Cars - General Information – 1846 to 2014

© Juliet Scoble – Wellington, 12/2014


List of Contents

1 Advertising in Cars

2 Allocation of Cars

3 Alterations to Cars

4 Cars for Accommodation Huts

5 Car Bogies

6 Christchurch – Lyttelton Trains

7 Circus Train Cars

8 Condemned Cars

9 Correspondence Registers –

Information from

10 Couplings

11 Covered Gangways

12 Cushion Seats in Second Class

13 Door Handles

14 Emergency Braking

15 First Class, Abolition of

16 Car Floors

17 Chalk Marks on Cars

18 Four Compartment Cars

19 Gangways

20 Gates on Platforms

21 Gisborne Section Cars

22 Gore to Kingston Trains

23 Cars Used as Vans

24 Gutters on Cars

25 Handrails

26 Heating of AF Cars

27 Hire of Cars

28 Hospital Cars

29 Identity Discs

30 Janney Yoke Drawgear

31 Car Lavatories

32 Car Lighting - Electric

32A Pintsch Gas & Other Lighting

33 Car Markings

34 Otahuhu Workshops Trains

35 Painting & Lettering Cars

36 Picton Section Cars

37 Platform Alterations

38 Postal Cars

39 Public Works Department Cars

40 Refreshment Cars

41 Car Roofs

42 Rewanui Branch Trains

43 Running Restrictions

44 Car Seats

45 Smoking in Cars

46 Cars Sold

47 Special Cars

48 Steam Heating

49 Strengthened Ends

50 Car Ceilings

51 Turning Cars

52 Wanganui Section Cars

53 Ladies Cars

54 Westport Section Cars

55 Whangarei Section Cars

56 Car Windows

57 World War Two Emergency Cars

58 Auckland Railways

59 Canterbury Railways

60 Invercargill Railways

61 Otago Railways

62 Wellington Section

63 New Cars

64 Transfer of Cars

65 Wheels of Cars

66 Classified Railway Expenditure – Public Works Department

67 Proposed Reclassifications of Cars

68 Daylight Limited Express

69 Covered Gangways, Anti-Collision Ends, and Automatic Couplers

70 Kingston Flyer Train.

71 Westinghouse Brake

72 Sleeping Cars

73 Named Trains

74 Number and Class Plates

75 Footwarmers

76 Car Uses

77 Suburban Cars

78 Painting & Lettering Cars

79 Smoking Accommodation on Trains

80 Christchurch – Lyttelton Trains

81 Withdrawal of Passenger Accommodation

82 Passenger services

83 Last run of Northerner service

84 Rawlings Half-Drop Windows

85 Curtains on Vestibule Doors in Northerner Cars

86 Improved Seating in Cars

87 Royal Tours

88 Capital Cost of Electric Lighting Cars

List of Contents (Continued)

89 Capital Cost of Strengthened Ends in Cars

90 Car Uses

91 Capital Cost of Cars – 31 March, 1936

92 Car Details – All Sections – 1897

93 Car Painting Specifications – 1907

94 Car Seats

95 Advertising in Cars

96 Cleaning Car Windows

97 Undergear of Cars

98 Elevated Roof Cars on Rimutaka Incline

99 Towel Rollers

100 Notice Plates

101 Car Painting & Varnishing

102 Lavatory Cars

103 Gangways & Handrails

104 Colour Schemes of Cars

105 Mat Substitute

106 Proposed 60'-0” Cars

107 Weight of Cars

108 Precautions Against Wind, Wairarapa

109 North Island Car Stock 1932

111 Withdrawal of Dining Cars

112 Cars at Timaru and Vicinity

113 Cars not Permitted over Rimutaka Incline

114 Cars Sold

115 Steam Heating)

116 Dunedin Suburban Cars

117 Christchurch Expresses

118 Pintsch Gas & Other Lighting

119 Car Lighting – Electric

120 Not used

121 Passenger Car Stock Position

122 Wellington District Car Stock

123 Reseating of Cars

124 Christchurch District Services

125 Capacity of Wellington Suburban


126 Reservation of Seats

127 Blinds

128 Map Frames in Cars

129 SKF Roller Bearing Bogies

130 Window Alterations

131 Door Alterations

132 Postal Cars

133 Lighting Equipment

134 Alterations to Brake Gear

135 Ventilators

136 Lavatory Compartments

137 Birdcage Cars

138 Ashtrays for Cars

139 Front Board of Fixed End Seats

140 Old Cars at Greymouth

141 Car Stock 1986

142 Heating of Cars

143 Side & Tail Lamp Brackets

144 Emergency Brake Valves

145 Handrails

146 Covered Gangways, Anti-Collision Ends, and Automatic Couplers

147 Platform Grills

148 Allocation of Suburban Cars 1969

149 Standard Equipment for Car-Vans

150 Suburban Train Consists

151 Number of Cars 1967

152 Wooden Cars with Strengthened Ends

153 [Not used]

154 Protective Under-Floor Sheathing

155 Altering Truss Rods to Clear Centre Rail Gauge

156 Cars Awaiting Repairs at Wellington

157 Conveyance of Workmen

158 Car Roofs

159 Lettering, etc, Cars

160 Weight of Cars

161 Maintenance of Car Stock

162 Auckland Cars, 1955

163 Seating in Suburban Cars

164 Express Train Consists, Easter Holidays, 1970

165 Christchurch – Dunedin – Invercargill Expresses

166 Rewanui Passenger Services

167 Coal Gas Lighting

168 Cleaning of Cars

169 Suburban Trains

170 Stations at Which Spare Cars are Held

171 Car Lavatories & Water Supply

172 South Island Car Stock

173 North Island Car Stock

174 Car Details, 1908

175 Pintch's Gas – Instructions for Use, 1908

176 Cost of Car Windows, 1908

177 Car Orders from England, 1873 to 1876

179 Wanganui Cars

180 Wellington Section Car Restrictions

181 Sale of Cars, 1984

182 Excursion & Other Trains

183 Kingston Flyer Train

184 Luminious Paint for Car Interior

1 Advertising in Cars

11/1907 Addington Workshops – Coloured views of New Zealand – Recommending pictures be of the same sized used in cars, viz 12 inches by 10 inches, and the following be supplied:

18 – 12 inches by 10 inches pictures and greatest length vertical.

14 – 12 inches by 10 inches pictures and greatest length horizontal.

24/1/1940 Approval for the removal of racks in cars for publicity folder and pamphlets to be removed in secondary cars only.

29/8/1961 Proposal to replace the standard 10 inch by 18 inch framed and glazed advertisements inn cars with the multiple unit type panel (in suburban cars only).

26/8/1980 No contracts are to be renewed, or new ones entered into, for advertising in multiple unit stock. The Department should not continue to advertise in newly overhauled units, and will not have advertising in the new Hungarian units. Such advertising does not in any way improve the general appearance of the interior, and in fact such notices tend to attract vandalism which then spreads to other fittings.

21/11/1984 In the past the Department has advertised its Railway travel services extensively on the inside of the old red Wellington suburban units.

For reason of décor and to gauge public re-action, it has not been done so on any scale with the new Ganz Mavag units. However, the Department did place panels experimentally in one unit (EM 1004 and ET 3004) and after a trial period with no adverse comment, now intends going ahead and developing a number of high standard panels advertising the Department's services. These will begin to appear in the new units over the next few months.

2 Allocation of Cars

On 19 September, 1902, arrangements were being made to transfer to Auckland two class A cars from Wellington and two from Lyttelton. The Wellington cars will be withdrawn from traffic and will be shipped on the 22nd instant. Those from Lyttelton have not yet been in service and will be shipped in about ten days.

On 14 April,1925, instructions were issued for the following cars are to be re-allocated from Wanganui to Wellington:

A 166, 301, 341, 346, 375, 404, 492, 532, 575, 826, 1113, 1127

B 321, 367, 418

In July, 1935, Westland (WL) became a separate allocation, previously coming under Christchurch. The following cars are now to have the “WL” allocation:

A 112, 117, 161, 209, 214, 238, 239, 256, 269, 270, 295, 416, 420, 525, 585, 586, 682, 696, 697, 789, 790, 859, 958, 959, 1051, 1052, 1153, 1154, 1187, 1188, 1346, 1347, 1513, 1517, 1519, 1550, 1635, 1638, 1820, and 1821.

In July, 1935, Ohakune ceased being a separate district. The cars will be reallocated as follows:

To Auckland A 26, 369, 468, 508, 509, 577, 747, 753, 756, 757, 786, 916, 917, 1042, 1476, 1477, 1817, 1818.

2 Allocation of Cars Continued)

To Wanganui A 556, 568, 594, 724, 742, 745, 746, 787, 810, 811, 815, 915, 927, 962, 1044, 1045, 1218, 1219, 1336, 1340.

B 364.

On 25 June, 1926, nineteen cars of the Wellington District, had been re-allocated from the Middle District but were still under the control of the Stationmaster, Taumarunui. They are:

A 26, 369, 468, 508, 509, 577, 747, 753, 756, 757, 786, 914, 917, 961, 1042, 1476, 1477, 1817, 1818.

In March, 1951, instructions were given for the Auckland cars used at Ohakune to be used on local and light suburban trains at Auckland.

Cars Nos A 508, 509, 577, 747, 753, 754, 756, 757, 786, 916, 917, 961.

3 Alterations to Cars

22/11/1884 As to putting guard irons in gangways of 4-compartment cars.

5/3/1885 General Manager and Minister – Fitting up a bed for occasional use, in each of two cars, Hurunui Bluff Section, Ministers' desire.

21/11/1887 Postmaster General – Suggesting special mail vans be built exclusively for Post Office work.

19/1/1888 Napier – Requesting authority to convert two first class cars to composites.

2/8/1888 Conversion of 6-wheeled cars on the Wanganui Section into 4 compartment bogie.

5/3/1890 Agent General, London – Information re: Lurcrusta Walton for railway car decorative purposes.

13/3/1908 Fitting end doors of cars with springs.

31/3/1928 Alterations to car during year ending 31 March, 1928:


4 cars – remove 10 inch sets of Westinghouse brake gear and substitute 8 inch sets

1 car – alter sleeping car for use of HRH The Duke of York

2 cars – convert back to smoking

1 car – kitchen car altered back to first class

1 car – first class car altered back to second class

50 cars – extra truss rods

58 cars – standard door locks

1 car – double lavatory

9 cars – copper cars fitted with antique

4 cars – end cupboards to Ladies Cars

2 cars – spittoons removed


1 car – altered for Farmers' Train

2 cars – converted after Royal Visit

10 cars – toplights made fixtures

3 Alterations to Cars (Continued)

4 cars – anti-rattlers fitted to windows

3 cars – standard ventilators fitted

21 cars – steam heat fitted

4 cars – flat “E” type axleboxes fitted

17 cars – spittoons removed

4 cars – bars fitted to lavatory windows


20 cars – fit fanlights and alter smoke excluders

? cars - fit Edwards anti -rattlers to sashes (no record kept of quantity)

2 cars - “Lincrista” ceiling replaced by box ply

19 cars – remove spittoons

1 car – fit lamp brackets on 20 second class cars

5 cars – fit 10 inch Westinghouse Brake cylinders on main line and main trunk cars

1 car – fit electric light to “Sentinel” rail car, and alterations


20 cars – alter ventilators

5 cars – tiles fitted to lavatories

6 cars – alter ceilings

31 cars – facings rounded at windows

12 cars – remove spittoons

16 cars – gutter moulding removed

24/8/1987 Instructions to Addington Workshops to refurbish three cars for the Greymouth service. To be fitted with carpets and curtains.

3/11/1987 The three refurbished cars for the Greymouth service will be passed out of Addington Workshops by 20/11/1987.

4 Cars for Accommodation Huts

10/5/1956 The District Engineer, Auckland, desires to utilise a number of old car bodies for a gang at Otahuhu. He is holding the following cars, formerly used on Wirth's Circus train, at his depot at Otahuhu in anticipation of authority to utilise them as accommodation huts:

A 286, 296, 492, 537, 552, 802, 803, 846.

In the meantime the Signals Section desires to utilise A 296 for approximately one month as a travelling hut to accommodate a gang where no hotel is available on the Main Trunk.

15/4/1956 Approval given for the above. A 296 will not be reclassified EA.

5 Car Bogies

1931 In 1931, instructions were issued to Otahuhu Workshops for the building of 44 SKF bogies for the 56 foot sleeping cars and the 50 foot first and second class Main Trunk cars.

29/7/1941 Instructions issued to Otahuhu Workshops to exchange bogies BP 4274 at present under seven cars with semi-wood underframes (List A) for bogies BP 2794 now under 47½ foot suburban cars with steel underframes (List B).

5 Car Bogies (Continued)

List A – A 546, 742, 743, 751, 842, 846, 914.

List B – A 208, 307, 1189 to 1192, 1205.

19/5/1989 There are three distinct “batches” of BP x28020 bogies in service.

- 90 bought new for use under cars (1970 to 1974)

- 176 (plus spares) made in Japan by NSSK for first group of FM vans (1975)

- 100 (plus spares) made in Korea by Daewoo for the second group of FM vans (1981)

6 Christchurch – Lyttelton Trains

24/9/1903 The Lyttelton service is not equipped with the Westinghouse Brake.

2/5/1904 The Lyttelton service has now been fitted with the Westinghouse Brake.

9/1931 The following cars, low roof types, are no longer used on the Lyttelton service:

A 18, 62, 126, 147, 148, 186, 190, 202, 268

9/1941 The following cars are used on the Christchurch – Lyttelton workers' train:

First class, suburban A 1438, 1439

Second class suburban A 1436, 1437, 1440, 1441, 1442

Second class, bench seats A 37, 233, 254, 514, 698, 699, 701, 934

2/3/1951 The following cars (all gas lit) are used on the Christchurch – Lyttelton ferry trains:

39½' semi-birdcage cars A 114, 494

47½' end lavatory one compartment cars A 862, 896, 897, 945, 947

12/2/1973 The stock permanently allocated to the Christchurch – Lyttelton services consists of the following cars:

56'-0” second class, 52 seats A 1985, 1989, 1995, 2005

50'-0” second class, 34 seats A 1693

Each of the above vehicles is fitted with a “SKOPE” electric storage heater, but for reasons of safety, these heaters are at present disconnected pending completion of investigations into their replacement by alternative heaters.

All these cars are in urgent need of refurbishing and / or renovation. Four of the cars were shopped at Addington on 7 February. The work includes the removal of steam heating equipment. The fifth car (A 2005) is being dealt with at Christchurch Car and Wagon Depot, work commencing on 7 February (this car was in better condition than the rest).