CRIS HL7 Conformance Statement (RIS_PD166) v1.3

CRIS HL7Conformance Statement (RIS_PD166)

This HL7 conformance statement describes the HL7 functionality of the CRIS Radiological Information System.

Author:Steven Verdon


Issue Date:29th December 2014

Copyright 2014Healthcare Software Systems. All Rights Reserved

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Document Control

Title / CRIS HL7 Conformance Statement
Author / Steven Verdon / Date: 12/07/2012
File Ref. / RIS_PD166_20910_CRIS_HL7_Conformance_Statement.doc
Approval Sign-off (For formal issue)
Owner / Role / Signature / Date / Issue
Steven Verdon / Integration Services Manager
Approver / Role / Signature / Date / Issue
Dr Julia Paul / Software Developer
Review Panel
Name / Role
Nick Woods / Application Specialist
Change History
Issue / Date / Author / Editor / Details of Change
0.1 / 12/07/2012 / Steven Verdon / First Draft
0.2 / 1307/2012 / Steven Verdon / Second draft after initial review
1.0 / 16/07/2012 / Steven Verdon / Released version
1.1 / 18/04/2013 / Steven Verdon / Document review
1.2 / 09/12/2013 / Steven Verdon / Document review
1.3 / 29/12/2014 / Steven Verdon / Document review


1.1Intended Audience

1.2Important considerations for the reader

1.3Related documents

2Acronyms and Abbreviations

3Inbound messages (to RIS)

3.1Messages supported

3.1.1ADT Messages supported

3.1.2OMG Messages supported

3.1.3ORU Messages supported

3.1.4SIU Messages supported

3.1.5QRY Messages supported

3.1.6QBP Messages supported

4Outbound messages (from RIS)

4.1Messages supported

4.1.1ADT Messages supported

4.1.2OMG Messages supported

4.1.3ORU Messages supported

4.1.4SIU Messages supported

4.1.5ORG Messages supported

4.1.6RSP Messages supported

4.1.7DSR Messages supported

4.1.8ACK Messages supported


This HL7 conformance statement describes the HL7 functionality of the CRIS Radiological Information System.

This version of the conformance statement applies to CRIS interface release 2.09.10k onwards.

1.1Intended Audience

This document is intended for system integrators, third party suppliers and potential customers, the reader is assumed to be familiar with the HL7 v2.4 standard.

1.2Important considerations for the reader

This conformance statement by itself is insufficient to guarantee successful connectivity between CRIS and software/equipment from other vendors. Readers should be aware of the following issues.

  • CRIS has been tested to ensure that the implementation corresponds with this conformance statement. When attempting to determine the compatibility of equipment from another vendor the first step would be to compare the HL7 conformance statement of the equipment under consideration with this document. If comparison of the two conformance statements suggests that the two systems should be compatible then additional tests should be carried out to ensure that the required functionality and performance is achievable.
  • As the HL7 standard evolves Healthcare Software Systems LTD reserves the right to make changes to the CRIS HL7 functionality. The user or user’s agent should ensure that any equipment connected via HL7 also evolves with the HL7 standard. Failure to do so may result in loss of connectivity.

1.3Related documents

  • HL7 Standard (
  • RIS_PD151, PAS Link, (
  • RIS_PD154, OCS Link (
  • RIS_PD160, HL7 Outbound Interface (
  • RIS_PD163, HL7 Inbound Interface (

2Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in this document and it’s associated documents detailed in 1.3 related documents

  • ACKAcknowledgement
  • ADTAdmission, Discharge and Transfer message
  • AL1 Patient Allergy Information segment
  • DSPDisplay data segment
  • DSRDisplay query response
  • EVNEvent Type segment
  • HL7Health Level 7 (v2.4 adhered to)
  • MRGMerge Patient Information segment
  • MSAMessage acknowledgement segment
  • MSHMessage Header segment
  • NK1Next of Kin segment
  • NTENotes and Comments segment
  • OBRObservation Request segment
  • OBXObservation/Result segment
  • OMGOrder message (replaces ORM)
  • ORCCommon order segment
  • ORGApplication Level acknowledgement for OCS (Orders)
  • ORUObservation results (provisional, final and changed)
  • PD1Patient Additional demographics segment
  • PID Patient Identifier segment
  • PV1 Patient Visit segment
  • QAKQuery acknowledgement
  • QBPQuery by parameter
  • QPDQuery parameter definition segment
  • QRDQuery definition segment
  • QRYDisplay query
  • RSPResponse
  • SCHSchedule information unsolicited segment
  • SIU Schedule information unsolicited
  • TXATranscription document header segment
  • ZDSCustom segment required by certain PACS vendors

3Inbound messages (to RIS)

3.1Messages supported

3.1.1ADT Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

ADT message type / Description (from HL7)
ADT^A01 / Admit/Visit notification
ADT^A02 / Transfer a patient
ADT^A03 / Discharge/End Visit
ADT^A04 / Register a patient
ADT^A05 / Pre-admit a patient
ADT^A08 / Update patient information
ADT^A28 / Add person information
ADT^A29 / Delete person information
ADT^A31 / Update person information
ADT^A37 / Unlink patient information
ADT^A40 / Merge patient
ADT^A60 / Update allergy information

3.1.2OMG Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

OMG message type / Description (from HL7)
OMG^O19 / Order message

3.1.3ORU Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

ORU message type / Description (from HL7)
ORU^R01 / Observation results

3.1.4SIU Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in-depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

SIU message type / Description (from HL7)
SIU^S12 / Notification of new appointment booking

3.1.5QRY Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

QRY message type / Description (from HL7)
QRY^Q01 / Patient query

3.1.6QBP Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

QBP message type / Description (from HL7)
QBP^Z01 / Event query
QBP^Z02 / Patient query

4Outbound messages (from RIS)

4.1Messages supported

4.1.1ADT Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

ADT message type / Description (from HL7)
ADT^A04 / Register a patient
ADT^A05 / Pre-admit a patient
ADT^A08 / Update patient information
ADT^A40 / Merge patient

4.1.2OMG Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

OMG message type / Description (from HL7)
OMG^O19 / Order message

4.1.3ORU Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

ORU message type / Description (from HL7)
ORU^R01 / Observation results

4.1.4SIU Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

SIU message type / Description (from HL7)
SIU^S12 / Notification of new appointment booking

4.1.5ORG Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

ORG message type / Description (from HL7)
ORG^O20 / Order message response

4.1.6RSP Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

RSP message type / Description (from HL7)
RSP^Z01 / Event query response
RSP^Z02 / Patient query response

4.1.7DSR Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

DSR message type / Description (from HL7)
DSR^Q01 / Patient query response

4.1.8ACK Messages supported

Please refer to the technical specifications detailed in “1.3 related documents” for in depth detail of the extent we use these messages.

ACK message type / Description (from HL7)
ACK^R01 / Observation results response

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