Regulatory Conference for plant Protection Products

Crop Protection

European Regulatory Conference

7th & 8thMarch 2018

Hotel Crowne Plaza

B-1000 Brussels

For hotel booking, see:

0900-1200 / 4 workshops
1200-1300 / Lunch
1300-1830 / Sessions 1 & 2
1830-1930 / Cocktail
2000-2200 / Conference Dinner
0830-1330 / Sessions 3 & 4
1330 - / Lunch
1400-1530 / Brexit workshop

Regulatory Conference for plant Protection Products

Day 1: Wednesday 7th March
08h15 / Registration
Human Health (& risk assessment developments / Legal / Product efficacy & precision farming / Political and agricultural policy
08h50: Chair / Chair: (tbc) / Chair: (tbc) / Chair: Norbert Weissmann, SCC / Chair: (tbc)
09h00: Presentation 1 / Exposure assessment for epidemiological studies on PPPs:Karen Galea (IOM) / Access to data case law: Legal and political implications: Gerardine Garcon, BASF / Precision farming developments Vik Vandecaveye, CNH Industrial / Learning from the political challenges to the authorisation of PPPs & Industry communication – Withorwithout - Graeme Taylor
09h30: Presentation 2 / EFSA update on HH – Andrea Terron / Recent EU case law relevant for the PPP sector: Irene Antypas, Ashurst / Precision farming – what does it mean for the PPP uses and the approval process? Martin Schaefer, BASF(tbc) / Cumulative Impact Assessment – Update - Steward Redqueen(tbc)
10h00: Panel / With Norbert Schingmann
10h10: Coffee
10h40: Presentation 3 / Human health challenges for industry (e.g. CRA, genotox) – Phil Botham, Syngenta / Recent case law on protection of regulatory data – Claudio Mereu, FieldFisher(tbc) / Simplify efficacy for today and the future MS expert (tbc) / SUD - Developments and national implementation audits - Tsvetana Georgieva, DG SANTE
11h00: Presentation 4 / Environmental guidance documents – update - Kees Romijn, Bayer / SPCs and EU Unitary patents Update – Bettina Wanner, Bayer(tbc) / Simplify efficacy, today and the future – a minor use perspective – Jeroen Meeussen / SMART resistance management project – Lin Field,Rothamsted (tbc)
11h20: Presentation 5 / Tox21 / Risk21 – Tina Mehta, DowDuPont / Adapting to the environment in product registrations: Dr. Joachim Kranz, SCC / Individual farmer’s viewpoint - (tbc)
11h40: Panel / Panel with CAAT, HSi?
12h00: Conclusion & close
Day 1: Wednesday 7thMarch
12h00 / Lunch
13h00 / Session 1: Overview of current challenges
Chairman: tbc
13h10 / Welcome address - Jean-Philippe Azoulay, ECPA Director General
13h20 / Update on implementation of Regulation 1107/2009 - Klaus Berend, DG SANTE
13h50 / Regulation 1107/2009 - challenges for today and the future - Martyn Griffiths, Bayer
14h15 / Main issues for national authorities in the AS and product evaluations? - Barbara Oliveira. Portugal (tbc)
14h40 / Opportunities to improve the legislation and implementation? - Pavel Minar, Czech Republic
14h05 / Question and answer(Inc. Steve Kozlen, ECCA)
15h30 / Coffee break
Session 2: Active substance evaluation update
16h00 / AS review programme - Wolfgang Reinert, DG SANTE
16h25 / MS challenges in AS review evaluation–Luuk van Duijn, CTGB(tbc)
16h50 / EFSA update on active substances review–José Tarazona orBenedicte Vagenende, EFSA
17h15 / Managing the uncertainty in the risk assessment process – what options for risk managers? - Kiki Machera; Greece(tbc)
17h40 / Key hurdles from assessment to decision making - Jane West, Syngenta
18h05 / Panel discussion
18h30 / Cocktail evening debate
Topic: Does science still have a role in EU decision making on food policy issues?
Gerald Bronner, Professor at Université Paris-Diderot(tbc)
Paul Leonard, BASF / Sponsored by:
20h00 / Conference dinner / Sponsored by:
Day 2: Thursday 8thMarch
Session 3: Product evaluation challenges
08h30 / Chairman’s introduction
08h35 / Challenges and focus of the Post approval issue group–Darren Flynn, CRD(tbc)
08h50 / Industry view on key challenges in product authorisation - Christophe Corman, Arysta(tbc)
09h10 / Article 43 - where's the silver bullet? - Christian Prohaska, AGES, Austria
09h35 / South zone update – Pasquale Cavellaro or J-L Alonso Prados(tbc)
10h00 / Northern zone update - Vibeke Moeller, Denmark(tbc)
10h25 / Panel discussion (with Darren Flynn PAI chair)
10h45 / Coffee break
Session 4: Science update & Legislative review
4a: Science update
11h15 / Update on endocrine disruption and other scientific guidance issues - Karin Nienstedt, DG SANTE
11h40 / Scientific developments likely to impact on regulatory implementation - Member State (tbc)
12h00 / Industry viewpoint on guidance documents under discussion (Feedback from workshop 1) – Kees Romijn
12h15 / Panel discussion
Legislative review
12h40 / Introduction to the panel discussion by chairman
12h50 / Panel discussion with:
Klaus Berend
José Tarazona
Luuk van Dijn
13h30 / Lunch
Workshop: Likely implications of Brexit
14h00 / Introduction
14h05 / Current status, impact on EU process and likely implications in PPP evaluations – Dave Bench, CRD (tbc)
14h35 / The industry viewpoint in the UK – Janet Williams, Bayer & Beth Cannell, CPA
15h00 / Panel discussion; Questions and answers
15h30 / Close