
Your mission during this WebQuest is to educate yourself about political parties in the United States. Over the course of this assignment you will learn about the two main political parties andthird parties, as well as,hopefully gaining a better insight about where you fit in.

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This assignment is broken down intofour parts. Parts 1 - 3 require you to have access to a computer with internet capabilities, and Part 4 will require paper and markers or colored pencils.

You will turn intwofinal products. The first is the Political Party Quest Doc you will fill out as you work. The second is a flyer you will attach to it.

Part 1: Donkeys and Elephants

Part 2: Three's a Crowd

Part 3: Where do I fit?

Part 4: Create-a-party (flyer and platform)

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Be sure to complete all steps! Items inREDwill require you to WRITE your answers down.

Part 1 "Donkeys and Elephants: The Democratic and Republican Parties"

Step 1: Learn a little about the history of Political Parties in the United States.

Go to read the article. You maystopreading when you reach the section called "Third Parties."Answer the questions in your Political Parties Quest Doc.

Step 2: Learn about what our parties currently stand for.

Use the following websites:

  1. The Democratic National Committee's website:
  2. The Republican National Committee's website:
  3. A guide from the New York Times which compares the parties' platforms

Instructions:Pick three planks from their platform (three issues that are important to them) to analyze. Examples: Health Care, Energy, National Defense, the Economy or Education. Once you have chosen three planks,write down their stance on the issue (that means how the party feels about it and what they plan on doing about it) in the chart provided for you.

Part 2 "Three's a Crowd: Third Parties"

Step 1: Read the article "Outside the mainstream" at:answer the questions in your Quest Doc.

Step 2: Find third parties at:

Instructions:Scroll down the website until you see third parties.Read aboutTEN (10) third parties.The best way to find a party’s beliefs or stances is by going to their website: CLICK ON THE NAME OF THE PARTY (It’s red and bold) to go to their site.Look for a section on their website titled either “PLATFORM,”“ABOUT US,” or “WHAT WE STAND FOR.” Some extreme party sites may not be appropriate for school. Use your best judgment when viewing sites, or go to an alternative page about them if their site is blocked.Fill out information about them in the chart provided.

*Read before you move on.A note from the teacher: The next part of this assignment involves your personal beliefs.I will not share any of this with anyone else, so please be honest with all of your answers.While taking these quizzes IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION, A WORD OR TERM, LOOK IT UP!YOU’RE ON THE INTERNET, THE WORLD IS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!

Part 3 "Where do I fit?"

QUIZ 1: World's Smallest Political Quiz

Step 1: Go to:and take this short quiz.

Step 2: Write your results down in the document.

Step 3: Plot your location on the chart.

QUIZ 2: 2006 Political Ideology Selector

Step 1: Go to the following website:

Step 2: Answer the 20 Questions then click on “SHOW MY RESULTS.”Remember to rate each question on importance and PREDICT what you think your #1 result will be.

Step 3: Write your results in the chart provided.

QUIZ 3:2008 Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidate Selector

Step 1: Go to the following website:
Step 2: Answer the 24 Questions then click on “SHOW MY RESULTS.”Remember to rate each question on importance and PREDICT what you think your #1 result will be.

Step 3: Write your results in the chart provided.

Part 4 "Create-a-party "

Create anoriginalthird party. Make either a flyer or a bumper sticker promoting your party. Be sure to include:

  • Word or Picture: Include a caption or illustration
  • Design: Make yours colorful and neat
  • Platform: On the back write out three planks for your party (their stance or view on particular issues)

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I hope you learned something about political Parties in the United States. Being informed is a vital part of citizenship in our country.Your next step? Vote when you turn 18, and let your voice be heard.

Please be certain that you completed all required parts of the assignment. See Evaluation to check on how you will be graded.

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You will be graded on two fronts: the completion of your WebQuest document and your 3rd party flyer

0 / Beginning
1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
4 / Your Score / Your
Quest Doc / Not turned in, or containing a negligible amount of information. / The document is missing multiple elements. The overall quality of the work is poor. / At least one element of the document is missing. The overall quality of the work is average. / All elements of the document are complete. The overall quality of the work is good. / All elements of the document are complete. Overall the quality of the work is excellent.
Create-a-party flyerand platform / Not turned in, or containing a negligible amount of information. / Contains many spelling and grammatical errors. It was incomplete and confusing; a reader would gain little meaningful information about your party. / Contains some spelling and grammatical errors. It was somewhat complete and not overly confusing; a reader would gain some meaningful information about your party. / Contains few spelling and grammatical errors. It was substantially complete and generally clear; a reader would gain meaningful information about your party. / Contains no spelling and grammatical errors. It was complete and clear; a reader would gain a great deal of information about your party.
Behavior and focus / The student was disruptive and ill-behaved. / The student did not use time wisely in the computer lab, and did not stay on task. / The student carried out some of the required work and stayed somewhat on task. . / The student carried out most of the work required and stayed fairly on task. / The student carried out all the work required, and stayed on task.