Disability, Mental Health and Carers Program

Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Program Guidelines Overview

April 2017


The Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS) has a suite of Program Guidelines which provides information about each Program that provides grants funding, and the suite of Activities that contribute to that Program. They provide the key starting point for parties considering whether to participate in a Program and form the basis for the business relationship between DSS and the grant recipient.

DSS recognises and supports the work of civil society organisations. The DSS approach to working with civil society is based on reducing red tape, providing greater flexibility and respecting theindependence of the sector. This approach recognises that civil society organisations should be supported to self-manage the delivery of support to our communities rather than being burdened with unnecessary government requirements.

Program Guidelines are provided to applicants for each grant funding round. The approach to grants funding described in the Guidelines aims to foster collaboration and innovation in the community across civil society freeing up resources to improve outcomes for individuals, families and communities.

The Program Guidelines for each grant funding round include:

·  a Program Guidelines Overview document (this document) that provides an overview of how funding rounds may be conducted for each Activity (PBS administered line item) that contribute to the overall Program outcome, and

·  an Application Pack - a suite of documents with information specific to each grant funding round conducted within the Activity.

The simplified Program arrangements establish the framework for DSS to move towards a single Grant Agreement per provider, implement new and improved financial reporting systems, reduce reporting and regulation, consolidate funding rounds and support greater service delivery innovation to meet the needs of clients.

DSS reserves the right to amend these documents from time to time by whatever means it may determine in its absolute discretion and will provide reasonable notice of these amendments.

Table of Contents

1 Program overview – Disability, Mental Health and Carers 4

1.1 Program outcomes 4

1.2 Program objectives 4

2 Activity Overview – Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support 4

2.1 Aims and objectives 5

2.2 Sub-Activity 5

2.3 Applicant eligibility 5

2.4 Participants/clients/recipients/target group 6

2.5 Funding for the Activity 6

2.6 Eligible and ineligible activities 7

2.7 Activity links and working with other agencies and services 8

2.8 Specialist requirements (e.g. Legislative requirements) 8

2.9 Information technology 9

2.10 Activity performance and reporting 9

2.11 Financial reporting 10

2.12 DSS responsibilities and accountabilities under the Activity 10

2.13 Grant recipients responsibilities and accountabilities under the Activity 10

2.14 Risk management strategy 11

2.15 Special conditions applying to this Activity 11

3 Application Process 11

3.1 Overview of the application process 11

3.2 Program Guidelines 11

3.3 Achieving value for money 12

3.4 Choice of selection process 12

3.5 Service delivery areas 13

3.6 Selection Criteria 13

3.7 How to submit an application 14

3.8 Conflicts of Interest 16

4 Terms and conditions applying to Selection/s 16

4.1 Liability issues 16

4.2 DSS’s rights 16

4.3 Disclaimer 16

4.4 Fraud 17

4.5 Personal Information 17

4.6 Freedom of Information 17

5 Financial and Other Arrangements 17

5.1 Financial arrangements 17

6 Complaints 18

6.1 Applicants/Grant Recipients 18

6.2 Client/Customer 18

7 Contact information 18

8 Glossary 19

1  Program overview – Disability, Mental Health and Carers

1.1  Program outcomes

The Department of Social Services (DSS) funds community organisations to develop and maintain a cohesive Australian community and improved independence and self-sufficiency, recognising that government contributions are only one source of funding for the operation of community services.

The Disability, Mental Health and Carers Program (Program) provides:

·  support and advocacy for people with a disability and carers

·  disability employment, and

·  community mental health services.

The following five priority areas, which sit within the Program, have been identified as capturing DSS business, in line with the Commonwealth Government’s priorities and responsibilities:

·  Disability Employment

·  Disability and Carer Support

·  Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support

·  Community Mental Health, and

·  National Disability Insurance Scheme Transitioning Grants.

1.2  Program objectives

The Program aims to provide a foundation for integrated, community led program delivery that understands and meets local needs and promotes innovation and collaboration. This will include the establishment of a platform for continued improvement in the way DSS does its business, clarifying and strengthening Commonwealth and state/territory government responsibilities and fostering stronger relationships with civil society and partnering with service providers.

The Program provides support and community-based initiatives for people with disability, mental illness, and for carers so they can develop their capabilities and actively participate in community and economic life.

2  Activity Overview – Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support

The Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Activity aims to promote an understanding of the lives of people with disability and carers, promote and protect the rights and dignity of people with disability and carers, and foster support for their participation in all aspects of community life.

DSS will continue to work with the states and territories, local government and other Australian Government agencies to bring about improvement through implementing strategies for people with disability and carers to support their participation economically and socially in Australian society; to enhance their independence and wellbeing; to foster a cohesive community and to promote civil society.

Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support funding is provided for enabling grant activities that focus on broad organisational, sectoral and social impacts, and are not generally for the provision of services direct to individuals or families. Activities that are a priority for funding are those that may include representation and systemic advocacy, policy analysis and program development, research and consultation, awareness raising, information dissemination, sector development, secretariat roles and funding for operational (or core) support to grant recipients to foster capacity building and sector sustainability.


2.1  Aims and objectives

The Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Activity will be achieved through providing opportunities for people with disability, carers, policy makers, researchers, national organisations, service providers, business and community organisations to undertake work to improve the lives of people with disability and carers.

This will be delivered through grants focused on one or all of the following objectives:

1.  Sector Development

2.  Stakeholder Engagement

3.  Service Improvement, and

4.  Sponsorship activities.

Sector Development

Community-based organisations may be funded to support sector capacity building activities, contribute to Government policy on issues that impact people with disability and carers, and to communicate Government information to their memberships and the sectors they represent.

Stakeholder Engagement

Organisations may be funded to assist people with disability, carers and their representative organisations to engage with, or on behalf of, Government in the development of programs, policies and systems that affect people with disability and carers.

Service Improvement

Organisations may be funded to develop, or to implement already developed, strategies to improve services for people with disability and carers. For example, activities that could be funded under this objective could include one-off projects addressing or researching specific areas for improvement, such as identifying innovative housing options for younger people in residential aged care or identifying options for improved protection against violence for women with disability.

Sponsorship activities

Funding may also be applied for sponsorship activities by organisations to represent their sector and to support awareness raising activities. For example, funding can be provided to host an event, or to organise a week of activities or to help manage the costs of organising a conference or to support representation and participation in key domestic and international events.

2.2  Sub-Activity

Not applicable.

2.3  Applicant eligibility

The following entity types meet the eligibility requirements to be invited to apply for a grant for the Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Activity:

a.  Incorporated Associations (incorporated under state/territory legislation, commonly have 'Association' or 'Incorporated' or 'Inc.' in their legal name)

b.  Incorporated Cooperatives (also incorporated under state/territory legislation, commonly have ‘Cooperative' in their legal name)

c.  Companies (incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 – may be a not-for-profit proprietary company (limited by shares or by guarantee) or public companies)

d.  Aboriginal Corporations (incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006)

e.  Organisations established through a specific piece of Commonwealth or state/territory legislation (public benevolent institutions, churches, universities, unions etc)

f.  Partnerships

g.  Trustees on behalf of a Trust

Not-for-profit entity types specified above meet the eligibility requirements.

For-profit entity types specified above may be invited in special circumstances.

The following entity types may be invited in special circumstances:

h.  State and territory Governments

i.  Local Governments

j.  Government Business Enterprises

k.  Companies (incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 – may be for-profit proprietary company (limited by shares or by guarantee) or public companies), and/or

l.  Where there is no suitable alternative, an individual or – jointly and separately – individuals. Where j) is used, it also needs to be stated who the decision maker is on the issue.

2.4  Participants/clients/recipients/target group

Target groups under the Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Activity includes:

·  people with disability (including as defined by the Disability Services Act 1986)

·  carers (as defined by the Carer Recognition Act 2010) or by equivalent state/territory legislation or policy

·  organisations that directly represent people with disability (including Disabled Persons Organisations*) or that can demonstrate effective networks or lived experience of people with disability

·  organisations that directly represent carers or that can demonstrate effective networks or lived experience of carers

·  organisations that represent service providers that deliver services / programs / activities to support people with disability and

·  organisations that deliver services / programs / activities to support carers.

* Disabled Person’s Organisations (DPOs) are generally organisations controlled by a majority of people with disability at the board and membership levels or independent organisations of persons with disability.

2.5  Funding for the Activity

An amount of $203.356 million has been allocated over four years from 1 July 2015 by the Australian Government for the Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Activity. All amounts are GST exclusive.

Of the $203.356 million allocated for the Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Activity, $140.3 million has been allocated to wage supplementation. This allocation of funding will provide supplementation to organisations who have transitioned to a productivity based wage assessment tool, the Supported Wage System (SWS) since 29 April 2014. Supplementation will be payable at 100 per cent for the first 12 months, reducing to 75 per cent for the second 12months, reducing to 50 per cent for the next six months with 25 per cent supplementation payable for the final six months. There will be no supplementation from 1 January 2021. Retrospective funding will be made available to organisations that have already transitioned to the SWS prior to the opening of the wage supplementation funding round.

Payments will be backdated to 1 February 2015, or from the date the organisation transitioned to the SWS post 1 February 2015.

Associated activities for ADEs such as assistance to exit service provision, or to transition low productivity workers with disability to suitable alternatives is also included within this component.

Funding has separately been allocated for a new productivity-based wage assessment tool (the new tool) for supported employment. This allocation of funding will provide for the development and implementation of the new tool, and to support employers and the supported employment sector in the use of the new tool.

Funding amounts are inclusive of discretionary grants awarded under these Program Guidelines and funding provided through other process such as procurement. Funding amounts included in these Program Guidelines are estimates and may change in the course of the budget year as government priorities change.

The Minister(s) with responsibility for disability and carers has/have responsibility for the Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Activity.

Where DSS has invited applications for grants, the final decision about service delivery areas, sites and proposals for service delivery will be made by the Departmental delegate.

DSS may negotiate grant agreements ranging up to a five year term based on the grant purpose, degree of risk, and priorities for funding.

As a part of the Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Activity, organisations may choose to use up to 10% of their funding for innovative projects. This will be negotiated as part of the grant agreement.

DSS works in partnership with other government and non-government organisations to manage a diverse range of programs and services designed to support and improve the lives of Australians. Australian Government funding is a great way of helping the community expand, develop or start a project. Providers are chosen through selection processes.

DSS encourages all potential applicants to check the DSS website regularly for the latest information on programs, current selection processes and closing dates for applications.

Funded organisations are required to enter into a legally binding funding agreement with DSS, whichspecifies a range of contractual obligations, including in relation to record keeping and retention, performance reporting and financial expenditure and acquittal.

In accordance with the Fair Work Australia decision of 1 February 2012 to increase wages in the Social and Community Services (SACS) sector, DSS will provide supplementation funding to organisations employing SACS workers delivering Disability & Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support Activity. To be eligible for supplementation funding organisations must be delivering in-scope Commonwealth funded programs and have employed staff under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (SACS Modern Award), specifically under one of the following Schedules:

·  Schedule B – Classification Definitions - Social and Community Services Employees; and