Brain and Cognition Seminar
September to December 2017

19 Sept. 2017 / CISA / Carlos Crivelli
School of Applied Social Sciences De Montfort University, UK
On extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence: Basic emotions theory and the doctrine of facial expression universality.
*26 Sept. 2017 / CNP Distinguished Lecture / Conor Walsh
Harvard University, USA.
Soft wearable robots for the community and the home.
03 Oct. 2017 / CISA / Riikka Rossi
University of Helsinki, FL
On the poetics of disgust in naturalist fiction.
10 Oct. 2017 / COSYN / Olivia Faull
Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, UK
Breathing and the brain: Using high-resolution functional MRI to understand breathlessness perception in health and disease.
17 Oct. 2017 / COSYN / Maurizio Filippone
Department of Data Science, EURECOM, France
Gaussian processes and some applications in neuroimaging.
24 Oct. 2017 / Autumn Holidays
31 Oct. 2017 / COSYN / Gael Chetelat
Inserm, UMR-S U1237, Université de Caen-Normandie, France
Brain atrophy, hypometabolism, amyloid deposition and connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease: assembling neuroimaging pieces.
07 Nov. 2017 / COSYN / Dominique de Quervain
Faculty of Psychologyand Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel, CH
Stress, Genes and Memory.
14 Nov. 2017 / SFN Washington
21 Nov. 2017 / CNP Distinguished Lecture / Serge Picaud
Institut de la Vision,INSERM, France
Visual restoration : validations of the photovoltaic retinal prosthesis and of optogenetic therapy in non-human primates.
28 Nov. 2017 / CISA / Gilles Pourtois
Department of Experimental-Clinical and Health Psychology, Ghent University, BE
Title: TBA
05 Dec. 2017 / COSYN / Magdalena Chechlacz
Oxford Neuroscience & Behaviour, University of Oxford, UK
Human visual attention: from individual differences to brain organisation and genetic variability.
12 Dec. 2017 / COSYN / Teppo Särkämö
Cognitive Brain research unit, University of Helsinki, Finland
Music for the ageing brain: Efficacy and neural mechanisms of music in neurological rehabilitation.
19 Dec. 2017 / COSYN / Alexander TOMEI
Addictology Unit, Community Psychiatry Service, CHUV, Lausanne
Addiction and empathy.

Conférences hebdomadaires organisées conjointement par les groupes de recherche au Campus Biotech:

COSYN: Cognitive Systems Neuroscience, UNIGE
CISA: Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, UNIGE

CNP: Center for Neuroprosthetics, EPFL
Les colloques ont lieu les MARDIS de 12h15 à 13h15 - salle 190.158l, Auditorium (*excepté le, 26 sept. à 11h00)

Campus Biotech –Ch. des Mines 9, – CH 1201 Genève - Contact: 022 379 53 69
Visio Conference HUG – Neurology Department – 2 - Room Visio P9B-P-921