Terms of Reference
for a writer of the third book of CBM’s
‘Series on Disability-Inclusive Development’
on inclusive education
In 2015, CBM International Officeand CBM Germany jointly started to publish a publication series to foster the international debate on disability-inclusion in development and to share ourexperience in this field.
The books are published in English and German under the series’ title “Series on Disability-Inclusive Development” (DID).
The first publicationof the DID series, “The Future is Inclusive”, outlined the rationale for including persons with disabilities in international development and highlighted key principles and approaches that are central to implementing good quality disability-inclusive development.
A copy of the publication can be downloaded at the following link:
The second book will be published in 2016 and it isbased on the findings from theacademic review “The economic costs of exclusion and gains of inclusion of people with disabilities”. This DID publication provides the legal and policy context which obligates governments to invest in disability-inclusive development cooperation and gives examples of how investments in key sectoral areas can benefit people with disabilities and the wider society in which they live.
The third book to be published in 2017, will be on the topic of inclusiveeducation. CBM International Office and CBM Germany are now looking for a writer to draft the English version of this new publication. The book will make the case for inclusive education, portray CBM’s approach to it and discuss challenges and opportunities. Goodpractice examples will show practicesfrom the field and demonstrate progress made in the areaof inclusive education.
Overall Objective
Write the text of the third book according to defined evidence, resources and script developed in collaboration with the CBM project team.
Specific Objectives
-Collect and define the relevant resources and evidence needed for the development of the content in cooperation with the CBM project coordinator, and with the support of the research manager and relevant CBM advisors.
-Definethe terms of reference (ToR) of the book together with CBM project coordinator.
-Draft the script for the publication.
-Develop the draftsof the book according to the script and agreed timeline in close cooperation with the Editor and publication coordinator.
-Refine the drafts and incorporate changes requested by CBM project team after review rounds.
Expected results
- Developed draft reflects CBM DID Series style and purpose and presents the chosen topic in accordance with the agreed script.
- Production of the final draft incorporates comments and suggestion of CBM project team in terms of terminology, structures and copyediting.
- ToR of the third book of the DID series.Script of the publication /detailed outline
- The final draft of the publication.
Time line
Starting from second quarter of 2016 (details to be discussed).
The total duration of assignment will be 10 months and it will require attendance to workshops and project meetings at the CBM office in Bensheim.
Required Expert Profile:
The consultant should have
- sound writing experience (at least 5 years)
- native or full professional proficiency in English
- a comprehensiveunderstanding of Disability-Inclusive Development
- a sound understanding and (academic) background in inclusive education in the context of development cooperation
- proven analytical skills and strong communication skills
The consultant signs and adheres to CBM’s child safeguarding policy
Applicants should submit an offer including CV, samples of previous works and expected fee.
The application shall be sent by February 15th 2016to Rosa Ullucci:
or posted to
CBM e.V.
Rosa Ullucci
Stubenwald-Allee 5
64625 Bensheim
For more information about CBM International:
For more information about CBM Germany: