Isadore Garsek Lodge Garsek Lodge

Of B’Nai B’rith No. 269


Thank you for your active participation in Rubin-Gilbert AZA #163 or Alton Silver BBG #221. You have played a huge role in the betterment of Fort Worth BBYO and in that of Jewish youths worldwide. We appreciate your commitment to AZA or BBG very much and you definitely deserve the high honor of applying for this prestigious scholarship. The scholarship for which you are applying is based on a comprehensive point system that rewards you for your participation in BBYO. The applicant with the most points ultimately wins the scholarship. Thank you for dedicating your time to BBYO.

Completed applications should be sent to:

Dr. Barry J. Schneider

6616 River Bend Road

Fort Worth, TX 76132

E-mail applications WILL NOT be accepted

Applications must be postmarked no later than August 31,2014


If you have held any of these offices for a six month term, add the corresponding number of points. (If terms are for a full year double the number of points.)

Godol or N’siah30

S’gan or S’ganit20

Moreh or Mit Mom20

Mazkir or Mazkirah17

Katvan or Katvanit17

Gizbor or Gizborit17

Shaliach or Sh’licha15

Sopher or Orechet12

Beau or Sweetheart20

Fold Chairman08

Any other executive board positions not stated above08

Add five points for holding any of the above offices on a Regional, Council or International Level


Add the following number of points for serving on these committees:

Sweetheart-Beau Dance Chairman07

Sweetheart-Beau Nom Chairman07

Sweetheart-Beau Ticket Chairman04

Sweetheart-Beau Decoration Chairman04

Sweetheart-Beau Plug Party Chairman04

Sweetheart-Beau Master of Ceremonies 04


Add the following number of points for serving on these steering committees:

Coordinator or supervisor for planning a convention20

Member of a steering committee that helps plan a convention15


Add the following number of points for planning chapter projects (per project):

Planning a project; or being the project coordinator

(projects must be official and documented)05

Helping plan a project, but are not the leader or coordinator02


Add the following number of points for attending these conventions (per convention)

Attending MIT-AIT10

Attending Regionals10

Attending Kallah12

Attending LTI12


Add the following number of points for attending these international programs

CLTC (Chapter Leadership Training Conference)15

ILTC (International Leadership Training Conference) 15


ISI (Israeli Summer Institute)10

ILSI (International Leadership Study in Israel)10

March of the Living10

IC (International Convention)08


Add the following number of points if you or your chapter has won these awards while you were a member of the chapter

Winning a Henry Monsky or Miriam Albert Award15

Program of the Year (Regional Level)05

Mitzvah Club or Perlman Community Service Award20

Silver Star of Deborah or Bronze Shield of David20

Gold Star of Deborah or Silver Shield of David25

Getting an article published in the Shofar05

Please give full explanation for all the points you have earned. For instance, if you served as chapter N’siah, list the exact period covered by your term; (i.e. January-June 2001).

Written by: Ari Bond, Rubin-Gilbert Godol 1996 & Diana Coben, Alton Silver N’siah 1996








The information presented within this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and is in the spirit of the Aleph Zadik Aleph or the B’nai B’rith Girls. I understand that my chapter Godol or N’siah and/or my advisor may be called upon to verify these points.

I further understand that, upon review, points may be disallowed at the discretion of the scholarship committee.


Signature of ApplicantSignature of Advisor