Please attach a headshot to your completed Ballot Form. This will be posted alongside your nominee information on the DCMAND website.

Position you are running for:

Your name:

Current Employer:

Title, dates employed:

Previous Employer:

Title, dates employed:

What year did you join DCMAND?


Awards and special recognitions:

DCMAND and/or AND Activities You Have Participated In:

Related Professional Activities:

Tell us a little about yourself:

Statement of goals for your term (1-2 sentences):

What has been your favorite DCMAND activity? Why?

What’s your favorite thing about being a dietitian or diet tech?


The President-Elect selects appointed positions of the Board of Directors annually. These appointments are made during the spring, after election results are announced. Members who hold appointed positions serve in a non-voting capacity on the board.

Members who would like to serve in an appointed position have the opportunity to submit an application and learn more about the position responsibilities in the spring. If you are running for an elected position and are not elected to that position, would you be potentially interested in an appointed position?

Please indicate your initial interest by writing the position(s) below:


DCMAND Appointed Positions

Appointed candidates may belong to any member category of DCMAND. The following appointed positions may become open for the 2018-2019 term:

Public Policy Coordinator: Coordinates DCMAND’s involvement in public policy and advocacy related to nutrition and professional issues.

Consumer Protection Coordinator: Serves as a liaison between DCMAND members and the DC Board of Nutrition and Dietetics and provides licensure-related updates to membership. Licensure in the District of Columbia is required.

Webmaster: Updates the content and design of the DCMAND website.

Social Media Coordinator: Manages DCMAND’s online presence on Twitter and Facebook.

Member Relations Coordinator: Oversees the process of welcoming and orienting new DCMAND members to member benefits and events.

Sponsorship Chair: Manages the process for obtaining sponsorships and donations to support DCMAND events.

Volunteer Coordinator: Organizes DCMAND member volunteers for special events and projects.

Potomac Post Editor: Plans, drafts, and edits the quarterly Potomac Post member newsletter.

Reimbursement Representative: Guides the membership in topics related to reimbursement.

Strategic Communications Chair: Works with the Board of Directors to provide strategic direction for DCMAND communications.

Student Representative: Serves as the liaison between students as the Board of Directors.

DCMAND Committees

FNCE State Volunteer Committee

Public Policy Committee

Sponsorship Committee

Professional Development Committee