SMART Goals and Action Plans
Goal 1: / By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, the rate of the English I students achieving ‘Level II: Satisfactory’ level on the EOC STAAR Test in Reading will increase from 43% to 70%; the rate of the English I students achieving ‘Level III: Advanced will increase from 0% to 5%. Likewise, the rate of English I students achieving Level II Satisfactory on the EOC STAAR Test in Writing will rise from 24% to 70% and from Level III Advanced will increase from 0% to 5%.
Root Cause* / Strategy/Action / Person(s) Responsible / Evidence of Implementation and Effectiveness / Resources Needed / Timeline
1. The instruction in English I in Reading and Writing was not sufficiently aligned with the STAAR test in the ’11-’12 school year. It was a brand new test. / HISD has unveiled a new curriculum which is more closely aligned with the examination. The teachers will utilize this new curriculum to create lessons / Mrs. Nuñez, Content Manager,
Mr. Gonzales. Appraiser / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Possible funds for extra teacher planning and SOSA meetings on Saturdays or in the afternoons. / Ongoing, throughout the year.
2. Effective and systematic data analysis can always be enhanced. There is not a problem of a dearth of data, rather there is a problem of an avalanche of data. Practices to better manage this data to improve instruction and target interventions can be modeled, taught and ultimately improved. / Mr. Nemec, a science teacher, has been given an extra planning period this year. He is skilled at data disaggregation and can use this extra planning period to help his colleague teachers more effectively use this information. In addition, other professional development opportunities can be offered, such as on the use of data analysis protocols. / Mr. Nemec, Science Teacher;
Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,
Principal Arredondo / Post-training satisfaction surveys can be one source of evidence. Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Possible funds for extra teacher planning and SOSA meetings on Saturdays or in the afternoons. / Ongoing, throughout the year.
3. Insufficient time spent with the instructional content is another root cause of this issue. / The school proposes to hire two hourly teachers to provide an elective (which would bear a local credit) to the students who failed either/both of these tests. The idea is that we would hire a certified SS (World Geo) teacher and a certified ELA teacher. These two teachers would intensively plan with one another so that all activities in these electives would consist or reading in World Geo, writing on World Geo (expository topics and essay style) and on World Geo content and skills (e.g. map reading.) / Mr. Nemec, Science Teacher;
Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,
Principal Arredondo / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Funds for these teachers / Hire as soon as possible, and support their teachers as the year progresses.
4. Insufficient time spent with the instructional content is another root cause of this issue. / The school proposes to continue the intersession programs called WHACP and SHACP (Winter Holiday Accelerated Credit Program and Spring Holiday Accelerated Credit Program) in order to add instructional time. In addition, the school must consider whether to have fixed and mandatory Saturday, AM or PM school to increase time. We did add a zero period this year, but enrollment goals are not being met, as of the time of this writing (9/4/2012). / Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,
Principal Arredondo / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Funds for these program. / Ongoing
5. Inconsistent disciplinary practices contributed to this issue in that the affective climate needed for optimal learning (orderly, safe, quiet, focused, free from electronic device distraction) was not consistent from classroom to classroom. As teachers did not feel that the administration consistently supported them across grade levels, their own practices were not consistent. / The SDMC approved a comprehensive and school wide discipline plan which delineates student actions and teacher/administrative consequences. / All AP’s and Principal Arredondo. / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Monitoring by Principal Arredondo of the application of this new plan by his AP’s / Ongoing
6. The block schedule did not support daily interaction with content in all subject areas. / The school has made a transition from a block schedule in ’11-’12 to a traditional (or straight) schedule in ’12-’13. / SDMC enacted this change in spring of ’12. / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / None / Monitor satisfaction and academic scores as the year progresses.
7. There is a historically entrenched achievement gap between the ‘all’ students and the LEP and SPED students. / We must arrange more professional development in best practices for these two sub groups and continue to monitor for best practices in walk-through’s. / Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,
Principal Arredondo / Satisfaction surveys for the professional developments. Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Funds to hire consultant. / Monitor satisfaction and academic scores as the year progresses.
8. There are not enough celebrations of student and teacher progress and successes. / The school must devise a plan for regular, consistent celebrations of student and teacher successes. / SDMC enacted this change in spring of ’12. / Morale and satisfaction will improve per a faculty survey. Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Funds for symbolic gifts such as trophies. Funds for gifts with inherent value will be provided by the proceeds of the White Rose Luncheon. / Monitor satisfaction and academic scores as the year progresses.
9. The ELA teachers and the Social Studies teachers should have the ability to collaborate and plan with cross curricular goals and strategies in mind. / The school must assure that the master schedule is constructed in such a way that the teachers have the same planning period, and therefore will have opportunities during the school day to plan and collaborate. / Counselors, IT Professionals, Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,
Principal Arredondo / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / None / Monitor satisfaction and academic scores as the year progresses.
* Each strategy should directly address an identified root cause
Goal 2: / By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, the passing rate for the Grade 9 students on the EOC STAAR Test in World Geography will increase from 56% to 75%.Root Cause* / Strategy/Action / Person(s) Responsible / Evidence of Implementation and Effectiveness / Resources Needed / Timeline
1. The instruction in World Geography was not sufficiently aligned with the STAAR test in the ’11-’12 school year. It was a brand new test. / HISD has unveiled a new curriculum which is more closely aligned with the examination. The teachers will utilize this new curriculum to create lessons / Mr. Reed, Content Manager,
Mrs. Camp, SOSA Leader
Mr. Lerma. Appraiser / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Possible funds for extra teacher planning and SOSA meetings on Saturdays or in the afternoons. / Ongoing, throughout the year.
2. Effective and systematic data analysis can always be enhanced. There is not a problem of a dearth of data, rather there is an opposite problem of an avalanche of data. Practices to better manage this data to improve instruction and target interventions can be modeled, taught and ultimately improved. / Mr. Nemec, a science teacher, has been given an extra planning period this year. He is skilled at data disaggregation and can use this extra planning period to help his colleague teachers more effectively use this information. In addition, other professional development opportunities can be offered, such as on the use of data analysis protocols. / Mr. Nemec, Science Teacher;
Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,
Principal Arredondo / Post-training satisfaction surveys can be one source of evidence. Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Possible funds for extra teacher planning and SOSA meetings on Saturdays or in the afternoons. / Ongoing, throughout the year.
3. Insufficient time spent with the instructional content is another root cause of this issue. / The school proposes to hire two hourly teachers to provide an elective (which would bear a local credit) to the students who failed either/both of these tests. The idea is that we would hire a certified SS (World Geo) teacher and a certified ELA teacher. These two teachers would intensively plan with one another so that all activities in these electives would consist or reading in World Geo, writing on World Geo (expository topics and essay style) and on World Geo content and skills (e.g. map reading.) / Mr. Nemec, Science Teacher;
Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,
Principal Arredondo / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Funds for these teachers / Hire as soon as possible, and support their teachers as the year progresses.
4. Insufficient time spent with the instructional content is another root cause of this issue. / The school proposes to continue the intersession programs called WHACP and SHACP (Winter Holiday Accelerated Credit Program and Spring Holiday Accelerated Credit Program) in order to add instructional time. In addition, the school must consider whether to have fixed and mandatory Saturday, AM or PM school to increase time. We did add a zero period this year, but it has not had a good result (parents seem to be withdrawing their students in droves.) / Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,
Principal Arredondo / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Funds for these program. / Ongoing
5. Inconsistent disciplinary practices contributed to this issue in that the affective climate needed for optimal learning (orderly, safe, quiet, focused, free from electronic device distraction) was not consistent from classroom to classroom. As teachers did not feel that the administration consistently supported them across grade levels, their own practices were not consistent. / The SDMC approved a comprehensive and school wide discipline plan which delineates student actions and teacher/administrative consequences. / All AP’s and Principal Arredondo. / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Monitoring by Principal Arredondo of the application of this new plan by his AP’s / Ongoing
6. The block schedule did not support daily interaction with content in all subject areas. / The school has made a transition from a block schedule in ’11-’12 to a traditional (or straight) schedule in ’12-’13. / SDMC enacted this change in spring of ’12. / Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / None / Monitor satisfaction and academic scores as the year progresses.
7. There is a historically entrenched achievement gap between the ‘all’ students and the LEP and SPED students. / We must arrange more professional development in best practices for these two sub groups and continue to monitor for best practices in walk-through’s. / Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,
Principal Arredondo / Satisfaction surveys for the professional developments. Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Funds to hire consultant. / Monitor satisfaction and academic scores as the year progresses.
8. There are not enough celebrations of student and teacher progress and successes. / The school must devise a plan for regular, consistent celebrations of student and teacher successes. / SDMC enacted this change in spring of ’12. / Morale and satisfaction will improve per a faculty survey. Scores on the common assessments will improve, including the district-created curriculum benchmarks. Ultimately, the test scores will improve. / Funds for symbolic gifts such as trophies. Funds for gifts with inherent value will be provided by the proceeds of the White Rose Luncheon. / Monitor satisfaction and academic scores as the year progresses.
9. The ELA teachers and the Social Studies teachers should have the ability to collaborate and plan with cross curricular goals and strategies in mind. / The school must assure that the master schedule is constructed in such a way that the teachers have the same planning period, and therefore will have opportunities during the school day to plan and collaborate. / Counselors, IT Professionals, Dr. Cocina, Dean of Instruction,