Supplemental Table S5. Genes up- and down-regulated by oxacillin

ID / Gene Symbol / Gene/Protein Name / Sub Category / Fold Valuea
Amino acid biosynthesis
SA0503 / NA / trans-sulfuration enzyme family protein / Aspartate family / 1.69
SA1435 / lysA / diaminopimelate decarboxylase / Aspartate family / 1.50
SA0503 / NA / trans-sulfuration enzyme family protein / Serine family / 1.69
Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides
SA0926 / NA / 5-nucleotidase family protein / Other / 1.59
SA0225 / NA / inosine-uridine preferring nucleoside hydrolase / Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides / 1.62
Fatty acid and phospholipid metabolism
SA1280 / cdsA / phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase / Biosynthesis / 3.13
SA1243 / plsX / fatty acid/phospholipid synthesis protein PlsX / Biosynthesis / 2.66
SA1244 / fabD / malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase / Biosynthesis / 2.24
SA0426 / NA / acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase / Biosynthesis / 1.97
SA1245 / fabG1 / 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase / Biosynthesis / 1.80
SA1814 / NA / lysophospholipase, putative / Degradation / 1.56
Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers
SA1279 / uppS / undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase / Other / 2.01
SA0915 / sufD / conserved hypothetical protein / Other / 1.56
SA1817 / ribH / riboflavin synthase, beta subunit / Riboflavin, FMN, and FAD / 1.54
SA1291 / ribF / riboflavin biosynthesis protein RibF / Riboflavin, FMN, and FAD / 1.53
SA1819 / ribE / riboflavin synthase, alpha subunit / Riboflavin, FMN, and FAD / 1.49
SA1818 / ribBA / 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase/GTP cyclohydrolase II / Riboflavin, FMN, and FAD / 1.50
Central intermediary metabolism
SA0636 / mvk / mevalonate kinase / Other / 1.94
SA0637 / mvaD / mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase, putative / Other / 1.78
SA2639 / cysJ / sulfite reductase (NADPH) flavoprotein alpha-component / Sulfur metabolism / 1.57
Energy metabolism
SA0204 / pflB / formate acetyltransferase / Anaerobic / 1.70
SA1094 / cydA / cytochrome d ubiquinol oxidase, subunit I / Electron transport / 3.33
SA1095 / cydB / cytochrome d ubiquinol oxidase, subunit II / Electron transport / 3.16
SA0494 / nuoF / NADH dehydrogenase, putative / Electron transport / 2.17
SA0941 / NA / NADH dehydrogenase, putative, authentic frameshift / Electron transport / 1.63
SA0241 / NA / alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc-containing / Fermentation / 1.57
SA2435 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00045 / Other / 6.07
SA1742 / gltA / citrate synthase / TCA cycle / 1.94
SA1741 / icd / isocitrate dehydrogenase, NADP-dependent / TCA cycle / 1.60
Transport and binding proteins
SA1457 / NA / PTS system, glucose-specific component / Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids / 5.44
SA2572 / NA / cation-transporting ATPase, E1-E2 family / Cations and iron carrying compounds / 1.87
SA2375 / NA / transporter / Cations and iron carrying compounds / 1.67
SA0694 / NA / TagH protein, techoic acid ABC transport protein, putative / Other / 1.64
SA2157 / NA / drug resistance transporter, EmrB/QacA subfamily / Other / 1.55
SA1007 / NA / protozoan/cyanobacterial globin family protein / Other / 1.52
SA0745 / NA / transport ATP-binding protein CydC, putative / Unknown substrate / 1.75
SA0700 / abcA / ABC transporter, ATP-binding/permease protein / Unknown substrate / 1.71
SA1612 / NA / ABC3 transporter family protein / Unknown substrate / 1.68
SA0744 / NA / transport ATP-binding protein CydD, putative / Unknown substrate / 1.59
SA1893 / NA / ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein / Unknown substrate / 1.58
DNA metabolism
SA1489 / recU / recombination protein U / DNA replication, recombination, and repair / 3.99
SA1955 / dinP / DNA-damage-inducible protein P / DNA replication, recombination, and repair / 2.20
SA1269 / xerC / site-specific recombinase XerC / DNA replication, recombination, and repair / 1.99
Protein synthesis
SA1282 / proS / prolyl-tRNA synthetase / tRNA aminoacylation / 1.89
SA1012 / NA / ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthases, RluD subfamily / tRNA and rRNA base modification / 1.72
Protein fate
SA1777 / NA / serine protease HtrA / Degradation of proteins, peptides, and glycopeptides / 5.39
SA1281 / NA / membrane-associated zinc metalloprotease, putative / Degradation of proteins, peptides, and glycopeptides / 1.86
SA1455 / NA / carboxyl-terminal protease / Degradation of proteins, peptides, and glycopeptides / 1.85
SA0833 / clpP / ATP-dependent Clp protease, proteolytic subunit ClpP / Degradation of proteins, peptides, and glycopeptides / 1.50
SA1721 / clpX / ATP-dependent Clp protease, ATP-binding subunit ClpX / Degradation of proteins, peptides, and glycopeptides / 1.60
SA0968 / spsA / signal peptidase I / Protein and peptide secretion and trafficking / 5.13
SA0969 / spsB / signal peptidase I / Protein and peptide secretion and trafficking / 3.94
SA1897 / NA / protease maturation protein / Protein and peptide secretion and trafficking / 3.88
SA1638 / grpE / heat shock protein GrpE / Protein folding and stabilization / 1.79
SA1271 / hslU / heat shock protein HslVU, ATPase subunit HslU / Protein folding and stabilization / 1.76
SA2385 / NA / heat shock protein, Hsp20 family / Protein folding and stabilization / 1.70
SA1637 / dnaK / dnak protein / Protein folding and stabilization / 1.54
SA1459 / NA / peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase / Protein modification and repair / 4.57
SA1100 / def1 / polypeptide deformylase / Protein modification and repair / 1.54
Regulatory functions
SA2517 / NA / transcriptional regulator, merR family / DNA interactions / 4.89
SA0257 / NA / ribose operon repressor, putative / DNA interactions / 1.52
SA2374 / NA / transcriptional regulator, tetR family / DNA interactions / 1.51
SA2593 / NA / transcriptional regulator, TetR family / DNA interactions / 1.51
SA2302 / NA / transcriptional regulator, putative / Other / 4.70
SA1398 / NA / transcriptional regulator, putative / Other / 4.26
SA1003 / NA / negative regulator of competence / Other / 2.19
SA1065 / NA / transcriptional regulator, putative / Other / 1.82
Signal transduction
SA1457 / NA / PTS system, glucose-specific component / PTS / 5.44
SA1943 / vraS / sensor histidine kinase / Two-component systems / 7.00
SA1942 / vraR / DNA-binding response regulator VraR / Two-component systems / 6.61
Cell envelope
SA2352 / tcaA / tcaA protein / Biosynthesis of murein sacculus and peptidoglycan / 7.16
SA1066 / NA / fmt protein / Biosynthesis of murein sacculus and peptidoglycan / 5.44
SA2116 / murAB / UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase / Biosynthesis of murein sacculus and peptidoglycan / 4.29
SA1490 / pbp2 / penicillin-binding protein 2 / Biosynthesis of murein sacculus and peptidoglycan / 2.97
SA0694 / NA / TagH protein, techoic acid ABC transport protein, putative / Biosynthesis of murein sacculus and peptidoglycan / 1.64
SA1194 / pbp1 / penicillin-binding protein 1 / Biosynthesis of murein sacculus and peptidoglycan / 1.53
SA2676 / sasA / LPXTG-motif cell wall anchor domain protein / Other / 1.75
SA2354 / NA / membrane protein, putative / Other / 1.58
Cellular processes
SA1010 / relA1 / GTP pyrophosphokinase / Adaptations to atypical conditions / 2.15
SA1003 / NA / negative regulator of competence / DNA transformation / 2.19
SA1440 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Other / 1.56
SA0672 / sarA / staphylococcal accessory regulator A / Pathogenesis / 2.83
SA2688 / icaR / intercellular adhesion regulator / Pathogenesis / 1.83
SA2352 / tcaA / tcaA protein / Toxin production and resistance / 7.16
SA0743 / bacA / bacitracin resistance protein / Toxin production and resistance / 2.75
SA2157 / NA / drug resistance transporter, EmrB/QacA subfamily / Toxin production and resistance / 1.55
Unknown function
SA0770 / NA / radical activating enzyme family protein / Enzymes of unknown specificity / 5.93
SA0778 / NA / minimal change nephritis transmembrane glycoprotein / Enzymes of unknown specificity / 2.80
SA1116 / NA / inositol monophosphatase family protein / Enzymes of unknown specificity / 1.88
SA1774 / NA / hydrolase, haloacid dehalogenase-like family / Enzymes of unknown specificity / 1.61
SA2121 / NA / acetyltransferase, GNAT family / Enzymes of unknown specificity / 1.60
SA1071 / NA / chitinase-related protein / General / 7.07
SA2713 / NA / rhodanese family protein / General / 2.89
SA1712 / NA / yhjN protein / General / 1.96
SA0164 / NA / gramicidin S synthetase 2 / General / 1.83
SA2522 / NA / DedA family protein / General / 1.70
SA0239 / NA / teichoic acid biosynthesis protein F / General / 1.62
SA2666 / NA / N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase domain protein / General / 1.51
Hypothetical proteins
SA1956 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / 14.24
SA2436 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / 8.93
SA1944 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 7.45
SA0625 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / 6.40
SA0967 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 5.45
SA0692 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / 3.66
SA1456 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 3.44
SA0433 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 3.30
SA0710 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / 2.97
SA1242 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 2.90
SA0495 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 2.62
SA1059 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 2.47
SA1088 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / 2.46
SA1011 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 2.33
SA0435 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00092 / Conserved / 2.26
SA1664 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00370 / Conserved / 1.94
SA1923 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.93
SA1009 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.90
SA1486 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.90
SA1373 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.79
SA0496 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.79
SA1484 / NA / cell division protein / Conserved / 1.78
SA1927 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.73
SA0811 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00257 / Conserved / 1.72
SA2179 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.72
SA1500 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.71
SA2439 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.71
SA1101 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.70
SA1201 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00044 / Conserved / 1.65
SA1358 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.62
SA0711 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.56
SA1129 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.56
SA1526 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.56
SA0613 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00294 / Conserved / 1.53
SA0512 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.50
SA0752 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / 1.50
Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides
SA0792 / NA / ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 2, alpha subunit / 2'-Deoxyribonucleotide metabolism / -2.09
SA0791 / nrdI / nrdI protein / 2'-Deoxyribonucleotide metabolism / -2.04
SA0793 / nrdF / ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 2, beta subunit / 2'-Deoxyribonucleotide metabolism / -2.02
SA1221 / gmk / guanylate kinase / Nucleotide and nucleoside interconversions / -1.62
SA0024 / sasH / 5-nucleotidase / Other / -1.63
SA1079 / purF / amidophosphoribosyltransferase / Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis / -1.77
SA1081 / purN / phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase / Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis / -1.61
SA0458 / xpt / xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase / Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides / -2.46
SA1690 / apt / adenine phosphoribosyltransferase / Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides / -1.69
Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers
SA1709 / folC / folylpolyglutamate synthase / Folic acid / -1.52
SA0914 / NA / ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein / Other / -1.52
SA2448 / NA / 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase, putative / Pantothenate and coenzyme A / -1.58
SA0564 / NA / pyridoxine biosynthesis protein / Pyridoxine / -1.51
Central intermediary metabolism
SA1760 / ackA / acetate kinase / Other / -1.84
SA0173 / ipdC / indolepyruvate decarboxylase, putative / Other / -1.87
SA2145 / glmS / glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (isomerizing) / Amino sugars / -1.68
Energy metabolism
SA2301 / NA / formate dehydrogenase, alpha subunit, putative / Anaerobic / -2.72
SA2098 / atpH / ATP synthase F1, delta subunit / ATP-proton motive force interconversion / -1.54
SA1069 / qoxA / quinol oxidase, subunit I / Electron transport / -3.04
SA1070 / qoxB / quinol oxidase, subunit II / Electron transport / -2.85
SA1067 / qoxD / quinol oxidase, subunit IV / Electron transport / -2.67
SA1068 / qoxC / quinol oxidase, subunit III / Electron transport / -2.27
SA1760 / ackA / acetate kinase / Fermentation / -1.84
SA0660 / NA / alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc-containing / Fermentation / -1.75
SA0840 / tpiA / triosephosphate isomerase / Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis / -2.46
SA2622 / fdaB / fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class I / Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis / -1.91
SA1123 / pyc / pyruvate carboxylase / Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis / -1.90
SA0758 / fruK / 1-phosphofructokinase / Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis / -1.76
SA2135 / manA1 / mannose-6-phosphate isomerase, class I / Sugars / -1.59
SA2149 / mtlD / mannitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase / Sugars / -1.56
SA1448 / sucB / 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, E2 component, dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase, authentic frameshift / TCA cycle / -1.63
SA2623 / mqo2 / malate:quinone oxidoreductase / TCA cycle / -1.62
SA1159 / sdhA / succinate dehydrogenase, flavoprotein subunit / TCA cycle / -1.52
Transport and binding proteins
SA2176 / opuD2 / osmoprotectant transporter, BCCT family / Amino acids, peptides and amines / -2.41
SA1367 / NA / amino acid permease / Amino acids, peptides and amines / -2.36
SA0171 / brnQ1 / branched-chain amino acid transport system II carrier protein / Amino acids, peptides and amines / -1.89
SA0788 / NA / proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter family protein / Amino acids, peptides and amines / -1.88
SA1392 / NA / sodium:alanine symporter family protein / Amino acids, peptides and amines / -1.86
SA2272 / modA / molybdenum ABC transporter, molybdenum-binding protein / Anions / -2.08
SA0088 / NA / Na/Pi cotransporter, putative / Anions / -1.93
SA2401 / NA / formate/nitrite transporter / Anions / -1.89
SA2271 / modB / molybdenum ABC transporter, permease protein / Anions / -1.65
SA0301 / NA / formate/nitrite transporter, putative / Anions / -1.64
SA0093 / NA / L-lactate permease / Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids / -2.78
SA0175 / NA / PTS system, glucose-specific component / Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids / -1.93
SA1917 / NA / PTS system component / Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids / -1.92
SA2401 / NA / formate/nitrite transporter / Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids / -1.89
SA0136 / cap5A / cap5A protein / Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids / -1.76
SA1091 / ptsH / phosphocarrier protein HPr / Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids / -1.71
SA2363 / NA / L-lactate permease / Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids / -1.71
SA0301 / NA / formate/nitrite transporter, putative / Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids / -1.64
SA2292 / nhaC / Na+/H+ antiporter / Cations and iron carrying compounds / -2.00
SA2167 / NA / iron-compound ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein / Cations and iron carrying compounds / -1.98
SA0088 / NA / Na/Pi cotransporter, putative / Cations and iron carrying compounds / -1.93
SA0684 / NA / Na+/H+ antiporter component / Cations and iron carrying compounds / -1.55
SA2319 / NA / Na+/H+ antiporter, putative / Cations and iron carrying compounds / -1.55
SA2442 / NA / Na+/H+ antiporter / Cations and iron carrying compounds / -1.53
SA2166 / NA / iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein / Cations and iron carrying compounds / -1.51
SA0701 / NA / sodium/nucleoside cotransporter, putative / Nucleosides, purines and pyrimidines / -2.02
SA0459 / pbuX / xanthine permease / Nucleosides, purines and pyrimidines / -1.96
SA2347 / NA / drug resistance transporter, EmrB/QacA subfamily / Other / -1.66
SA1383 / mscL / large conductance mechanosensitive channel protein / Other / -1.62
SA0754 / norA / drug transporter / Other / -1.58
SA2566 / NA / MmpL efflux pump, putative / Other / -1.58
SA2449 / NA / drug transporter, putative / Other / -1.50
SA2483 / NA / transporter, putative / Unknown substrate / -2.21
SA2462 / NA / ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein / Unknown substrate / -1.73
SA2335 / NA / ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein / Unknown substrate / -1.70
SA0264 / NA / ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein / Unknown substrate / -1.69
SA0306 / NA / ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein / Unknown substrate / -1.67
SA2525 / NA / ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein / Unknown substrate / -1.67
SA1427 / NA / ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein / Unknown substrate / -1.65
SA2403 / NA / ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein / Unknown substrate / -1.53
SA2521 / NA / transporter / Unknown substrate / -1.50
DNA metabolism
SA1513 / hup / DNA-binding protein HU / Chromosome-associated proteins / -1.56
SA1900 / NA / DNA repair exonuclease family protein / DNA replication, recombination, and repair / -1.50
SA0678 / NA / integrase/recombinase, phage integrase family / DNA replication, recombination, and repair / -2.04
SA0476 / hsdM1 / type I restriction-modification system, M subunit / Restriction/modification / -1.51
SA1862 / hsdM2 / type I restriction-modification system, M subunit / Restriction/modification / -1.73
SA0540 / NA / endoribonuclease L-PSP, putative / Degradation of RNA / -1.73
SA1941 / NA / ribonuclease BN, putative / RNA processing / -2.12
SA2055 / rsbW / rsbW protein / Transcription factors / -1.87
Protein synthesis
SA0586 / rplL / ribosomal protein L7/L12 / Ribosomal proteins: synthesis and modification / -1.71
SA0592 / rpsG / ribosomal protein S7 / Ribosomal proteins: synthesis and modification / -1.75
SA0585 / rplJ / ribosomal protein L10 / Ribosomal proteins: synthesis and modification / -1.84
SA2110 / prfA / peptide chain release factor 1 / Translation factors / -1.45
SA1587 / efp / translation elongation factor P / Translation factors / -1.62
SA0009 / serS / seryl-tRNA synthetase / tRNA aminoacylation / -1.53
SA1001 / trpS / tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase / tRNA aminoacylation / -1.75
SA0574 / gltX / glutamyl-tRNA synthetase / tRNA aminoacylation / -1.86
SA1729 / thrS / threonyl-tRNA synthetase / tRNA aminoacylation / -1.87
SA1256 / trmD / tRNA (guanine-N1)-methyltransferase / tRNA and rRNA base modification / -1.60
Protein fate
SA2007 / NA / peptidase, M20/M25/M40 family, authentic frameshift / Degradation of proteins, peptides, and glycopeptides / -1.61
SA1937 / pepS / aminopeptidase PepS / Degradation of proteins, peptides, and glycopeptides / -1.68
Regulatory functions
SA0746 / norR / transcriptional regulator, MarR family / DNA interactions / -1.53
SA1812 / rot / virulence factor regulator protein / DNA interactions / -1.54
SA2287 / sarR / staphylococcal accessory regulator R / DNA interactions / -1.73
SA2384 / sarZ / transcriptional regulator, MarR family / DNA interactions / -1.80
SA0096 / sarS / staphylococcal accessory regulator S / DNA interactions / -1.86
SA1812 / rot / virulence factor regulator protein / Other / -1.54
SA2287 / sarR / staphylococcal accessory regulator R / Other / -1.73
SA2384 / sarZ / transcriptional regulator, MarR family / Other / -1.80
SA0096 / sarS / staphylococcal accessory regulator S / Other / -1.86
SA0307 / pfoR / perfringolysin O regulator protein / Other / -1.99
SA2057 / rsbU / sigma factor B regulator protein / Protein interactions / -1.85
SA2056 / rsbV / rsbV (anti-anti-sigma factor) / Protein interactions / -1.90
Signal transduction
SA1091 / ptsH / phosphocarrier protein HPr / PTS / -1.71
SA1917 / NA / PTS system component / PTS / -1.92
SA0175 / NA / PTS system, glucose-specific component / PTS / -1.93
Cell envelope
SA0138 / cap5C / cap5C protein / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -1.52
SA0148 / cap5M / capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis galactosyltransferase Cap5M / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -1.58
SA0136 / cap5A / cap5A protein / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -1.76
SA0938 / dltD / extramembranal protein / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -1.80
SA0139 / cap5D / cap5D protein / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -1.85
SA2298 / NA / N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -1.95
SA0137 / cap5B / cap5B exopolysaccharide biosynthesis protein, putative / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -2.01
SA0149 / cap5N / cap5N protein/UDP-glucose 4-epimerase, putative / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -2.02
SA0936 / dltB / dltB protein / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -2.04
SA1062 / atl / bifunctional autolysin precursor / Biosynthesis and degradation of surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides / -3.07
SA2566 / NA / MmpL efflux pump, putative / Other / -1.58
SA2554 / NA / membrane protein, putative, authentic frameshift / Other / -1.62
SA0486 / NA / hypothetical protein / Other / -1.65
SA2443 / NA / membrane protein, putative / Other / -1.78
SA2505 / sasG / LPXTG-motif cell wall anchor domain protein, pls homolog / Other / -1.97
SA2167 / NA / iron-compound ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein / Other / -1.98
SA2272 / modA / molybdenum ABC transporter, molybdenum-binding protein / Other / -2.08
SA0609 / sdrD / sdrD protein / Other / -2.32
Cellular processes
SA1753 / NA / universal stress protein family / Adaptations to atypical conditions / -1.52
SA1383 / mscL / large conductance mechanosensitive channel protein / Adaptations to atypical conditions / -1.62
SA2173 / NA / alkaline shock protein 23 / Adaptations to atypical conditions / -1.74
SA2055 / rsbW / rsbW protein / Adaptations to atypical conditions / -1.87
SA1437 / NA / cold-shock protein CspD / Adaptations to atypical conditions / -2.95
SA0609 / sdrD / sdrD protein / Cell adhesion / -2.32
SA0451 / ahpF / alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, subunit F / Detoxification / -2.03
SA0452 / ahpC / alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, subunit C / Detoxification / -3.13
SA2023 / agrB / accessory gene regulator protein B / Pathogenesis / -1.61
SA0245 / lytS / sensor histidine kinase / Pathogenesis / -1.69
SA2287 / sarR / staphylococcal accessory regulator R / Pathogenesis / -1.73
SA2384 / sarZ / transcriptional regulator, MarR family / Pathogenesis / -1.80
SA0096 / sarS / staphylococcal accessory regulator S / Pathogenesis / -1.86
SA2295 / NA / secretory antigen precursor SsaA, putative / Pathogenesis / -2.02
SA2291 / NA / secretory antigen precursor SsaA / Pathogenesis / -2.07
SA2348 / NA / drug transporter, putative / Toxin production and resistance / -1.25
SA2449 / NA / drug transporter, putative / Toxin production and resistance / -1.50
SA0746 / norR / transcriptional regulator, MarR family / Toxin production and resistance / -1.53
SA1812 / rot / virulence factor regulator protein / Toxin production and resistance / -1.54
SA0754 / norA / drug transporter / Toxin production and resistance / -1.58
SA2347 / NA / drug resistance transporter, EmrB/QacA subfamily / Toxin production and resistance / -1.66
SA2287 / sarR / staphylococcal accessory regulator R / Toxin production and resistance / -1.73
SA2384 / sarZ / transcriptional regulator, MarR family / Toxin production and resistance / -1.80
SA0096 / sarS / staphylococcal accessory regulator S / Toxin production and resistance / -1.86
SA0935 / dltA / D-alanine-D-alanyl carrier protein ligase DltA / Toxin production and resistance / -2.09
SA1396 / fmtC / membrane protein, putative / Toxin production and resistance / -2.19
Unknown function
SA0959 / NA / FMN oxidoreductase / Enzymes of unknown specificity / -1.58
SA0671 / NA / hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family / Enzymes of unknown specificity / -1.66
SA2297 / NA / monooxygenase family protein / Enzymes of unknown specificity / -1.83
SA2321 / NA / general stress protein 39 / Enzymes of unknown specificity / -2.09
SA2293 / NA / NAD/NADP octopine/nopaline dehydrogenase family protein / Enzymes of unknown specificity / -2.25
SA0658 / NA / HD domain protein / General / -1.54
SA2333 / NA / YnfA/UPF0060 family protein / General / -1.54
SA1933 / NA / ThiJ/PfpI family protein / General / -1.57
SA2088 / NA / sceD protein, putative / General / -2.01
SA2328 / NA / hypothetical protein / General / -2.07
SA0723 / NA / LysM domain protein / General / -2.41
SA0507 / NA / LysM domain protein / General / -2.59
Hypothetical proteins
SA2528 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.50
SA0662 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.50
SA2461 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00245 / Conserved / -1.50
SA0157 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.50
SA2379 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.51
SA0645 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.51
SA1754 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein, authentic frameshift / Conserved / -1.52
SA2682 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.53
SA1767 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.54
SA2106 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.54
SA0742 / NA / conserved domain protein / Conserved / -1.56
SA0565 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.58
SA0934 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.58
SA1899 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.61
SA1307 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00282 / Conserved / -1.63
SA2365 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.64
SA1090 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.75
SA2175 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.77
SA1788 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.78
SA0913 / NA / unknown conserved protein in others / Conserved / -1.83
SA2681 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.84
SA1789 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.87
SA0446 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.88
SA0444 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.90
SA2300 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.93
SA0912 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.93
SA1044 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -1.97
SA0597 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -2.00
SA1940 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / -2.02
SA1017 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -2.08
SA2334 / NA / conserved hypothetical protein / Conserved / -2.14
SA0755 / NA / hypothetical protein / Conserved / -2.21

aFold value refers to expression increases or decreases for up- or down-regulated genes respectively.