WCL Forum for Division One Clubs

Held on Wednesday 2 April 2014 at Wetherby CC at 7.00 p.m.

Attended by representatives from:

Wetherby CC, Scarcroft CC, Barwick in Elmet CC, Shadwell CC, Kirk Deighton CC, Sicklinghall CC, Old Leos CC, Gt Preston CC.

(Club Chairmen and Captains of all teams in Division One were invited to attend but attendance not compulsory.)

Board & SCC members present: Z. Ali, D. Hewer, E. Rawling, H. Heald

Purpose of the forum:

. To obtain the views of the league's top teams to ensure their needs are being met.

. To discuss ways of improving standards in order to retain and attract clubs.

General consensus on:

·  Recognition of the diverse ambitions, facilities and locations of clubs within the Wetherby League.

·  Retention of the league's amateur status – not in favour of paying players.

·  Allowing overseas players – a good one can benefit a club on & off the field.

·  Wanting to play competitive cricket in every match.

Common problems:

·  Wide disparity in playing standards between top & bottom clubs in all divisions.

·  Clubs promoted from Division Two find it difficult to survive in Division One.

·  Difficulties in recruiting new players from outside – better players are more likely to join one of the many Aire-Wharfe clubs in the area.

·  Clubs without good facilities find it particularly hard to recruit players.

·  Retention of juniors at senior level.

·  Late match finishes can discourage player participation, particularly juniors.

Suggested solutions/ comments:

·  Reduce Division One to e.g. 8 teams, then drop clubs down throughout the divisions to even out standards - would leave too many blank weeks so would require a play-off system to maximise playing season and club income.

·  Creation of a Premier Division to drive up standards - would have to be a long term aim as it could, in the short term, discourage promotion and make it even more difficult for promotees to survive.

·  League to help clubs to improve facilities by providing workshops/ encouraging clubs to share knowledge on how to apply for grants/ funding. Clubs to pool specialist equipment and increase bulk purchasing power via Grounds Association. Clubs encouraged to attend local Cricket Development Groups.

·  Lack of outside recruits should encourage clubs to develop their own junior players. League to support clubs in setting up junior sections and to look at ways of encouraging the transition from junior to senior cricket. Quotas for juniors within senior teams rejected.

·  90-over league matches considered to be right length for top divisions but over rates to be more closely monitored. Likewise, new provision required for the reduction of overs in matches affected by rain after the start.

·  Reduced over games to be considered for lower divisions to encourage juniors.

Cup Competitions:

Now voluntary entry - four Division One clubs have not entered the 2014 Fred Fleetwood Cup but all have entered the Evening Cup. Clubs stated that many players are simply unable to commit to playing two games in a weekend, either for family / work or physical reasons, and this is why many Division One players are reluctant to play in League representative games. Many clubs also participate in mid-week leagues.

Ideas proposed:

·  a Twenty/20 Sunday Cup

·  a single Sunday cup competition for one combined XI per club (NB - would put lower clubs and those with only one XI at a disadvantage)

·  allowing clubs to merge for cup competitions

Further consideration to cups to be given after 2014 season.


New sub-committee of Z. Ali, E. Rawling & D. Copley currently looking into Umpire recruitment, retention and standards. General agreement for more & better qualified Umpires, especially in higher divisions and in crucial fixtures, but clubs feel this must be balanced with the additional financial cost to them and the loss of potential players if all clubs are required to provide Umpires.

Suggestions included:

·  Refunds to clubs who provide an Umpire who stands in e.g. 11 games

·  League to pay Level 1 Umpire course fees in 2015

·  League to pay travel fees beyond a certain radius

·  Umpires to be marked by clubs after each game – only the top Umpires to be allocated to Cup finals and League representative games.


·  It is proposed to hold an annual forum with Division One clubs and a separate forum with lower division clubs.

·  DH thanked club representatives for attending and giving open feedback, which would be taken into account when considering future plans for the League.