Exit Expectations for Fifth Grade Reading

Students who are performing at grade level should exhibit the following expectations:

Comprehend literally on a 5th grade reading level

Understand the literary elements of a book such as characterization, setting,

conflict/resolution, plot, and theme

Find the main idea of a reading selection

Follow written and oral directions


Predict Outcomes

Draw conclusions


Discuss, compare/contrast a variety of text

Distinguish between fact/opinion, reality/fantasy, fiction/nonfiction, and make valid


Recognize vocabulary meanings using context clues

Identify and use multiple-meaning words

Recognize figurative language

Distinguish between similes and metaphors

Understand cause & effect

Interpret graphic aids

Consult dictionary and reference sources to build or confirm meaning

Write a summary using proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

Present written, oral, and PowerPoint presentations on selected genre

Use multimedia to create and to display information

Social Studies Exit Expectations

Exit Expectations Fifth Grade U.S. History

I.Develop abilities in social studies.

A. Think clearly and solve problems about social studies (classify, observe, decide, estimate, solve, compare).

B.Talk about social studies (present, collaborate, explain, recommend and narrate) using appropriate vocabulary.

C.Make careful plans and use them (brainstorm, envision, research, and plan).

D.Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products).

II.Be able to apply social studies knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes.

A.Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information).

B.Be able to relate social studies to your life.

1. View life from other perspectives and others' point of view (compromise, cooperation, social).

2. Understand key forces (inventions, discoveries, people, events, and moments) which have shaped our world.

3. Explain the causes and effects key forces have on you, the present, and the future.

4. Use the past and present (other cultures and other places) to solve problems and make decisions.

5. Relate current events to your life (know sources related to current events, be able to talk about current events).

6. Understand rights and responsibilities of U.S.citizenship (individual, group).

  1. Possess technical skills.

1. Read/write/present instructions, table, chart, thank you letter, letter of request, letter of response, inquiry, proposal, lab report, checklist, research report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters).

2. Technology: Internet.

Exit Expectations for fifth grade Language Arts

Students who perform at grade level should exhibit the following expectations:

1. Grammar:

a. Recognize and produce the four types of sentences (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative).

b. Identify and write simple, compound, and complex sentences.

c. Use punctuation and capitalization correctly.

d. Identify and write subjects/predicates of complete, simple, and compound sentences.

e. Use nouns, verbs, verb tenses, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions correctly.

2. Writing:

a. Write to acquire knowledge, clarify thinking, improve study skills, gain confidence, and promote lifelong communication.

b. Write frequently for a variety of purposes such as narration, description, personal, persuasion, and creative expression.

c. Practice a variety of prewriting activities to generate and organize ideas

d. Recognize and demonstrate appropriate use of Standard English: usage, mechanics, spelling, and sentence structure.

e. Use available technology to research a topic.

3. Study skills:

a. Use study strategies to learn and recall important ideas from text such as note taking, and outline.

Exit Expectations for fifth grade Math

Students who perform at grade level should exhibit the following expectations:


Identify decimals to hundredths

Know exponential notation for powers of ten

Compare and order whole numbers, decimals, and fractions

Find multiples of numbers and the LCM of a number pair

Find factors of numbers and the GCF of a number pair

Know divisibility rules for 2, 3,4,5,6,9and 10

Rename improper fractions to mixed numerals

Recognize equivalent fractions

Simplify fractions

Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators

Multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers

Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals

Multiply two-digit numbers by two- and three-digit numbers

Divide by one- and two-digit numbers

Estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients

Round decimals to the nearest tenths and hundredths

Use mental math to multiply by powers of tens


Measure length accurately to the nearest eighth inch

Determine area using multiplication

Measure mass and volume given the appropriate unit

Determine elapsed time and dates

Convert simple measurements in customary and metric units


Identify, compare, and draw 2-dimensional figures (quadrilaterals,

hexagon, pentagon, octagon)

Identify and compare 3-dimensional figures

Identify properties of geometric solids (edge, face, curved surface,

vertex, base, height)

Identify multiple lines of symmetry for a figure

Define and identify congruent shapes

Define and identify similar shapes

Draw* angles (right, acute, obtuse, straight)

Represent a line, ray, segment

Identify cubes, rectangular and triangular prisms, and rectangular and

triangular pyramids from simple nets

Apply formulas for perimeter and area of rectangles

Identify and represent a circle, radius, diameter, and chord


Find and extend number patterns

Write a number sentence to solve a word problem

Evaluate simple expressions

Find missing factors in equations

Solve number sentences involving parentheses

Find missing numbers in equivalent fractions and proportions