Business Law Syllabus

Contact Information: Mr. Kevin Smith


Telephone: (980) 343-5284

Course Materials: Glencoe -Understanding Business and Personal Law Eleventh Edition

Course Requirements: Flashdrive, 3” 3-ring binder w/dividers, highlighter, pens, hand sanitizer, #2 pencils

Overview and Example of Business and Personal Law

You go to the store to purchase a new MP3 player that is advertised in the Sunday newspaper for $59.95. When you get to the store they inform you they do not have that model but are offering a comparable savings on the $129.99 model. Is this situation “bait and switch”? Is it illegal? What are your rights under the law? During the semester you will learn the answers to these questions along with other basic legal concepts you encounter in your everyday personal and business life. The four broad areas of law that will be taught and discussed during the course of this 21 week semester class are: the basics of the law, contract law, basic business law, and introduction to personal law.

This course is designed for juniors and seniors that are in any career path since the course topic pertains to all facets of daily living. There are no prerequisites as prescribed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction; however, basic computer literacy and the ability to navigate the Internet are a MUST. Upon completion you will have strong foundational legal insight “Cradle to Grave” of your day-to-day life.

Course Objectives:

This course is intended to be an overview course enlightening you of your basic legal rights guaranteed by law and the Constitution. You will gain insight on how to read legal documents and how the law works for the greater good of people.

Course Goals as required by NCDPI Blueprint

BL01.00 Understand the origin, ethics, and structure of national and international legal systems

BL02.00 Understand the structure of the U.S. court system

BL03.00 Understand the elements of a contract

BL04.00 Analyze the characteristics and methods of terminating or transferring a contract

BL05.00 Understand the types of ownership

BL06.00 Understand the roles of financial institutions

BL07.00 Understand laws, conditions, and regulations in national and international work environments

BL08.00 Evaluate legal issues related to current and future planning

BL09.00 Understand the contractual obligations of consumers in a global economy

Grading Policy:

Unit Tests 60%*

Quizzes 20%

Homework/Assignments 20%

Extra Help and Parent Contact

Tutoring available as needed or upon request.

Unacceptable Behavior: Any behavior that hinders another student’s ability to learn.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Ø  Warning

Ø  Student Conference

Ø  Parent contact

Ø  Referral

Mr. Smith’s Class Policies

Ø  Be in your seat prior to the bell and ready to work.

Ø  No eating or drinking in computer lab! No exceptions

Ø  The use of personal electronic devices or accessories (cell phones, iPods, mp3 players, charging cables, head phones, etc.) are prohibited

Ø  Maintain class notebook with notes, handouts, and objective tests is required and to be brought to class each time. Unannounced notebook checks will be given throughout the year. (Note: All quarter and semester test questions come from previous assessments and assignments..)

Ø  ALL ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE TURNED IN ON TIME! 10pts deducted each day it’s late!

Ø  It is the responsibility of the student to make up tests/quizzes for an excused absence in the allowed time limit (5 school days) AFTER SCHOOL on a day designated by the teacher.

§  If a student is not able to stay after school, that student must bring me a note from a parent/guardian with a working phone number so I can verify the reason.

Ø  Appropriate behavior is expected at all times - - - model appropriate business etiquette in your day-to-day activities will aid in your success here and in the business world.

Ø  Treat your classmates and teacher the way you expect to be treated. That means - - - with respect, honesty and ethical behavior. This is a business class and as such business etiquette needs to be observed at all times. Name calling, harassment, offensive touching or theft will not be tolerated.

Ø  Remove all trash from around your computer at the end of class.

By signing this document, you acknowledge and understand the contents of this syllabus.


Student Name-Print Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Name-Print Parent/Guardian Signature Date