November 29, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.
Sandy Berg, Marion Fletcher, Bill Fletcher, Blaine Brinson, Nadine Primrose, Brian Buck, Tamara Wheeler, Harriette Hudson, Tracy Rosin, Carol Dyck
Missing: Lorna Miller
Meeting Chaired by Tamara Wheeler
1. Brian Buck moved that the agenda be approved with additions. CARRIED
2. The amended minutes of the October 11, 2014 minutes were moved by Blaine Brinson. CARRIED
3. Harriette Hudson submitted the treasurer’s report. Moved by Blaine Brinson. CARRIED. Harriette Hudson moved that she be authorized to transfer $15,000 to a 6 month term deposit. CARRIED.
4. Committee Reports
a) Village Council Update was provided by Blaine Brinson. Jason Olson from Bashaw has been hired as the new CAO. Playground reports have been received and a copy will be provided to the Rec and Hall committee
b) Regional Recreation Board – Sandy Berg reported about approvals for the Special Project Funding. The association will be preparing a submission for next year as the Village Square project is defined.
c) Village Square Project – it was reported that the Survey has been completed and that the architect is now working on preliminary drawings. Brian Buck moved that we pay for this work from the Casino account once Carol Dyck receives approval from the AGLC for this use of funds. CARRIED
d) Website & Advertising- The website is being linked to the Villages and a survey is being looked at.
e) Hall Maintenance – Al Tremmel provided information and a contact to have insulation added for the front roof. Nadine Primrose moved that we approve the insulation and flooring stripping. CARRIED
5. Reports on events:
.a) New Years Eve – tickets are selling to Members and all arrangements have been made. Nadine Primrose and Brian Buck met with the AGLC regarding the changes to the liquor license and provided all of the required documentation and received approval.
b) Boxing Day Hay ride – volunteers from the community have planned this annual event
c) Spring Fling – nothing to report yet, Tamara offered to help Carol with this event
d) Membership - more memberships have been purchased in conjunction with the New Year’s Eve function
e) Canada Day celebrations – nothing from the Village yet
f) Casino – Carol has been in contact with AGLC regarding the status of our casino
6. Old Business
a) Cylinder Locks have been installed by Heartland Glass. Bill Fletcher moved we pay the $20 bill for this work. CARRIED
b) Painting of Hall – Completed and Tracy Rosin has volunteered to update the sign
c) White Down Spouts – completed
d) Handicap signs - completed
e) Food Inspection Report – received and Carol Dyck will laminate and ensure it is hung in hall prior to the NYE function
f) Tennis Court Upgrade/Pickle Ball court markings – will be completed in spring
g) Webcam – Table this item until more research completed
h) Thank you to Carrie – Carol Dyck purchased a gift card and mailed to Carrie
i) Proposals – Table to next meeting
j) Farmer’s Market – This item is to be added to website to ascertain interest
k) Storage Clean up – Marion Fletcher moved bins be purchased to store items
l) LED lights – Marion Fletcher moved we purchase LED lights for building
7. New Business
a) Liability and Hall Insurance – Tamara will continue to research this including the personal liability of board members
b) Website and Advertising – Sandy Berg moved that we approve monies for the development and ongoing maintenance fees of the website as well as the purchase of a web cam for updated information. CARRIED
c) Thank you to Carrie – Marian approved the purchase of a $50 gift certificate as a thank you to Carrie, Carol to purchase. CARRIED
d) Brian Buck moved that we get a contractor to check out the insulation in the roof and if needed that we apply for a grant from the Recreation board. Carol will complete and Sandy will take to the meeting. CARRIED
e) Bill Fletcher moved that we purchase $40 cylinder locks for the front and back doors and get keys for the Village office (2) and one for each board member. Also that we purchase proper Handicap signs and white down spouts. CARRIED
8. Next meeting – February 14 at 9:00 am
9. Tracy Rosin moved the meeting be adjourned at 10:25 am