Influence of the Media on Marriage & Family

Purpose: To provide information to the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) members
about the increasingly fast-paced use of technology by the media that can be either beneficial or
destructive to marriage and the family structure, depending on its use.
Whereas, The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states, “Within modern society the communications media play a major role in information, cultural promotion, and formation.
This role is increasing, as a result of technological progress . . . [and] can give rise to a certain passivity among users, making them less than vigilant consumers of what is said or shown.
Users should practice moderation and discipline in their approach to the mass media. They will
want to form enlightened and correct consciences the more easily to resist unwholesome
influences.” (CCC 2493 – 2496);

Whereas, The core of our Catholic faith is the belief that each individual human being possesses
an inherent dignity, created as we are in God’s image; therefore, we must make moral choices
in selecting media to view so that marriage and family are respected; and
Whereas, Technology, essential to our daily lives, is changing faster than man can work to
counteract the illicit and morally deviant aspects which provide ways for media to exploit
individuals as consumers of mass communication (print, internet, television, cable services,
movies, game systems, magazines, cell phones, etc.);
Resolved, That NCCW members look at all technology through the eyes of our Catholic faith
and moral values and use resources such as those listed below to assure the content of
information that they and their families are engaged in is appropriate and helps to strengthen
their marriages and family structures, allowing them to grow in their relationship to God.
*the USCCB website: 23 the-news,

*Cara report on Catholics’ use of “new media”:
*Bishop John Wester, Chair of the USCCB Communications Committee, “Using the New Media for New Evangelization”: meeting/using-the-new-media-for-the-new-evangelization.cfm
* Family Guide for Using Media:
as well as the *NCCW website: and
Resolved, That NCCW members get involved in a conversation with their
families and friends by talking to them about the inappropriate, unsolicited, and unwanted contentthey are, and will be, exposed to by providing information consistent with our Catholic faith.
Adopted on: September 2015, at the NCCW Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida