Achoo! All About Colds


chicken pox


This story is about Sam who has a cold. The book explains how he got the cold and how he gets rid of it.

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Explain the main idea of this story.
(Answer) / A little boy gets a cold; Any logical answer
(Follow Up) / What part of the book did you like the best?
(2) / Imagine you were Sam. How do you think he felt about getting a cold?
(Answer) / Any logical answer
(Follow Up) / Do you know anyone who actually likes getting a cold.?
(3) / Pretend you are Sam’s mother. What would you do to take care of him?
(Answer) / Any logical answer
(Follow Up) / Who takes care of you while you are sick?
(4) / Tell about a time when you had a bad cold and you missed out on something fun?
(Answer) / Any logical answer
(Follow Up) / Name something fun to do?
(5) / Define the word germ?
(Answer) / Bacteria that causes us to have colds, flu, chicken pox and other sicknesses.
(Follow Up) / Do you think that we can see germs?
(6) / Name the sport Sam was playing.
(Answer) / Baseball
(Follow Up) / Have you ever played on a baseball team or some other sports team?
(7) / Tell how Sam knows he has a cold.
(Answer) / He sneezes, his throat hurts, his nose is running and he feels sick.
(Follow Up) / Tell how you know that you have a cold?
(8) / List some things Sam can do to feel better.
(Answer) / Get lots of sleep, eat good foods and drink lots of water and juice.
(Follow Up) / What makes you feel better when you are sick.
(9) / Describe how the cold germs got into Sam’s body.
(Answer) / They came in through his nose and went down his throat.
(Follow Up) / How do you think we get colds?
(10) / Explain why Sam has his own cup, towel and toothpaste.
(Answer) / So that no one else can catch Sam’s cold.
(Follow Up) / Do you have your own cup, towel, or toothpaste?
1. / Draw a picture of what you think a germ might look like. Give the germ a name.
2. / Make a list of things you might need to make you feel better when you have a cold.
3. / Write a story about a time when you or someone you know had a cold.
4. / Invent a new kind of medicine that cures colds. Tell what ingredients you need to make this new medicine.
1. / Bring in some CD cases, baseball cards, anything that you collect. Discuss collecting thins with the children. Let’s read a story about a boy’s family who is busy doing things while he can’t find anything to do.
2. / Put some things laying around the area. Have the children hunt for a certain item. After they find it. Say, “today we are going to read a story about a boy who goes on a treasure hunt.
3. / Put various items in a bag. Have the children reach in and try to find a certain object. Tell them that today we will read a story about a boy who has a hard time finding something he likes to do.

Book Title: Achoo! All About Colds

Author: Patricia Brennen Demuth / Illustrator: Maggie Smith
ISBN: 0448413485 / # of Text Pages: 23 AR: N/A LEX: 290L
Building Oral Vocabulary
12 / germs / 17 / gobble / 20 / virus
Prediction Questions
5 / Why do you think Sam sneezed?
13 / Do you think Sam cought the cold from Sara?
22 / What do you think Sam needs to do to feel better?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.