Room 21

Twitter: @MrKoganHistory

Office Hours: Wednesday-Friday, 3:30-5:30PM, or by appointment

Content:USGovernment is semester-long course required for graduation.The course will include units on foundations of American government, political behavior:government by the people, the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, comparative political and economic systems and participating in state and local government.Current events and discussions will be an important part of the class.

Course Objectives:

Students will identify their roles in civic life, politics and government.

  • Students will identify the foundations of the American political system.
  • Students will understand how the government established by the Constitution embodies the purposes, values, and principles of American democracy.
  • Students will understand the relationship of theUnited Statesto other nations and to world affairs.
  • Students will identify their roles in American democracy.
  • Students will become familiar with current events at the local, state, national and international levels as they relate to government and how it functions.


  • A 3-ring binder dedicated to US Government History with space for bell work, notes, primary sources, and assignments
  • Loose leaf paper
  • Folders

Grading Policy

40% - Tests/Projects*
25% - Quizzes*
20% - Homework/Classwork
15% -Participation/Warm-Ups

*After every test, students will be given the opportunity to fix their mistakes for additional credit.


Classroom Rules (Entrepreneurship Standards)

  • B.1 – Demonstrate Honesty & Integrity
  • Please do not copy, plagiarism or be mean to me or anyone. Please show up on time to class.
  • B.5 – Exhibit Passion for Goal Attainment –
  • Do not sleep in class, and bring it every time!
  • Use feedback for personal growth –
  • Be better today than yesterday. Review my feedback whether academic or behavioral and be a better person.
  • B.27 – Demonstrate Creativity –
  • Use technology and your brain to find interesting solutions, but do not use cell phones or computers during inappropriate times.
  • D.25 - Foster positive working relationships –
  • Work as a team, but do not work for others in the class.

Participation Points

  • Every student will be given 25 participation points each quarter.
  • If you choose to break a rule, you will lose participation points. You can lose participation points by being rude or disrespectful to the teacher or other students, or for disrupting class in any way.
  • Tardiness: You will be marked tardy if you are NOT IN YOUR SEAT WHEN MR. KOGAN’S BELL RINGS. You will receive a "U" in citizenship if you have 3 or more tardies at the end of the quarter and lose participation points.
  • You will receive a "U" in citizenship and lose all extra credit points, past and future, for losing all of your behavior points.

Make-up Work
If you are absent it is expected that you make up the quickly to ensure full points. Late work is accepted one day after the day you are absent.

School Policies

All school policies will be followed as stated in the Ivy Handbook. (Absences, Dress Code, Behavior, etc).


Movies have been selected either as historical documents, demonstrating the beliefs of the time they were filmed in, or because they are accurate representations of an era before dramatic film. In certain occasions, this class will show films or film clips, some of which will be rated “R”. The rated “R” films may include violence and/or mature language, but scenes of sexually explicit content will not be shown.

The objective is to provide a clearer understanding and perception of various historical, political, economical, and/or social concepts.

Objecting to watching restricted movies will not impede your child’s academic progress or participation in associated lessons. If you approve or have any objections to your child viewing such films, please acknowledge and sign at the bottom of the last page.

What is Remind 101?

Remind101 provides a safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents for free. Teachers use remind101.com, Teachers never see their students’ phone numbers. Students never see theirs. Remind101 is a oneway broadcast system. Teachers cannot send individual messages to students or parents, and students/parents cannot reply.

  1. To subscribe to Mr. Kogan’s announcements, send a text message to 81010 with “p5gov” in the message box, and you will be automatically subscribed.

Complete both student and parent sections

I have read the syllabus, and I agree to abide by the rules stated above. I understand that any violation of these rules will result in grade penalties and disciplinary action.

Student Name (Print): ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______

I have read the Course Syllabus, and I understand the rules set for my son/daughter. I agree to encourage my son/daughter to comply with these rules to avoid penalties and disciplinary action.

Please check one:______YES, I will allow my child to view “R” rated films/film clip that may show some violence and/or mature language.

______NO, I will not allow my child to view “R” rated films/film clips that may show some violence and/or mature language.


Name (Print): ______Date: ______

Print Email Address:______

Phone Number:______

Parent Signature: ______