NYPTA SSIG Officer Descriptions



  • Official spokesperson of the SSIG to student members and the NYPTA.
  • Creates Executive Board meeting agendas and presides over all Executive Board and advisory panel meetings.
  • Ensures that SSIG officers perform their assigned roles, as outlined in the bylaws.
  • Moderates board discussion on progress towards goals.
  • Must not be in final year of academic program.

Vice President

  • Assists President with duties as needed.
  • Acts as liaison between the Executive Board and the Regional Representatives, and communicates regularly with them.
  • Promotes regional student activities through regular meetings with Regional Representatives.
  • Must not be in final year of academic program


  • Schedules regular Executive Board meetings and notifies relevant officers of each meeting as per bylaws.
  • Schedules Board of Representatives meetings and notifies relevant officers of each meeting as per bylaws.
  • Keeps all Executive Board and Board of Representatives meeting minutes.
  • Maintains all SSIG documents in an organized manner.


  • Proposes the annual budget.
  • Maintains record of spending throughout the year.
  • Regularly reports the financial status of the SSIG to the Executive Board.
  • Communicates with NYPTA for any requests or disbursement of funds.

Communications Chair

  • Maintains an active SSIG social media presence to improve SSIG visibility and transparency to all members.
  • Promotes opportunities for students to interact with SSIG board via social media
  • Creates a SSIG newsletter, with consultation of the President, on a bi-annual basis to improve SSIG visibility and transparency to members.
  • Ensures that all SSIG communications uphold the values of the NYPTA.


Special Events Chair

  • Creates, at minimum, one annual event to promote student learning and networking, and ensures the event does not compete with other major NYPTA or student events or opportunities.
  • Participates in planning student social events such as pub nights and lecture series.

Service Chair

  • Organizes community service events at the state and district level in coordination with NYPTA.
  • Maintains awareness of APTA community service ventures and opportunities.
  • Promotes student involvement in community service locally, nationally, and internationally by collaborating with the nationalstudent assembly.

Advocacy Chair

  • Promotes student involvement in advocacy opportunities at local, state, and national levels in coordination with the NYPTA Legislative & Payment Committee.
  • Chooses to advocate for the physical therapy profession to any or all of these groups: to the community, to legislators, or to students.

Nominations Chair

  • Leads the Nominations Committee, which is responsible for preparing a slate of candidates for each annual SSIG election.
  • Foster activities that maintain and promote a pool of nominees and prepare a slate of two candidates, if possible, for each officer position.

Regional Representative

  • Communicates with the Vice President to provide SSIG with updates on regional student activities and events.
  • Disseminates SSIG information to SSIG Liaisons of his or her respective region.
  • Mobilizes academic programs in his or her respective region to develop and participate in local events, including but not limited to social/networking events, advocacy efforts, lectures, and community service projects.