Insurance thru Rental Vehicles stating that the formulas were incorrect in that version presented last month and has now corrected them and recommends moving forward with the approval of the draft presented today.

Bruce Enke made a motion to approve the amended FY 2017 FRNSA Budget. Will Dorsey seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The second question was a concern that was raised about the 3% cost of living raise recommended by Mr. Stark for pay rates. The Executive Committee recommends a transition toward pay rate categories to eliminate any across the board % increases and establishing a bonus pay system to be administered by the CEO. Mr. Stark stated he will study this recommendation to be included in the 2018 budget proposal and that a bonus category was included in the 2017 budget. No action required.

4. Capital Projects Committee Report, W. Dorsey

a.  Approve Janke Little Chute Railing Invoice, T. Bolwerk

Will Dorsey made a motion to pay the $13,010.00 invoice to install the approved railing system along the Little Chute Canal wall. Motion was seconded by Bruce Enke. Motion passed unanimously.

b.  Approve Trico Kaukauna Drainage System Grading Contract, T. Bolwerk

Will Dorsey stated no Invoice submitted

c. Approve Boldt Kaukauna Lock 1,2,3, Dry Dock, T. Bolwerk

Will Dorsey made a motion for total payment of $92,250.00 on the Boldt invoices. (Boldt = $79,670.51 and Boldt Procurement = $12,579.49) Motion was seconded by Bruce Enke. Motion passed unanimously.

d. Approve Change Order #10: Lock #4 Emergency Sill Repair, T. Bolwerk

Part of C

e. Approve Boldt Invoice Change Order#11: Lock5 Bulkhead Frames Invoice, T. Bolwerk

Part of C

f. Approve Parking Lot Repaving Estimate, R. Stark

Robert Stark reported on the Parking Lot Repaving Estimate and recommends a motion to approve the not to exceed $42,456.00 estimate as a sole source provider from N. E. Asphalt Paving Contractor who is the contractor hired by the Corps of Engineers to complete the repaving required for the Parcel F remediation project.

Will Dorsey made a motion to approve the estimate not to exceed $42,456.00. Motion was seconded by Jean Romback-Bartels. Motion passed unanimously.

g. Other

No other issues/actions to be reported.

5. Property Committee Report, K. Curren .

a.  Eagle Flats/FRNSA Property Parking Lot and Dock Plan, R. Stadtmueller

b.  Eagle Flats Easement (SHPO Covenant) Process Status, R. Stadtmueller

Randy Statdmueller reported on the Eagle Flats/FRNSA Property Parking Lot and Dock Plan. Informational and ongoing. No action needed at this time.

Robert Stark to set up meeting dates to include himself, Randy, Chip Brown at SHPO and Doug Lovejoy at DOA to keep this project moving forward.

c.  De Pere Lock House Proposal/Request, T. Burgess

Robert Stark reported on the De Pere Lock House Proposal/Request to install a basement entry door stating that Chip Brown at SHPO has signed off on the proposal and drawing and the Board had already approved the plan at a previous meeting. Robert to receive final drawing from 3 Dam Guys and incorporate in to lease.

d. Other

Kathy Curren reported on the encroachment letter she drafted thanking the property owners for meeting with Robert Stark and cooperating by removing the trees they planted on FRNSA property and volunteering to maintain grass cutting and flowers planted in the area of the Little Chute guard lock gates and dock that is adjacent to their property.

Robert Stark reported on the Little Chute Park Bench approval request. Pat Janssen sent application to the Village of Little Chute to place a memorial park bench along the Heesakker-Island Park Heritage Trail. The Little Chute Village Board has approved the request and is now requesting FRNSA approval. Tim Rose questioned if FRNSA needs a policy and asked Kathy Curren to look in to if FRNSA should have a policy in place for benches. Kathy will put it on the Property Committee agenda.

Bruce Enke made the motion to approve the Little Chute Heritage Trail Bench approval request. Motion was seconded by Kathy Curren. Motion passed unanimously.

6. Visitor Center Sub-Committee Report, T. Rose

a.  Approve Real Estate Attorney Search, J. Feldt

Informational and ongoing. Robert Stark is working with Phil Ramlet to complete the Visitor Center preliminary architectural design project previously approved by the Board and also is working with Tim Rose on selecting a Real Estate Attorney for the land portion of the project.

7. Rapide Croche Boat Transfer Sub-Committee Report, B. Enke

a.  Menasha Boat Transfer Feasibility Study Plan Report

Informational and ongoing. Robert Stark recommended to hire consultant and follow up on at the August board meeting.

b.  Rapid Croche Boat Cleaning and Transfer Station Status, T. Rose

Informational and ongoing. Robert Stark to work with Phil Ramlet to produce the RFP (request for proposal) and follow up on at the August board meeting.

8. Operations Report, S. Vanevenhoven

a.  Operations

Scott Vanevenhoven reported locks usage numbers are steady despite Menasha not being operational. They are comparable to last year’s numbers.

b.  Radtke Update

Informational and ongoing, no action needed at this time.

c.  Marketing Update, M. Schmidt

Robert Stark reported on the River Tyme Tours stating Mary and he are continuing to work with them on marketing side of things. Robert is looking at and would like to set up our next board meeting of August 23, 2016 to be on board the boat for all of us to experience the tour.

Scott Vanevenhoven reported on a marketing update that our locktender Scott Thompson has agreed to go on WHBY live radio show from Appleton Lock # 3 on August 12, 2016 to promote and answer questions about our Lock System.

9. Communications

a.  Federal – Core Engineers, Detroit WI, T. Rose

Informational and ongoing, no action needed at this time.

b.  State – FOF Land Donation Status, R. Stark

Informational and ongoing. Robert Stark to follow up with Doug Lovejoy on the Kaukauna FOF Land Donation status and on TDS communications easement.

c.  Local – Buoy Project, T. Rose

Informational and ongoing. Tim Rose meeting with representatives from the legislature, DNR, East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, and FRNSA; more information to come in a future meeting.

10. Other

a.  Kaukauna Bridge

Informational and ongoing. Dr. Rose and Mr. Stark met with Kaukauna Mayor and street superintendent to discuss the status of the bridge repair. Kaukauna has contracted with a consultant to evaluate the bridge and make recommendations for repairs. Kaukauna will need more funding for the project than is currently available. Robert Stark to set up meeting with Will Dorsey to try to help find funding for the Bridge Project.

Vice Chairman Jeff Feldt asked for a motion to adjourn the board meeting. Kathy Curren made the motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Bruce Enke. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 4:54 p.m.