APPROVED 10/14/15



Special Board of Education Meeting

Wednesday,September 16, 2015

School Library

PRESENT:Chairperson Christine Tamburro, Lisa Hewett, Jay Linddy, Shannon Louden, Michael Russo, Danielle Maguire, Whitney Covell

ADMINISTRATION:Sally Doyen, Superintendent

John Briody, Principal/Director of Curriculum

Barbara Wilson, Assistant Principal

OTHERS:Jennifer Pugh/Grade 3 Teacher, Megan Jacobs/Grade 3 Teacher, Richard Lawrence/DRA,Ken Best/DRA, Geeta Schrayter (Rivereast), Joseph O’Leary (Journal Inquirer)

1.0Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairperson C. Tamburro, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by John Briody.

2.0Comments from the Public – None

3.0Approval of Minutes

3.1 Regular Meeting of June 10, 2015

A motion to approve the minutes of the July8, 2015 regular meeting was made by W. Covell, seconded by M. Russo.

7 – 0 – 0 (PASSED)

3.2Special Meeting of August 6, 2015

A motion to approve the minutes of the August 6, 2015 special meeting was made by S. Louden, seconded by D. Maguire.

7 – 0 – 0 (PASSED)

4.0Opportunity to Add or Delete Agenda Items

J. Linddy questioned whether this meeting should be considered a special meeting rather than a regular meeting of the Board. Item 6.4.1 was moved to 5.2 under Celebrations.


5.1 Opening of School

Superintendent Doyen commented that it was a great opening and first week of school despite the heat. J. Linddy thanked the superintendent for keeping the Board informed and mentioned that the celebration outside for students was wonderful. He thought it was good to see the Superintendent riding all the bus routes; in fact, he mentioned it to the Board of Selectmen at their last meeting and they were quite impressed.

5.2 AES Roof Needs Presentation (Richard Lawrence)

Mr. Lawrence gave a brief overview of the history of The Lawrence Associates and DRA (which began in 1921) and explained the merging of The Lawrence Associates with DRA in July 2014. DRA is the third oldest architectural firm in Massachusetts. Mr. Lawrence expressed his appreciation for continued involvement with Andover. Also present from DRA was Ken Best. The group is trying to simplify the grant and review process.

The process for this project was discussed and included:

  • Appointing a Building Committee (the Board can act as its own committee or appoint a subcommittee);
  • Preparing a project scope;
  • Filing the entire roof plan with the state;
  • Looking at ages of roofs. 20+ year old roofs can get reimbursement. Those close to 20 years can appeal due to structural failure and/or not being correctly installed.
  • Study needs to look at the structure to see if we can do a different system as well as the insulation which must be R-20 or more and energy efficient. The timeframe for completion of the study will be approximately two months. The firm will prioritize what is best for the school.
  • The kitchen area was briefly discussed. It may have to be done separately before winterbut for now it will be included in the study. If it ends up separate, DRA will furnish aseparate quote.

S. Louden questioned whether we received a cost benefit using DRA because of our history with the company. Mr. Lawrence answered that since DRA maintains CAD drawings, which they will use, the costs will be less than starting from scratch.


6.1Chairperson’s Oral Report

6.1.1 The official letter from the state regarding appointment of the superintendent was included in Board packets.

6.1.2 The Board of Educationmust have a representative on the CIP committee per the Town charter.

6.1.3 A meeting should be organized with Hebron, Andover, Marlborough and RHAM to discuss the issue of regionalization. More discussion to follow.

6.2Assistant Principal/Dir. of Special Education’s Report – B. Wilson discussed the assistance level for Tier 2 and Tier 3 students. Tier 2 students receive extra help two to three times per week; Tier 3 students need more help, up to five times per week. Preschool is fully functioning and has added four students since the beginning of school; currently there are 10 morning and 9 afternoon students. The state’s Back to School meeting provided information about all items that need to be implemented this school year.

6.3 Principal/Director of Curriculum’s Report–J. Briody thanked J. Linddy for providing the PA system for the opening day, which aided in the introduction of all the new students to AES as well as the music and book reading. Teachers’ rooms look amazing. Our summer reading goal was 1,234 books but we exceeded that number with a running total of 1,408 (forms submitted by 78 students averaged 18 books each). Next Friday is “Hat Day” and will include an assembly at which certificates will be distributed. Summer readers’“selfies” are posted on the school website. Curriculum nights are planned for next week. SBAC scores came back with fantastic numbers. (Board members expressed their pride and noted excellent teachers, small classes and personalized attention.)

6.4 Superintendent’s Report – S. Doyen updated the Board of Education on the following topics:

6.4.1Item moved to 5.2

6.4.2 Chimney Repair– Three proposals were received. Most work will be done on weekends due to the noise.

6.4.32014-15 Final Budget Report – Surplus of $150,033returned to the Town.

6.4.4 MBR Information for2015-16 Budget– Information provided in Board packets.

6.5Enrollment– Currently, 249 students are enrolled. An additional 12 students are attending magnet schools, five of which are at the kindergarten level.

6.6 Financial Report – Magnet school students will cause a shortage ($15,000) as well as outplacement of one student ($80,000-$90,000).

7.0New Business: Action Items

7.1 Proposal for Feasibility Study for AES Roof

A motion to approve the proposal for a feasibility study of the AES roof was made by M. Russo, seconded by J. Linddy.

7 – 0 – 0 (PASSED)

J. Linddy requested that a Building Committee be formed. W. Covell would like it placed on next month’s Board agenda.

7.2Request from School Improvement Funds for Feasibility Study

A motion to request the Board of Finance to pay for the feasibility study,in the amount of $5,000, from the School Improvement accountwas made by W. Covell, seconded by S. Louden.

7 – 0 – 0 (PASSED)

7.3 Return of Unexpended Funds from 2014-2015 Budget to Town

A motion to approve the return of unexpended funds from 2014-2015 in the amount of $150,033 to the Town was made by J. Linddy, seconded by W. Covell.

7 – 0 – 0 (PASSED)

M. Russo expressed concern that the funds to be returned to the Town were substantial.

7.4Request for 1% of Budget from Board of Finance

A motion to request to the Board of Finance that 1% of the budget ($42,950) be placed in the School Improvement non-lapsing account was made by S. Louden, seconded by M. Russo.

7 – 0 – 0 (PASSED)

7.5 2014-2015 Budget Transfers

A motion to approve the budget line transfers to close out the 2014-2015 budgetas presented was made by J. Linddy, seconded by L. Hewett. ($6,812 from Teachers Salaries to General Maintenance; $404 from Electricity to Furniture/Fixtures.)

7 – 0 – 0 (PASSED)

7.6 Appointment of Board Member to CIP Committee

A motion to approve the appointment of a member of the Board of Education to the Capital Improvement Planning committee was made by L. Hewett, seconded by D.Maguire.

7 – 0 – 0 (PASSED)

Historical information regarding Board appointment was given by J. Linddy.

8.0 Comments from the Public on Agenda Items – None.

9.0 Upcoming Meetings

9.1 Regular Board Meeting – October 14, 2015

9.2Items for Next Meeting:

  • Building Committee
  • Sign Committee for Building Signage
  • Discussion of Regionalization with Hebron and Marlborough


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by S. Louden, seconded by W. Covell.

7 – 0 – 0 (PASSED)

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sally Doyen

Superintendent of Schools