Hugh Neil - Chairperson None
Margaret Gilchrist - Vice Chairperson
Linda Murray - Treasurer
Lesley Campbell – Clerk.
Eileen Stewart
Lorraine Galloway
Lynda Rogerson
Lisa Chalmers - Headteacher
Mr Milligan - Depute Head
Clare McEvoy – Acting Depute Head
Previous Minutes
Meeting 25thApril 2016 - Minutes approved
Chair’s Update
Hugh welcomed everyone and thanked the previous office holders for their help and support. In particular thanks went to Eileen for her support and guidance during the handover of chairperson to Hugh.
£55 was raised at Summer Fayre, HN handed this in to school office.
HNstated he was pleased P.C. were involved in the interview process of appointment of Acting DHT.
New school website discussed. General feeling was it was hugely improved and much easier to navigate round and to access information.
Concerns raised around the Twitter feed . Agreed that this is the danger of a Live Feed. The possibility of a Filter was suggested.
Student leaders to work on pupil section. Pupils to populate the site.
P.C .to input own section of website every Quarterand to email Lisa with content. HN volunteered to take this forward.
Lisa keen for the website to stay current and to be regularly updated.
Education Scotland to update website.
Lisa and various Departments are giving consideration to submitting a regular Blog. PC members recognised the time considerations involved in this.
Pupil design of new PC Logo
HN to meet up with pupils from Art Dept to discuss/ design a flyer and logo for PC. Ideas to be approved by P.C. at future meetings .
Photos of P.C. for flyer to be explored further... general feeling of reluctance for close ups !
Head Teacher’s Report
Welcome to the start of a new session and any new members.
Staffing Update
Welcome to Clare McEvoy who is undertaking the role of Act DHT.
Brian Kerr is now fulfilling the role of Act FH Social Subjects.
DHT post has now closed, we are also looking for a temporary teacher of Modern Languages and a temporary teacher of Design & Technical.
New S1 have settled well and uniform standards are very high. S6 pupils have been allocated as buddies and also to Personal Support classes to support teachers.
Following a rigorous selection process the following pupils have been appointed as Student Leaders and House Captains.
Student Leaders
Nicola Jamieson
Kirsten McMenemy
Elisse Porter
Marie-Ann Wales
House Captains
Cerys Seaton &Clare Monaghan
Rachel Waddell & Lyle Robertson
Emma Brown &Karen Rodger
Martin Madden & ShaunRoddan
Junior pupils will be involved in the selection of prefects on Friday of this week. We will also be looking to identify junior year group ambassadors who will support the House Captains and Student Leaders in leading activities.
Astra Base
The Astra Base has opened and so far things are running well. The offer of a tour of the base is being made for the next Parent Council meeting on 31st October at 6.15pm. A parent drop-in is taking place on 22nd September and an official opening on 27th October with representatives from NAC being invited. Any PC members who would like to attend the official opening should let LC know.
SQA Prize giving
The SQA prize giving ceremony takes place on Thursday 15th September at 7pm. Top performers in individual subjects from S4 and S5 as well as Dux Boy/Girl and ProximeAccesserunt will be announced. House Captains and Student Leaders will also be badged at this time.
Senior Phase Curriculum Evening
The SP Curriculum Evening takes place on 6th October. Senior students will be giving information to parents/carers and learners about what it takes to be successful in the SP as well as the usual presentation about SQA structure and assessment and curriculum structure.
What would be beneficial for parents/carers to know at this time?
P7 Open Evening
Takes place on 29th September. Do Parent Council want a stall or input to the evening? The format will be an introduction to the school and tour of departments. Senior students and new S1 will be involved.
Website & Newsletter
There was no consensus from PC about the input to the website although Maureen and Eileen did work on something.
Do PC want a regular input to the school newsletter?
One of the Student Leaders will be working with me on school publications.
Also will be re-vamping the school handbook – to do it cheaper and update the format and have it ready earlier.
Initial S4 attainment is slightly down on last year which was predicted.
Initial S5 Higher attainment has improved at 3,4 and 5 Highers.
“Insight” update will become available at the end of this week and will be used to develop key messages for staff and pupils on attainment measures.
BGE analysis meetings have taken place with all departments.
SQA analysis meetings are ongoing this week.
Best attainment was in PE this session at both N5 and Higher level.
Discussions throughout Lisa’s report
P7 open night - General feeling was that P.C. presence was not required. A schoolbag drop of new P.C. leaflet would be made to feeder primaries nearer the start of new session. )
Treasurer’s Report
Linda Murray gave a summary report .Accounts have been audited .
Parent Council account remains the same at £692.24 .
Parent Council Fund Raising account is £793.92.
Funds available to donate to School groups. Discussions aroundschool groups / clubs submitting a request/ bid to P.C. for special projects/ activities. Lisa to give consideration into what school needs..... Eco Committee mentioned as a possible recipient.
Any other Business
School Improvement Plan has been distributed to P.C. and is on school website.
Sponsored Walk taking place at school on the afternoon of Friday 16th September.
Date of next meetings –
Monday 7th November 2016 - earlier time of 6.15 for those wishing to tour the new Astra Base.
Dates previously set at year end but to be confirmed this session.
5th December
30th January
13th March
24th April
5th June
All meetings on Mondays at 6:30pm