E.E.Alssen, Faculty of Education, University of Lapland

Foreign Language LessonPlan(FLLP)

Your full name and student number (oodi):
Your email:
Date of lesson:
Class, e.g. 4A, mark if group:
Course book /Unit/Theme:

Main language learning aims (Kielelliset päätavoitteet)- what you as a teacher want to achieve in this lesson, language-wise/ what you intend to teach or help learning/ the purpose of this lesson language-wise

Language learning outcomes (Osaamistavoitteet) - what learners should be able to know / do after this lesson, language-wise

How will you know that the learning outcomes have been achieved?

Lesson content (Sisältö)– what is to be taught / practised / revised as regards vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, language skills, themes and topics, etc.

Your personal aims (Omat tavoitteet)for this lesson (e.g. keep to the timing, speak as much English as possible)

Assumptions(Oletukset, edellytykset) - learners’ prior knowledge – linguistic or non-linguistic – without which learning outcomes cannot be achieved.

grammar (kielioppi)

vocabulary (sanasto)

Anticipated problems (mahdolliset ongelmat) - specific things you expect pupils to have problems with / Possible solutions(mahdolliset ratkaisut) - what do you plan to do to solve those problems?
grammar (kielioppi)
vocabulary (sanasto)
pronunciation (ääntäminen)

Methods and techniques you intend to use (vieraan kielen opetuksen menetelmät)

Why have you chosen these particular methods and techniques? Why do you think they are the best to achieve learning outcomes?

Differentiation(eriyttäminen) - what alternative activities you have prepared for quick and slow learners, or for pupils with different learning styles

Resources /Materials(materiaalit) - list any audio materials, ICT materials, pictures, board drawings, realia, etc. you intend to use

E.E.Alssen, Faculty of Education, University of Lapland

(when in the lesson) / What you intend to do and how?
(methods, techniques) / Language learning aims(kielelliset tavoitteet) of this activity – (why should pupils do that)
e.g. to teach…, to introduce …, to present…, to revise…, to learn to speak about…, to learn to write about…, etc. / Linguistic outcome – does the activity practice the target language?
Write down the actual language pupils will use in this activity.
Fill in ONLY the language PUPILS produce (not the teacher). Fill in for productive skills: speaking and writing, (reading and listening are receptive skills). / Skill(s) practised: reading, writing, listening, speaking /
Mark with appropriate letter / Time
(min) / RECORD- What did you actually do?
Fill in right AFTER the lesson.
e.g. mingling activity: pupils are given cards with people dressed in different clothes. They ask and answer questions about their pictures while working in pairs / e.g. To practise vocabulary; clothes, colours; to practise asking questions with the verb “to be”; to practise Present Progressive (yes/no questions and Wh questions) / e.g.
What colour is Mike´s pullover? It’s red.
What is Leena wearing? She’s wearing a green jacket and a green skirt.
What colour is Jussi’s hat? It’s blue. / Speaking / P / 10
-- lead in
-- engage
-- warm up
-- check homework
-- inform pupils of lesson aims
Presentation/ meeting new language/exposure to new language
--provide context
-- familiarize topic
-- activate prior knowledge
-- introduce new language
--explain purpose of activity / task
Practice / guided practice/ manipulating language
-- children do activity /task
-they experiment with and use target language
--teacher monitors and helps if necessary
Production/independent practice/authentic use/making language one’s own
--children consolidate language from previous stage by extending and personalizing
--teacher evaluates activity and performance, feedback
Closing/ending the lesson
-- round up, review, summarize lesson
-- set homework
-- ending “fun” activity


skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening

methods and approaches: communicative approach, lexical approach, task-based learning, etc.

methods and techniques: gap-fill, pairs-interview, mingling-interview, information gap, pair work, group work, matching exercise, open-ended questions, etc.