7th Grade Syllabus

Textbook - Making Music

Welcome to General Music Class. (Room 223). Mrs. Marcone. Below is a list of topics that will be covered, along with materials used and needed for the class. You will also find the grading categories. Please review this information and maintain this document at the front of your music binder. Good Luck!

Items Needed for Class:

*  3 ringed binder with pockets (if you had one last year, you will need to update it.)

*  Pencils (at all times!)

*  3 holed notebook paper

*  Tabbed separators for each subject covered

Modules Covered

Careers In Music

*  Students will receive an overview presentation and example of a musical career.

*  Students will work in small groups to research and present a musical career of their choice to the class. They will also perform biographical research of a successful person in that career.

o  Research materials are located on the school website. (Vocal Music)

o  They students may choose to use PowerPoint, Whiteboard (as a lesson plan), or make a poster to demonstrate their findings.


The research paperwork along with the presentation will serve as assessment for this project.

Beginning Songwriting

*  Using the Blues as our focus for this year, students will learn the structure of writing a Blues song and working in small groups, compose their own.

*  Students will present their composition to the class.

American Music History (Blues Styles)

*  Students will receive an overview of Blues History and its role in American History.

*  They will analyze several listening examples for form and regional diversities.

*  Discussions will take place about Blues artists, women’s roles in Blues History, and modern artists performances and tributes to great Blues Artists.

*  Students will work in small groups to choose an artist, research biographical data about the artist and present their findings to the class, along with listening examples.


Students will turn in their paperwork by a due date for a grade. Listening examples are shared with the class.

Keyboarding and Chord Structure

*  Students will continue their study of keyboarding concepts.

*  We will review scale creation and play scales for the keys of C, G, A, E. D, F, and B major.

*  Students will learn how to create chords for the keys of C, G, and E major.

*  They will apply the concepts of the Blues form to these chords to assist in creating their compositions.


*  Students will receive individual assessment for their concepts of chord structure and piano skill growth.

*  Students will use Computer aided software and online games to assess sight-reading and rhythm skills.

Guitar (201)

*  Students will continue their study of the guitar first by reviewing chords learned last year.

*  E major, e minor, G, C, D, D7, A and a minor.

*  Continued Studies in the keys of C, G and E major.

They will receive instruction for Blues “Licks” and Form

Practice sessions


Students will work to create a Blues song using the guitar. (This is combined with the lyrics written from their Blues melody)


Students will receive individual assessment for their improvement in the instrument and its concepts.


Students will have the opportunity for introduction of Music Composition Software

*  Sibelius

*  Band in a Box

*  Garage Band

Create a song using ABACA form

Record from Piano to GB


Overall grade based on the following categories:

Class Participation(40%) – this includes behavior during class, note taking, listening skills, and your interest and interaction during discussions. This is the most important grade for this class.

Notebook(30%) – You will be required to keep an organized notebook displaying your ability of preparedness. The notebook MUST be present in every class, unless otherwise instructed. Failure to attain and provide a notebook for this class will result in a reduction of your grade by one letter. Notebooks are checked randomly throughout the marking period.

Tests(20%) – there will be very few tests in this class. That is why the CP and the Notebook categories are very important to your grade.

Responsibility(10%) – you will be graded on how well you take care of the equipment and of your respect for the tools used in the music classroom.

Classroom Rules:

*  No gum chewing

*  Find your seat and prepare for lesson in a timely manner

*  Attentiveness during Instruction Time

*  Respect for your Classmates

*  Raise your hand for questions or to comment.

*  No disorderly conduct.

Please review this form with your parent or guardian and then place it in the front of your binder for reference.

Good luck in your new music class!

Mrs. Marcone

I read and understand the music classroom rules and the syllabus content.

Signed: ______Parent Signature: ______