Skelmersdale & Ormskirk Advisory Committee

Minutes of Meeting held on 31 March 2008

49 Present

Les Abernethy

Anthony Allan

Steven Broomhead Chair

Mike Kelly

Barrie Moreton

Veronica Myers

Beverley Robinson Principal

Peter Townley

50 In Attendance

Ruth Carney

Peter Kneebone

51  Apologies for Absence

John Richardson, Andrew Ellams

52 Welcome

The Chair welcomed Anthony Allan to the committee as a nominated student representative. Anthony is in his first year of a National Diploma in Performing Arts at the college.

Anthony Allan to feedback to students a summary of the Advisory Committee meeting via the student newsletter with the support of the College Youth Worker.

Action: Anthony Allan

53  Conflict of Interest


54  Minutes of last meeting held on 21 January 2008

The minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2008 were accepted as an accurate record.

55  Matters Arising

There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.

56 Register of Actions

Ofsted – no date for inspection had been notified by Ofsted

Issues to be raised at Corporation Board – Steven Broomhead was unable to attend the last Board meeting. Questions relating to TWL and capital investment to be raised at the next Board meeting.

All other actions were complete.

57 Presentation from Director of Further and Higher Education

Peter Kneebone gave a presentation on the structure and breadth of the Further and Higher Education unit.

A number of points were clarified:

There has been a shift in courses offered this year from part time courses to full band width courses in line with government priorities.

A recruitment drive is ongoing with summer schools planned. Train to Gain recruitment is expected to upturn towards the end of 2007/08 as employers new budget year begins in April.

The expectation is for the college to achieve break even for 2007/08 as per the business plan.

58 Advisory Committee Member’s Presentation

Peter Townley, Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, Edge Hill University gave a presentation on Foundation Degrees available at Edge Hill.

Steven Broomhead suggested that the college consider working with Edge Hill University to develop Foundation Degrees for local learners. Beverley Robinson noted that Newcastle College Corporation Board had approved Leeds Metropolitan University as the preferred HEI for Foundation Degree validation.

Beverley Robinson is meeting with Robert Smedley, Dean of the Faculty at Edge Hill University in April. It was suggested that Beverley take this opportunity to discuss possible progression opportunities.

Action: Beverley Robinson

59 Chairs Report from Governor’s Meeting

Steven Broomhead apologised that he was unable to attend the Board meeting in Newcastle on 29 January. Report postponed to next meeting.

60  Principal’s Report

Beverley Robinson presented a report on progress against aims to date.

Points to note:

·  76% of staff have now been graded good or better in lesson observations undertaken by Ofsted badged consultants.

·  The earliest possible date for the Ofsted inspection is 12 May

·  Business planning for 2008/09 is well underway however the LSC will not be able to confirm allocation until the end of May.

61 New Campus

Beverley Robinson reported that the Governors together with Les Abernethy and John Richardson had identified a preferred architect and presented some initial concept designs for the new campus.

Les Abernethy circulated an up to date Skelmersdale Masterplan and a consultation document. Les reported that architects for the Sports Centre which will be located directly opposite the college had been appointed. The opening date for this facility coincides with that of the new college campus.

Steven Broomhead emphasised the importance of submitting the capital application for the new campus to the LSC as soon as possible. This is planned for the end of June 2008.

Update on the new campus to be a standard agenda item at future meetings. Steven Broomhead thanked Les Abernethy for his work on the project to date.

62 Corporate Strategy

This item was deemed confidential.

63 Meeting Cycle 2008/09

The following meeting dates for 2008/09 were agreed:

Monday 6 October 2008

Monday 24 November 2008

Ruth Carney to re-circulate dates for subsequent meetings for 2008/09 following a request to consider meeting days other than Mondays.

Action: Ruth Carney

64  Any Other Business

Advisory Committee Member’s Presentations - John Richardson to present at next meeting on 12 May 2008. Les Abernethy to present an update on the Skelmersdale Masterplan consultation on 30 June 2008.

Resignation – Ruth Carney reported that Paul Hogan (staff member) had resigned from the committee. Paul had not attended any meetings since the committee was set up due to other commitments. Nominations to be sought for two new staff members of the committee.

Action: Ruth Carney

Apologies - Veronica Myers apologised for missing a number of meetings and assured the members of her commitment to the committee.

65  Confidentiality of Business

Item 62 Corporate Strategy was deemed confidential.

66  Date and Time of Next Meeting

Monday, 12 May 2008 at 1700 hrs in Conference Room Pendle, Westbank Campus

Meeting closed: 18.40