Installation of PABXSoft Version 6 (upgrade from Version 5)

(Version 6 will be released on CD soon, but is available now as an upgrade to Version 5)

1.  Shut down all non essential programs before installing to prevent software conflicts

2.  Download the latest Call Collector and Reports upgrades from (English/Downloads/Latest Upgrades) .Do not unzip them until after installing from the CD. Your CD will contain some recent upgrades but it is always better to get the very latest from the web site if you are able to. Make sure you have your PABXSoft license key as you will need it at Step 5. (You do not need a key if you want a 14 day Free trial or ‘Demonstration’)

3.  Install Call Collector and Reports from the PABXSoft CD. (Always try and install to the default location as it makes unzipping upgrades easier). If you do not have a CD you can download from our web site.

4.  Unzip the Version 6 Call Collector and Version 6 Reports upgrades (self-extracting files that will unzip to the default locations).

5.  Browse to the PABXSoft directory (C:\Program Files \ PABXSoft) and double click PBEMAIL.

It’s very important you do this otherwise an error message will appear when you start Call Collector. Copy the license key to the PC. (We recommend C:\Program Files\PABXSoft)

6.  Start Reports, open the Setup menu and Registration and register your license (Click on ‘Purchased’, then ‘Locate’ and browse to where you saved the licence file to in Step 5 above and then click ‘Continue’).

7.  Stay in the SETUP menu and open SITE and make sure you have the correct COM port or IP Address and port, Baud rate (speed) and Telephone Model. Make sure Flow Control is always set to HARDWARE (with the sole exception of Nitsuko DXE that is set to None). Save any changes.


Australia only – Click on ‘Aust Bands’ button (next to Help button). Enter your telephone number including Area code (e.g. must be a 10 digit number) and then click ‘Calculate Bands’. Wait a few seconds until complete.

UK only – Click on ‘UK Local’ (next to Help Button). This will take you to the BT web site where you enter your telephone number and the BT site will return all Area codes that are local to you. Note down each Area code.
All except Australia- Click on ‘Find’ in PABXSoft Area Code window, enter the first Local Area code and OK. Double-click the highlighted Area code and change the costing band to ‘L’ (Local)

Save, and repeat the process for the remaining Local Area codes.

9.  Shut down Reports and start up the CALL COLLECTOR.

10.  Ensure version number ( is at least this or higher.

Make and receive some calls and ensure that data is appearing correctly in the ‘PROCESSED DATA’ window.

11.  Terminate the Call Collector and open Reports again to complete configuration as required…

Steps 1-11 describe the minimum installation requirements. The following steps will provide a more complete installation.

12. LCR Carrier Table. In order to access additional carriers, your telephone system may insert a dialling prefix in-front of the numbers you dial. If this prefix appears in the raw data from the telephone system, PABXSoft will not be able to recognise the true number dialled. These prefixes can be ‘stripped’ off using the LCR carrier table in Reports/Setup (Call Collector must be terminated before doing this)

13. Trunk Data. Each of the Trunks (Lines) connected from your carrier to the telephone system is assigned a number by the telephone system in order to identify it. (eg Line 701, 702, 703). Each of these Trunks can be either an analogue line (PSTN), digital (ISDN) service (an in some rare cases an VoIP line or leased (Tie) line). In most countries calls cost the same on either (PSTN/ISDN) type of service, but in Australia, local calls are costed differently depending on the line type. It is therefore advisable (at least for an Australian installation) to set the Trunk numbers and types up correctly in Reports/Trunk Data

14. Extension Names. You should add your entire extension number range in Reports/Maintenance/Extension Names) and assign an appropriate name to each. This makes understanding the reports a great deal easier.

15. Department Names/Members. Most businesses have Departments (Sales/Service/Accounts etc). Many of the reports in PABXSoft allow you to filter by Department. Go to Reports/Maintenance and create your Departments (Department Names) and then add the relevant extensions to each Department (Department Members)

16. Directory. PABXSoft includes a large database of destinations but you can further add to it by entering in numbers of people you call (or who call you). The reports will then show the names you entered whenever a match is made with a dialled number (or caller ID)

17. DID/DDI number and names. DID or DDI is the name given to a feature most modern telephone systems support where callers can dial straight through to the extension they want, bypassing the switchboard operator.

If your telephone system supports DID/DDI and this information is also included in the data sent to PABXSoft from the telephone system, then you can assign a name to each DID/DDI number to make it easier to understand when you run reports. (Reports/Maintenance/DID/DDI Name and Number)

18. Account Codes. If you use Account codes then enter each code and assign a name (and fee per minute if you wish to bill your time on the phone as well as the cost of the call to a client).

19. Call Rates Table. All calls processed by the Call Collector are costed at the same time. It is therefore important to ensure the correct costs are entered into the Call Rates table (and International rates table) in Reports/Setup. Instructions for this are available in a separate instruction document or by clicking the ‘Help’ button within the Call Rates setup screen.