Style key for photograph labels

The files in the Microbiology Teaching Pictures Collection are 750 kb in size and carry the symbol _s at the end of the file name indicating small or reduced size.

In the Clinical Gram Stain Section the abbreviated terminology in the file names is in an unusual sequence. This was done because computers sort file names by the word sequence and it seemed desirable to have it sort on the type of organisms present rather than the enumeration as follows:

In the folder Clinical Gram Stains subfolderbody fluids includ csf a file name is

csf gs gpcc-num, pmn-num, cult s aur

This name stands for: cerebrospinal fluid, gram stain, numerous gram-positive cocci in clusters, numerous polymorphonuclear cells, culture grew Staphylococcus aureus.

Many pictures are filed in more than one location in the collection, because they fit into more than one category. For example: The 15 pictures neiss-gono-gs-ureth-exudate-1…15_s are filed in the folder Bacteria I-R. The same pictures with changed names ureth-exudate-gs-neiss-gono-1…15_s are also filed in the Genital & Urine subfolder of the Clinical Gram Stains folder. Similarly, some of the pictures of enteric and non enteric gram negative rods are filed both in the Bacteria by alphabet folders and in the Gram Negative Rods Enteric or Gram Negative Rods Non Enteric folders.

Patients: In some instances there are pictures from a single patient’s specimen in more than one category. An example would be a gram stain of a lung specimen showing yeasts and culture plates showing Cryptococcus neoformans. To comply with HIPAA requirements to protect the patient’s identity there are no patient identifiers with the pictures. Instead, they are labeled at the end of each picture name with a non definitive identifier such as pt 1b, which allows the viewer to coordinate viewing the pictures in different categories. When such an identifier appears after the slide name it means there are pictures from the same patient’s specimens in other categories.

Photoshop Creative Suite 4 (CS4) was used to convert some of the large file format (TIF and NEF) files to JPEG files compatible with the web. In the process the CS4 software inserted hyphens (-) in to the file names between each word. The presence of hyphens marksmany, but not all, of the files where larger high resolution files exist.